S33 has ended,but I didn't get anything from S33

Before the end of the season on NA server I took some screenshots of what I have (materials, gold, blood shards), since I was affected by season “restart” and was pretty sure I will not get mail.
You know, just to be sure.
When I compared my resources after the season was closed, it turns out nothing that I collected during those two weeks after the “reset” got transferred over to non-season. And the only mail I have is 5 Haedrig’s Gifts from 2 weeks ago (each item in mail says “Expire in 16 days”) that I was given upon season “reset” (I got 6, but used one with the head piece for the Altar).

I’m in similar situation here, I’ve spent one of my rollback to clean up any advantages or disadvantages from NS equipment after season 33 restoration(the only possible and acceptable point of restoration was for when the migration took place), doing well additional 1100+ paragons(progress was transferred, mail etc.), full altar(Staff of Herding farmed again), many materials, primals, all is gone for the moment. Raised a ticket and got „Unfortunately, we don’t have an immediate solution or workaround to offer just yet.” reply. I assume it needs some smart migration DB application with tests. Hope dies the last…

Same here. After 5th january , i continued playing without a rollback , did the altar again , farmed 2079 paragon (stated in seasons records) ,primals , materials ,gold , 25 puzzle rings ,bounty mats and alot more . Would an account rollback work ? But as stated on rollback page all my crafting materials would be set to 500 cap for each ,and i have 80k each … seriously WTF !!! Please reply with a blue post !!! Probably blizzard emplyees are too busy harassing women than working . Would there be a fix or NOT ??? Helllloooooooo ! Boy im angry and frustrated …


Same here. Anything in the seasonal stash is now gone, no mail, no nothing.
It really sucks because this is the first time i actually played the game seriously and enjoyed grinding.

Does noone from the DEV team play D3? NOT ONE? Not one who is affected, too? Come on! Just let people have their paragons and stash!

Same here,waste so much time playing and now paragon levels,item,crafting materials did not transfer to non seasonal character

We need a blue post this is ridiculous!

Launcher says season 33 is still alive and well, so don’t expect much. Only thing they are doing well is making players abandon this game.

The only portion that was lost was from the two weeks after the season was resumed. All the gains from the prior 10 weeks all transferred over to NS when the season ended the first time.

That happened at the end of S32 as well. It finally changed when S33 started.

With D3 being retired, there’s far less attention being paid to it.

Friend, how can we persuade Blizzard to pay attention to this accident and solve this problem? The biggest concern is that Blizzard chooses to ignore it. The players are innocent in this accident, They lost all their gains from the past two weeks.

All that can be done is social media. Bliz forums, reddit, X, where ever. But that’s not a guarantee that Bliz will agree with the community’s sentiment.

The biggest obstacle is that D3 is retired. It’s very low priority, as all retired games typically are. So it may not be that it’s being ignored, it could also be an intended, conscious decision to not remedy the situation.


So we should post on x? I bet they won’t do any screw ups on D4 or else Elon Musk will b1tch. If someone gets Elon interested in D3 and this current fiasco I bet Blizz will pick up steam and move. Are the not any Devs playing D3? Not one? Not one that can do something about this?

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I am having the same issue

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So people affected like myself, angry, frustrated, dissapointed …should form a group and make a lawsuit aganst blizz for compensations . I dont take lightly this type.of behaviour . I was happy with my primal items, bounty mats , etc now im angry and frustrated cause im missing them. Also took me time to farm . I want my time back …


Can’t hurt to hit them from multiple angles.

There are no devs at all.

Absolutely there’s someone/people that could do anything Bliz wants. However, it’s Bliz that’s choosing to or not to do something.

No attorney or firm in their right mind is going to take a case like that. The fees alone would be in the tens of thousands of dollars. And the recovered damages would be what? Time? Not to mention the suit would be over a video game to boot.

Never underestimate nerds with alot of money cough Elon cough Musk. All we need is 1, yes just 1 nerd with alot of money being super bored and loving D3, like Musk loves D4 and SHABANG! blizz has a lawsuit over a video game lost time.

Not like Blizz doesn’t deserve lawsuits. Just my opinion.

PS: In the financial world, time equals money. So people claming time isn’t valuable have to rethink.

Over a bug that occurred in a video game? Sure, a firm maybe willing to take fool’s money.

But, say, $10,000 to $50,000 depending on how long the defendant drags it out, only to recover, say, the price that was paid for the game, at best? It’s not a matter of who’s willing to sue, it a matter of recovering damages. Your one nerd will blow a chunk of money for $40? Even if Bliz was forced to refund the price of the game to a class of defendants, it wouldn’t even be an inconvenience for a multibillion dollar multinational conglomerate.

No, I think people’s fantasizing about sticking it to Bliz over a video game (not personal injuries, not scams that drain savings, not employers who discriminate, etc) has them denying the reality that no one out in the real world is going to think that the current D3 issue is worth thinking once about.

Not all time is.

The time spent gaining and losing pixels is in no way even close to the time spent contracting a corporate merger that one side defaults on, for example.

What people need to rethink is the reality that the D3 issues are not important relative to all the real issues in life.

Hey I’m not gonna argue with you over here what your see as valuable or not. If it comes to a lawsuit, it’s merited and blizz deserved what is coming at them. If not blizz will lose more players over time as the screw ups mount. Who cares right, cuz for blizz money grows on tress for blizz. Oh wait.

Remember, customers are always right.

We bought the game, we want to play it without bugs. I understand the whole sue/not sue blizzard over a $40 game, but this type of horrendous bugs and lack of support can impact future sales going forward.

I myself was planning to buy Diablo 4. However, after this issue? I wont give it 1 dollar.

Keep in mind, there’s a big difference between D3’s and D4’s support level.