S26 - the Season of Instaskip

And Barbs usually seem to be in there all the time. Funny the cries from Barb mains the moment they are no loner the top dog for like 10 years running,

Not a single barb is crying. In fact we have not had a top build since lamentation was nerfed in PTR many years ago. Wondering were you get your data?


Which would be absolutely trivial to fix but whatever. :roll_eyes:
Actually if I remember correctly the most overpowered Barb build was Raekor at one point. Wrath was garbage for quite a while.

I went thru the world leaderboards because I was uncertain of the facts but it shows that barb has not had the top build since era 1 and 2. On top of that after those first two eras most of the following era they have been many teirs below the top class.

Just a quick glance at class performance for more recent

Era 12 barb was 2nd
Era 13 barb was about equal to wiz for 5th
Era 14 barb was 5th
Era 15 barb is 5th

You were right about the 5000 in a week, actually it was 5000 in a season:

As for Firebird, sure some people could reach 125-130 GR and some couldn’t. It all depends on your items. If you were extremely unlucky with rolls than you couldn’t reach 130 GR.

If you’d checked the leaderboards you would see that some people can clear a 130 GR with 1500 paragon or even lower than that while some do it with over 3000 or highier in season with a strong the theme

EN’s might have been easy before with the shield pylon

I wonder if it will as easy right now, but it wouldn’t surprise me if some players will find a way. Just wonder how much paragon will those players have, cause right now it will be a pain in the a$$ to do EN’s with any build you want and you’ll probably need a specific class and build to be able to reach up to 140-150 GR.
Unless ofc there will be another exploit that most “elite” players will abuse…

As for PTR I never said it’s not possible to gain 1000 paragons in PTR, ofc it is and it’s not that hard.
If you’d actually read carefuly what I wrote you would see that I did 137 with less than 1000 paragon and you even quoted it and haven’t noticed it…
I might have get up to maybe 140-145 too before they messed the EN’s up with all the “changes” to please the few…
Just because some people could reach up to 150 GR before the “changes” doesn’t everyone could or they could, but just got bored with EN’s…

Yeah - thanks for this valuable contribution. Should you, contrary to expectations, be interested in a substantive discussion of the problems, I recommend this thread.

Echoing Nightmare in HC - PTR Feedback - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

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You might as well ask for an arm & a leg in this case.

Maybe S27 will see the AH return :wink:

It is a skip season for me. ENs on ptr had been sorta fun after they jazzed em up but now without the stuff they pulled out for live its sorta pointless.

The GR changes are a welcome addition but they still left the worst maps and that is literally all that is new for this season. Not really a point in playing season vs. non season so I will just mellow out for the season on non season.

I think a lot of the anger on this board stems from the fact that players test the changes free of charge for Blizzard, provide feedback and it feels as if whatever feedback is provided the exact opposite of it is implemented.


At least want double goblins or double bounty bags to make it feel worth it.


Ill play, for a few days max just to get the journey done then its back to the waste bin.

I think when doing a season that’s about a permanent addition to the game - as many have speculated is the case with Echoing Nightmares - it would be good to include double of something. Goblins are the most fun, bounty bags the most useful, blood shards are better than nothing.

Here’s my vote for ending this sad trash and moving onto S27.


It figures that when I have my absolute best season start ever, it’s for an almost completely pointless season. I’ll be done with D3 until S27 as soon as I finish the journey tomorrow or Monday. Should have just done double gobs or bounties again instead of this.


No-theme would’ve been better than this crap.

It wouldn’t be so crappy if devs once again wouldn’t favourise group players over solo and actually made the EN keys drop almost like normal GR keys in T13-T16…
Honestly if the drop rate was 75-100% for above GR 50s there would be no drama right now at all…


Well I sure hate to say “told ya so”, but…told ya so.

You dislike the season, yet you partake in it. Ironic.

says the guy that also says

No perma die in HC is not HC thats called SC

this is sad it;s like we skipping a seson it sucks im paragon 789 and got 1 nightmare