S33 has ended,but I didn't get anything from S33

On January 5th, I received everything from S33 in non- season, but the problem was that from January 5th to 19th, all items and materials from S33 were not sent to me today.


Did you do a rollback? Or did you continue without?

I, for one, continued with empty stash etc (since I retained my farming build), but whatever I collected since, it’s lost (did not get it in today’s mail)


Sorry to hear that. It’s really a shame how they handled the unintended stop on the 5th. The last official post was basically saying: “sorry for the abrupt end, we’ll make s33 playable again”. Well, they didn’t, instead we got this glitchy state with mixtures of non-seasonal and seasonal gear/paragon. Seeing how there was nothing done after the faulty restart, I’m afraid nothing will be done about the missing items as well. Of course I hope I’m wrong…

I’m glad I was too frustrated by the false season end to bother keeping playing. But now those brave people who did are even more punished, it’s just sad. A big apology and some treats like activating holiday gifts in s34 are overdue. I doubt we’ll see any of this though, it seems to me like there is no one left at Blizzard who is paid to care about D3.


I didn’t, like many players, choose to rollback after Blizzard dealt with the abnormal end of S33 issue after January 5th, because I didn’t want to waste an opportunity to rollback. I had to unlock the Altar again starting from January 6th, but S33 ended today, and all the gains in the past two weeks of S33 haven’t been given to me. By the way, if anyone choose to rollback after that event on January 6th, they will normally receive the item email sent by S33 today.
Therefore, today’s accident damaged the interests of players who did not rollback.

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the same thing happened to me

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My only request is to receive the items, paragon, materials, etc. from the past two weeks in S33 as soon as possible.

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Hi everyone,
Same here, i received nothing from the season, and in fact my characters are still in season on this sunday 19 january.
I was making a pause during the season and wasn’t there when the bug occured and it was resolved before i came back in the game (round the 10th of january or so). As i wasn’t missing anything, i didn’t have to make a rollback when i came back.
And here i am now…

Hey Leal,

There’s a handful of reports of this that have come in.

When the season was restarted, was the character(s) one that was automatically transferred back to the season, or was it a newly created seasonal character?

The EU season hasn’t ended yet. There’s still two hours left as of this post.

On January 5th, the season ended abnormally. On January 6th, Blizzard discovered the problem and restarted S33. My character in S33 has changed from a non season character to a seasonal character, the paragon has been transferred to non-season, and the Altar became unlocked.

Okay, so it was a character that was automatically transferred back to the season when it restarted. Thanks.

That’s true. you’re welcome

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Same here.

I had only one seasonal hero on Asia… one where the season ended prematurely on 5 Jan and then re-started. When the season ended, I had emptied the stash e-mail of all items.

When the season re-started, I did not do a roll-back so I only had the free Haedrig set provided.

When Season 33 ended again, I had 916 paragon points and many “new” items in my stash… armour, weapons, gems… the usual. Those items were not transferred to non-season.

Note: It appears also that paragon points were not transferred… my existing non-season heroes do not have supplementary paragon points to allocate. It’s as if I didn’t play after the season re-start.

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When the season restarted, was it a character that was auto transferred back to season? Or was it one you created new?

It was a character that was auto transferred back to season.


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Season 33 has now ended on Europe.

I had no seasonal hero there… so I created one about 3 minutes before the end of the season.

The little I picked up was stored in the stash and then I waited for the season to end… Once the season had ended, I quit D3 (my seasonal hero was still marked as seasonal) to reset… restarted the game and logged in my now non-season hero. No envelope for the stash… :frowning:


Oops, my bad sorry for the inconvenience, i thought it ended yesterday at midnight…
Didn’t notice the time schedules, were they communicated via the launcher ?

I have the same problem on Eu server. 10 days ago when season ended prematurely I got a mail with items send, but I did not reroll. And as Blizzard started season again, some non-season items which had sorted and collected over the years were on the seasonal char on which i sorted my stash. Now that season ended again, I did NOT receive ANY MAIL and some precious items were on season! I will be super upset and angry if I do not get any mail, as there were COE rings from non-season from many years!!! and many items on season.

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Obviously there’s going to be some issues in a few hours when NA ends. Next hurdle after that will be the S34 start. If mail is broken, will Haedrig’s sets work? I guess an initial indicator will be if the two transmogs that I get at the start of every season turn up…

Okay so it seems that re-transferred and newly created characters didn’t have anything go to NS. But unaffected characters had everything go over to NS normally. (I had an unaffected character on EU and it transferred over correctly, ie with mail, paragon, etc.)