S24 Idea - Mirror Dimension

Mirror Dimension

  1. Inverted maps
  2. Inverted set powers (first and last set bonuses inverted)
  3. Dimensional weakness (all players) / Dimensional resistance (hardcore players)
  4. At a regular interval, you are assaulted by a deadly army of mirror clones (crystal simulacrums) that scales with your level & party. They loot resources, ancient/primal items, mirror dust
  5. Mirror dust can be used to reforge an item while preserving its quality (New Kanai recipe)


  • Inverted maps, horizontaly and/or vertically, break habits & monotony. Remain after season
  • Inverted set powers (2p brings powers of 6p and vice-versa) allow new combinations
  • Dimensional Weakness helps to balance the game (N times less damage and resistance). Hardcore players benefit from Dimensional resistance. But their damage is still affected by Dimensional Weakness.
  • Mirror clone ambush on a regular basis breaks monotony. 2 possibilities here. Spawning new ennemies as mirror clones, or transforming current ennemies into mirror clones because they reveal their true nature.
  • Mirror dust helps to recycle trash primals. Remain after season (recycle enchantress mirror)

Seasonal strategy

  • Create a softcore character / Get sets
  • Create a hardcore character / Equip sets & unleash full power… until you die.

The first idea is fine.

The second results only power creep. No thanks.

The third could be fun.

The fourth is going to annoy the hell out of HC players.

The idea is 3) nullifies power creep of 2)

Fair point. I updated and balanced this by excluding HC players from Dimensional weakness. It means HC players are super powerful, but they can die instantly because being HC. Good balance between risk / reward. A good strategy would be to start with a softcore character, get sets, then create a HC character for your second run, so you can equip it with multiple sets and unleash your full power.

Keep telling yourself that…

are we playing the same game? d3 s code capacity is very limited, i supose it’ll break completetly on the 1st attempt to do said change.
inetesting idea though

What do you mean by that ?

i mean bugs in code, obviously. capacity of the game engine is limited. see with each new season theme more and more bugs in the game code come up, even though no major changes happen. like, when they added 4th cube slot - when a certain combo of items happen game breaks down. little changes cause major malfunctions, bigger changes (like what op suggested) - huge bugs and days of game offline.

I’d say bugs are inherent to every codebase change.
Only those who don’t try ignore failure.

What happened to season 23?

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My proposal for S23 :

In addition, my proposal for S25 :

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