The holiday season comes to Sanctuary! From December 16, 11:00 a.m.–February 5, 11:00 a.m. PST you can recover precious gifts from Hell’s Helpers and earn lauded loot.
Thank you very much happt holidays!
Thanks for the news. Hopefully we’ll hear something pertaining to the next season ptr.
That said:
Each Gift could also contain one of the following items:
- Cosmic Wings
- Falcon’s Wings
Well hopefully anyone who’s been hunting (and are still hunting) for the cosmic wings will have a much greater chance of acquiring them now.
Honestly though, this could’ve been a great opportunity to bring out the wings that were in a older ptr, yet never made it out to live, like the bat wings, etc.
we worked hard
What a lie it was.
While I would’ve preferred hearing about the next PTR and what S28 might bring, this is still a nice little thing. I’m not going to scoff at the increased chance of getting the elusive Cosmic Wings. Also for those players who don’t yet have the Quinquennial swords this might be the only way to acquire them.
Need to play non-season to max out my chances for the Cosmic Wings, more or less all other cosmetics I have already I think.
Something to do with my 100k forgotten souls lol. I hope to farm enough mats for generational wealth lol.
This is amazing for casual players. Love it.
Regular or dedicated players probably won’t see as much benefit, but still great to flesh out the cosmetics collection and an easier time getting bounty mats.
I’ll take it!
This is cool – thank you!
No gift to finish a GR150 in 5mins?
Are these the Cosmic wings from Whimsyshire(Dale?) os the ones from one of the seasons.
If their the Whimsy ones this is probably my best chance to get them.
Missing some of the equipment cosmetics too I think.
The transmogs, pets and such are of zero interest for me - I have them, including Cosmic Wings and also both Quinquennial Swords which are now unobtainable otherwise. For all those, who are desperately looking for these, this is very nice.
As for me - the bounty mats… yes, gimme… moar! I’m sick of doing bounties, this is excellent.
And then, there’s this:
Sword of Mediocrity
Coal (Glowing Ore)
Hmmm… what the heck?
Thanks Blizz, appreciated
Im excited about the cosmic wings. Thats a pretty big include.
This event will be good either for those who want to finish collecting transmogs or cosmetics (like wings and such) and/or those who wish to amass bounty materials.
yup, I was extremely lucky to get them. Stumbled into the second or third RBG portal after the wings were added and bam, they dropped. But ten years nothing? That’s hard. Good luck to you!
So no patch notes… Coal for the devs, 16 tons each.
Can I say I hate you?
If that makes you feel any better, by my guest.
yeppers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well i guess atleast we have another way to get legendary materials outside bounties.
Honestly, I wouldn’t had minded this in a new season.