Ridiculous, yet wonderful idea

So now instead of them having a chance you have guaranteed 3 people will not get an item. How is that fair?

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It is fair because it is always the case in that example that 3 players get nothing. There is an old saying a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Seeing a loot drop is not the same as acquiring that loot item.

The earth is flat and the sun revolves around the earth don’t you know that…

Just because everyone does something doesn’t mean it is correct.

So your saying that each player would get their own loot drop that is equal to playing solo?

So you’re arguing that nearly all of modern game design is just completely wrong, and that personal loot is just a massive flaw and that you seem to have better insight on than millions of professional game and software developers…alllllriiightythen.

No it is not the same because you have removed percentages. There is a chance you can get something vs guaranteed not to get something. There is also no happenstance, odds or variables to a guarantee. How does the game deal with ties? 2 people with the exact same latency and speed to the item click on it what happens? Does the game spit out 2 items? There is no fatigue, skill, speed implemented. You thus are taking a huge amount of variability out of the game. Is it fair that I spend 2 weeks installing windows to remove bloat installl my programs optimize the way it runs. Sure it is you could do the same. Is it fair that I spend more money on internet yep. Is it fair that I choose to clean my mouse surface so as to not get hairs on the rec sensor yep.

Everyone should just download a 60gig picture to look at and when you leave it tells you, you won. That way you get a trophy.

Long story short ploot is inferior to FFA loot, and both D2 and D2:R have FFA loot. The developers were wise to announce this right away. Ploot is for the weak which is an accurate characterization of those pleading for D2 to change to this inferior system.

No he is saying that each player would essentially have a loot distribution roll, using the metrics for drops that already exists.

The same amount of loot would drop per game, on average.

So…I would only get 1/4 of the loot that I would otherwise get solo?
That really sounds like a limitation, and my point still stands. your character growth would literally be 25% of the growth that solo players get, and the imbalance would be real. it would , IMO demotivate players from playing in groups. Not needed. I’d rather level a blizz sorc and farm solo.

In some ways, personal loot is demonstrably inferior, I agree.
In other ways, FFA loot is demonstrably inferior, as well.

There is no “superior” system, but server side cheats have absolutely influenced game developers for over a decade now, leaning toward Personal loot for a very good reason.

Would I prefer D2 with FFA loot and no cheats? yes. I want that. It’s unlikely to happen, cheating is too easy.

ploot is inferior in every way unless you are a weakling leech who wants to forcibly divide drops you did not earn and do not deserve. Maggots such as these must retire themselves to crawling on their hands and knees picking up scraps among the manure in spent cow levels.


Ploot doesn’t change this. Hacks will happen just like they did in WoW. The game is not open source and even open source is horribly vulnerable because of app stack. All ploot does is remove variability and skill.

There are separate issues.

D2 currently calculates how much loot drops in solo and multiplayer games. These calculation would not change. Therefore, if there is a bias in the number of drops in a single player game versus a multiplayer game per each player, then that bias remains.

In multiplayer D2 games, each player decreases the no drop chance, resulting in more total drops but monster hp increases (normalized to “1 unit of hp” at baseline). The following shows single vs multiplayer games assuming that each player is contributing 1X damage and no one is being carried/can easily overwhelm the content.

So you will notice for coop parties, the sweet spot for loot acquisition rate is 2-3 person parties. Once a player can carry everyone in the party, then the math looks different.

Personal loot absolutely limits the ability of client side programs to take server generated items. It’s not even a question, personal loot absolutely cuts down the profitability of these programs.

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If blizzard cared they would have sued the companies into oblivion by now. Ploot only makes it so that it is server side. This can be done with FFA loot and would allow monitoring of pickup speeds and determine legitimacy and packet shaping. The problem is not FFA the problem is server side vs client side. Which is a major engine change.

Essentially are you asking for everyone to download spyware from Blizzard so they can more closely monitor us as we play? I don’t think a lot of people will be okay with that.

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LOL what do you think the Blizzard App is. Did you ever read the WoW terms of service.

Regardless nothing I mentioned in my post was about that. Server side means the item would have to be released to that person after performing a validation check. I would rather not sit here and spell out how to catch cheaters because the less they know the less chance that they can figure out ways around it.

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I’ve played all of maybe an hour of the free trial before I got bored, so no. Watched people play it at high level, still no. Really don’t like the game’s mechanics.

Anyways, pickit isn’t easy for them to monitor. It’s like you think they just haven’t tried. I trust that Blizzard will attempt to combat pickit, and I trust they will fail, miserably.

Dude, you go after the programmer, the program itself, the item selling companies, JSP if they felt so inclined and sue them all. They violated the terms of service, etc.

Yes they can stop pick it and with the character files being stored on blizzard’s servers for bnet it will will be extremely hard to get pick it working.

Well dont forget there wasnt bnet for d2.