Removal of TCP/IP - a slippery slope

I am thinking asset protection.
It’s layered content, then translated for a new protocol out to socket whatever…
In-between all of that, is their special sauce.
So maybe having P2P functionality can expose that somehow.

i don’t think direct connect on pc games would be so absent in modern triple A titles if it was that easy of a thing to fix the flaws in.

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I think the silver lining here is that the open source community will come up with something to play with a direct connection without needing to completely mod the game. We already have OpenD2 on Github. So in the end I think eventually those of us who want to play with TCP/IP, will get it some time down the road.


Exactly, it’s inevitable.

I’m not sure I understand the question. As far as I know, it is not against the rules here to discuss more than one thing at a time. I’m pretty sure it isn’t, in fact.
Do you think that it is?

TCP/IP would be the P2P reference.
Alot of the comments around hacking, botting BNET is what I think they were addressing.

bro you can talk about whatever you want but if you come to a topic about TCP/IP mode being removed and mixture bnet into it you’ll be called for it.

TCP/IP mode was being used to create peer-to-peer games on local lan games or over the web. it has nothing to do with bnet as was stated here :

“As of now, there isn’t any secure TCP/IP that can run of modern Bnet”


As far as I know, D2R can only be played online on the new Bnet.
But, I’m no expert. One thin I do know, though - they aren’t going to be enabling old school TCP/IP for this game - no matter how many people complain that it is “promised”.
It’s not going to happen. Now, I wouldn’t be surprised if they engineer some sort of secure alternative for P2P play, in the future. But TCP/IP is done, in the modern gaming world.
They aren’t going to implement it - I assure you.

dude tcp/ip is not done and it’s what everything on the internet pretty much uses. it’s the baseline of how you use Internet.

p2p is what’s actually being removed from the game which is what they call “tcp/ip” and that’s my whole point, they should replace what’s already done by some safe way to do it, either by implementing more safety checks or something else. At the end of the day the user is the ultimate responsible for how he uses the software. You can use a browser to connect to a malicious site but i don’t see anyone here arguing to uninstall all browsers.


I would be happy if Blizzard released some sort of standalone desktop app that creates a dedicated server so at least then it’s available and not requiring them to build p2p into the game itself. I think a dedicated home server could even be better than the TCP/IP option in the original D2.


but what’s the difference between that and hosting a game?


Technically not much but it would allow them to separate it from the game while also throwing a bone to people who want to host their own sessions. Having people go out and purposely download a secondary application is an alternative way of saying “This is not secure but use it at your own risk”.


Actually not a bad idea tbh


I’m really bummed about its removal, mod multiplayer won’t be a thing I suppose :frowning:

No charm inventory, and balance mods in a multiplayer session I guess.

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Now something I’ve wondered. I remember something when playing Diablo 3, the game’s server would tell you if you were playing with someone on your network or nearby or something to that degree. I wonder if it would be possible just to have an LAN mode, where mulitplayer could occur with single player characters playing over the same network. True LAN style. Wouldn’t be an exact same feature, but would at least solve the issue for playing with friends or family in the same house.


Its not that deep people. If you play via TCP/IP it won’t show in the MAU metrics. Its really that simple.

ME too I preordered this and my 4 roommates were going to do the same. We were going to do lan modded mulitplayer. We only have sat interent so we were really looking forward to this. I’m going to be getting a refund after the beta.


Might really be just that in the end.

And the fear of pirating - which might happen anyway though through the creating of private servers.

That’s almost certainly what it is. They want the ecosystem entirely under their control and they don’t want people playing multiplayer on pirated copies.

Which has been used as a pretty poor excuse for decades now for developers to strip direct connect functionality from their games. Thankfully there are still developers out there who care about the players, like Larian, who include direct connect in all their games. But unfortunately once the Blizzards of the world turn into the Activision Blizzards of the world, you can say goodbye to direct connect multiplayer.

As always, the paying customer gets a worse product thanks to overzealous anti-piracy measures.

If they can solve the rubberbanding and other issues with Battlenet, I won’t consider this as much of a blow. But I get reeeeally annoyed when they want to control the ecosystem but then leave that ecosystem in a less than stellar state.


Thats the “insight” explanation?

I´m sorry, just being able to add some stats in pure singleplayer is not the thing the mod community wants.

Also going back to OG D2 is not really a solution.
There is a reason why we want D2R in the first place.