Your damage reduction is increased by 0.75 - 0.95%f or every 1% Life you are missing After loosing 20% Life, take 60-80% reduced damage for 8 seconds, up to 80 seconds.
Boost a currently underused item
Offer more options to mitigate damage for the Necromancer
Helps during Land of the Dead and its cooldown, or when you Blood rush in corridors
Pairs well with Blood Rush / Metabolism, Corpse Lance / Blood Lance, Corpse Explosion / Final Embrace
I doubt you know anything about necro…and with the 5% damage reduction on 80% hp achieve immortal match with bone spear necro? Necro is doing solo spd gr in 5minutes?
necro by default weaker than other class? are you seriously joking with one of the hardest class?
Pestilence set with land of death+captain set can turn into 100% cooldown reduction means 100% damage reduction, the only class able to achieve this.
“First, the class you play has a huge effect on how much or how little damage you take. Naturally, Monks, Barbarians, and Crusaders take 30% less damage compared to the Wizard, Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor, and Necromancer.”
Immortal Necro already exists :
Immortality it is not a big deal and it does not help you to finish Greater Rifts in time. It just smooth a little bit the gameplay.
I updated the description to reflect Aquila terms.
At zero Life all damage taken is reduced by 500%, which means you will divide the damage by 5.
I’m simply telling you that necro is the only class that had immortal build as what I stated with the set combination and land of death, not asking you me the video, lol.
of course most people know the str class has dmg reduction but you shall also know that their tough build is only for support. With their own pushing GR gear, that has provide much more less dmg reduction compare to necro. See how much the bone spear necro’s simulacrum had provide the dmg reduction while maintain the dps at the same time.
So with your “ring” that a Single Piece slot that “Replace” the whole set of pestilence/captain/landofdeath, which is totally of 7 slot+1 skill to “achieve Immortal”
I updated the description and replaced “damage reduction increased” by “damage taken reduced”. It is now more like a 10x Aquila, at the cost of Life Lost.
Dividing damage by 5 is what band of might does, with 80% damage reduction. Instead of 100 damage, you take 20 damage. 100/5 = 20. 500% damage reduction does not mean anything.
If you want to make it work with 1-5% DR, you need the stacks to be multiplicative with themselves. At 5% DR, at 1% HP, you’re looking at (1 - (0.95^99)) = 99.4% damage reduction. At 50% health, it’s 92% DR. At 80% health, 64%.
I updated the description to create a Band of Might effect on 20% Life lost, duration stacking 10 times.
It should help during Land of the Dead and its cooldown, or when you Blood rush in corridors.