[REPORT] Extended screen range

it’s bad in pvm as well, as they would have to adjust monsters AI, increasing aggro range, which would cause a chain reaction, with entire zones needing rebalancing of the mobs density and so on.


Except for PvM ultra wide is soo much better then 16:9 :wink: better range is better for all games I know.

Like is say, the ONLY point maybe is PvP. But not PvM, that is a lie. Nobody has to change the monster AI. Why? Because NO single other arpg like grim dawn or PoE has do that, too. And it works perfectly.

Really, I read some topics about what some players like to change like personal loot etc. I don’t need that, the game don’t need that. But everytime most of you (only a few) really old school gamers then says: play Diablo 3!

And now I say: when you don’t like ultra wide then play original Diablo 2.


Higher resolution is an amazing feature don’t get us wrong. Everybody like that.

Better screen range is better for all games, yes you are right. But a limit has to be set else it’s non sense. The bigger the better screen range ? Let’s cap it.

Problem is mainly for PvP (even tho i still think it makes pvm easier). And PvP is basicly the end game for most player.

I don’t mind getting the best Ultra Wide screen but what the point of killing my opponent because i can “namelock” him on my screen while he can’t.

That’s sound stupid, where is the challenge/balance there ?


I get your point, really. Except for PvP. But my opinion is we live in 2021 and we get UltraWide support for more and more games. In few years we will have it for all games I guess.

I mean, it’s really the same discussion like 4:3 and 16:9 in the very old days. How much 4:3 players crying about the “unfair” 16:9 players and the wouldn’t play with a widescreen. But now, yeah, normally all people play with a widescreen monitor.

For me, 21:9 is a must have in D2RE/all other games.

Btw, sorry for my bad Englisch.


I know you do get it :wink:
I am sure something can be done for the greater good.
They can support UltraWide but cap the screen range, right? fair enough imo.


there an option that would do the job. fix the range teleport and skills at a certain cap . even with that big monitor will have advantage becose they could predict every moves from the opponent . but it would make the situation less retarded


I have a wide monitor so I don’t see the issue! I don’t think this is something they can fix lol! Pvp is also a very small part of the game so is hardcore… people talk about pvp but it’s honestly so lame I don’t think it makes blizzards radar also hardcore is played by a very small percentage as well so… this is a who cares type thing honestly sorry to burst your bubble! Also excited it takes less teleports to get places lol


PvP is the reason why d2 is “still” alive… i’m pretty sure the pvp scene will be active in D2R.


I agree this is concerning. Players who think that it isn’t live in a bubble or dont realize how many people do play PvP or the implications of extended casting range.

I see two viable options:

  1. Put a cap on the ability to click on items outside the limits of a standard 16:9 view. 21:9 users could still see further, but would be unable to cast spells, or click on items outside the range that would be possible for any other user. Only mildly advantageous.

  2. Zoom in slightly; or stretch the image just a bit on 21:9; so that the extents of the view are close to the same as 16:9. (Optional toggle which way you prefer it). This evens the playing field.

And a third less-than-viable option:

  1. Do nothing and allow a major competitive and tactical advantage for 21:9 users.

I don’t really see another option. If they leave it how it is, I will be forced to get an ultra wide monitor because to me, PvP is the endgame of Diablo 2. I will not be happy about having an unfair advantage over others.

I would not otherwise get a 21:9 monitor because I have no need. I like the 16:9 aspect ratio better and have three monitors on my desk already. Even if I could manage to fit a longer one in, I do not want one of them to be different than the others.


Agreed on everything.
(as you said Option 1. mildly advantageous, ppl still get a visual advantage.)


It literally makes PvP unplayable for anyone who doesn’t have an ultrawide monitor.

If they really insist on giving ultrawide support, they will have to limit teleport range, monster visibility and put bars on screen as soon as you are hostile towards another player.


Most of the decent games on the market allow you to see things everyone else does regardless of resolution you play at (given you do not own 20 years old PC)

So yeah its a valid argument not crying.


This Is by far the biggest problem blizzard will have to deal with.
The disadvantage of playing on normal monitors vs extra wide is massive.

Or by just playing the game on legacy mode 4:3 vs remaster 16:9.
You are basically forcing people who still want to play the game in legacy mode to play in remaster mode because of the disadvantage in resolution.

This Is by far the biggest problem in D2R right now, especially for PvP


D2 is one the easiest games ive ever played in my life. Granted i dont play hardcore but on the current reset of Project d2 lets see… I was level 90 day one and after two weeks of power farming i had everything i needed. i got Ormus 15% fire 3+ meteor Slammed and puzzled +1 Skills 4 socket added 4 raindbow 5/-5 fire gems… I did play D3 but was not a fan tried the expansion for one season got a 182 ladder spot stopped playing… i played a ton of d2 back in the day and never saw pvp for more then a sad gimmick same with the mods over the years… a very small amount of people play D2 hardcore or pvp. Pvp is honestly just sad i mean sad. Also would like to add would have been nice to have personal loot / instanced loot being in discord but not the same game seemed anti social and anti fun

A huge part of the D2 community considers PvP to be the end game of D2.


PvP In d2 Is actually the most complex and most fun of any past or modern ARBG; but ok. Clearly you have not invested much time In it


I have and its honestly one of the saddest things ive ever seen in PVP and i played MOBAS for 10 years lol! Its the end game? ROFL the best PVP in D2 was when items didnt have level requirements and level 9-20 duelz were king otherwise… There is legit no seasons no arenas its all just walk outside town and attack everyone and murder… ive seen the pvp in d2 and il stand by what i say its one of the lamest forms of pvp ive ever seen in my life lol! LETS GO OUTSIDE TOWN IN A PVE GAME AND MURDER EACH OTHER LOL LOL LOL! for what a sad ear? LOL LOL


Yeah, you’re just proving my point by now. Clearly you have no damn idea how endgame pvp works in D2 lol


That you don’t like it honestly doesn’t matter in the slightest.

Many people do and for them it will be a literal dealbreaker.


You need to remember that drop rates are buffed in PD2. It will take a lot longer to get fully geared in D2R, especially if they get rid of most bots. There will be more of a struggle to gear up.

PvP is awesome in D2 fyi. I used to be in a PvP clan back in the day and it’s one of many important things that sets D2 apart from other ARPGs.