Refunded - 0 faith

The problem with your argument is you have used the fact that they said X to exclude that they can do X and Z. If you have read Blizzard’s quotes in their entirety, they have clearly stated that Z is possible. My argument has always been they said X and possibly Z.

Did you honestly predict Blizzard sending out their survey asking if player wanted personal loot? I did.

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theres no problem with my arguement. I’ve quoted the D2R devs a half a dozen times about how they wont make big changes. period. It isnt going to happen, and a random survey isn’t going to change that fact. Show me a single quote where they, the D2R devs, have recently stated they will change major things and not just some dead skill buffs? Because they’ve said the exact opposite over and over. They are the ones with creative control and final say. So if you think theres some random top person above the D2R devs thats going to come down and force them, you’re dreamin.

Im not even against change. I also find charms annoying and would want some skill balancing. But, it aint gonna happen chief. lol

The quotes that I can point to our vague. They do not state explicitly all the types of changes they are considering. However, it is clear that they want player feedback on potential changes. This feedback includes the Blizzard’s survey that includes things you consider big. The charm inventory was even listed as QoL feature in their survey.

So a survey from Blizzard is now considered “a random survey” and not one to inform Blizzard’s game design decision.

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You are really underestimating the Diablo community on social media. The Reddit sub has even a Discord channel to its thousands users. As pointed out before, Blizzard is constantly looking at hubs outside this forum, even making their presence known.

You can’t say the poll is skewed because you don’t know the sub or the people that made the poll. You don’t even know Reddit, apparently. So who’s naive?

I bet Blizzard will make their decisions based on the survey they sent to their playerbase (I received one, by the way) comparing it to the one posted on Reddit.

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They are literally making Diablo 4 for people that want that modernized game… Why do you need to change Diablo 2 ?..

This post is unbelievable.


At the end of the day the people at the top of ActiBlizzard will decide if these radical changes make the game, right now Diablo is one of their biggest franchises and they wouldn’t want to let a remaster scare people away from Diablo 4.

So yes if there is a good enough excuse to make it happen (surveys) then it could happen.

It’s literally changing the way the game is played, so yes it is stupid.

If you want a list of reasons why I think it’s a bad mechanic I would be happy to share it with you.

I’ve been waiting for a patch 15.0 for years. I can’t wait for some crazy new rune words, uniques, builds, and hijinks!


is there an actual way to refund? im seriously considering it.

Yeah - I know of Reddit, of course, but I feel very little motivation to go there and even some aversion to it, especially considering this forum. So I didn’t even know about the Reddit poll.


This poll was widely mentioned and even linked on this forum in multiple threads. In addition, Rhykker discussed the reddit poll in one of his videos and provided a link.

Irrespective, Blizzard is doing their own poll. My thoughts are the number may be slightly different but the overall message will be the same.

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Cya. Some of you really are scared of change lol. Go back and play vanilla D2 xpac with the bots that steal all the loot and without any QOL stuff and see how long you last. Personal loot needs to be considered because there will be bots and there will be pickets sadly. D2R will need a decent amount of QOL changes and balance changes to survive. D2R should make multiplayer rewarding also. I’m tired of mfing alone because of no personal drops. PD2 has become the same way as bnet, you mf alone unless you have a bunch of people to map with that are willing to share loot.


If you refunded, how the hell are you posting here? Liar.

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If this mythical survey exists, why don’t we ever see a link to it?

i posted the survey


Bonjour, I’m not saying 4000 responses arent credible, Im corroborating Knives’s point that
“A fan of d2 does not necessarily think to use reddit as they are not linked.”

I was agreeing, saying that’s been my experience.

And Im sure a bunch of people like me who were just really excited to play Diablo 2 with good graphics but dont post all over the place didnt respond either - though I am somewhat disheartened by the number of people who want D2R to be quite different from D2.

Two servers, aw yeah!


My take on Blizzconline and D2R was nuanced by what was said and what was left unsaid. Some of the unsaid things were said later in Blizzard interviews in the press. Ultimately, the best way to handle things in my mind is two servers (or at least selectable option on character creation or game creation). Blizzard will make those decisions.


I can tell you if they change core gameplay I’m refunding as well - or at the least when it comes to ‘balance’ or skill/items since that turns it into a wait-and-see. Wait-and-see isn’t something that makes people bullish on the game. I know enough people who won’t buy it if this happens if there is a wide overhaul of skills and items.


Omg can you imagine if they make more skills viable?! The horror!!


We’re buying it for what it is. Not what it could be. That comes later.

Just take this and run with it please devs