On the topic of runewords, I was watching a stream where it was announced that 2 runes for a runeword was is the current max (subject to change). IMO, 2 runes should be the minimum and 5 to 6 should be the max. This will add so much depth and complexity to the game.
Also, having runewords be a “create your own” experience is cool but, official runewords like in d2 is what I believe veterans of d2 want. So, why not have both?
I still play d2 just for the satisfaction of seeing my regular armor/weap transformed from pleb gear to gear/weaps to something sick, Namely. stuff like Ebotdz, Infinity, death, fortitude etc. I’m hoping this idea is given a second look by the dev team!
Anywho, just posting this to see other people’s thoughts!
Then runewords would become the new sets, and people would only go for the strongest one.
Personally, I’ve never been much of a fan of d2’s 1.10 patch runewords in the sense that they were waaaay too powerful. In my opinion, in a loot-focused arpg like diablo, the legendary/mythical items should be the end-game gear that you aim for, with a system like runes and runewords being reserved for a more support-like interaction with builds, not the main focus of them. Got lucky enough in d2 to find a Tyrael’s Might, one of the rarest items in the game? Too bad mostly cheap CoHs or Enigmas will outclass it.
I liked pre 1.10 runewords though, they were nice placeholders when you just couldn’t get the gear you really wanted to drop.
So Idk, in conclusion I think runewords are a neat idea, but should be balanced in a way that they don’t trivialise the main focus of the game which is, in my point of view, the legendary and mythical gear you can find.
Not necessarily, they can treat them like their philosophy for sets in d4. They will be alternatives to using a weak legendary. So, an in-between if you will.
Lolwut? Do you even play D3?
If you don’t set, you don’t matter. That is their philosophy, and we want none of that in D4.
No thanks. 2-piece runewords is all we need. Maybe even 3 for that extra grind. No more than that. Sick to death of sets.
So, you didn’t watch the stream I watched. Sets will be INTRO lvl items, and specific to doing certain things. but legendary items are what they want for end game. I’m simply saying, we can have runewords that are d2 like as an in-between.
Funny for me about sets, I LOVED that d3 made sets good when I came from D2. I always wondered why they had these cool pieces that gave you bonuses for each certain number you wore.
In D2, sets were the bottom. Runewords/rares/magic/and uniques all were superior. Besides the few who used tal’s and griswald foh in pk. Tals was the poor mans mf character too.
I agree totally on sets being the ONLY way to get anywhere besides LoD/LoN showing up as a contender again.
Pre 1.10 runewords type would be a GREAT idea!
I think they have the right idea with runewords being customizable. It seems like there’s a trigger rune and a modifier rune… So for example, if you use a potion, rune 2 will be triggered.
I think 2 runes isn’t enough and 3 would be cool.
They should NOT do the D2 system where runewords become OP, BIS, and are better than any well rolled unique item.
I don’t see the problem with reintroducing weaker runewords to D4. I’m sure myself and many others would welcome the extra option.
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Absolutely no to anything D2 related for D4. D2 is an outdated antiquated system that needs to remain in the past. D4 needs to be a modern ARPG based on all the great features of modern ARPGs
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Which are?
I am just curious, what you gonna list 
Nothing in this post outlines anything specific about the systems that you think are “outdated” or “bad” so until you go into details then you’re just a troll using vague language with logical fallacies. Because time alone does not invalidate the systems in a game and their usefulness.
Not a troll just don’t want to go back to an antiquated system and apparently you did not clearly read the OP
D3’s systems are “antiquated” then, they’re almost 8 years old now. What’s your idea of “modern” systems. Actually, they’re older than the release date, more like they were in concept since 2007 since the game was revealed in 2008 blizzcon.
Just because an idea is newer, does not make it superior.
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Just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s bad, though.
There is a reason why Counter-Strike is one of the most played games on Steam despite Global Offensive having more or less the same gameplay from the 1999 game.
I don’t think they should include things in Diablo 4 simply because “It was in Diablo 2”, but Diablo 2 has plenty of mechanics that can work in 2019. It shouldn’t be ignored simply because it’s an older game.
What makes the new version of runes Unofficial ?
I think There is room for both D2 and D4 runeword systems… i didnt like most of the stand alone powers of runes in D2, but when mixing them they became cool.
I think Runewords should Not be endgame Items.
I think Runewords shouldn’t contain Affixes/stats, only effects, that would make them stand out as there own kind of item…
and they could make 3rd Rune Type Called something like Empower Runes.
That totally changes the effect rune.
types like
Sacrifice : Boost Effect but at life Cost
Flow : adds speed/Slow to the abillity at the cost of cooldown to the trigger
Rage : Buff x second followed by x second off debuff
Vision : Adds Aoe(or bigger AOE) Effect but with Delayed Activation.
Zealous : Multiply Effect ( Repeating every x seconds x times ) af Resource Drain
Heres 2 other Resent Runeword post…
Also if they need to make it more main stream, they Could make a new Npc Like ther Black smith, jeweler, mystic…
A member of the horadrim that in his search for knowlege learn of the powers of runewords…
The idea here is that you could go to him/her an arrange Runes you allready have, if you hit the right combination he would say something like,
“Ohh i feel power comming from this word, it would fit perfectly into a weapon” in a dark shady voice ofcouse xD haha
he could then consume the words and scratch them into your Weapen armor shield…
then maybe remove Sockets from whites and make something like Runeslots = how much Runic power the item can handel
What could help with the No Room on Daggers debate