Reasons why Personal Loot would RUIN Diablo 2

Answer is simple, they would not, people would not want to play with more than 3 players.

Depends what they do, if they are only boss running, its not worth to have big group. If they are clearing big locations for longer, playing with others even with ploot would probably resulted in more items than solo. We talk about full clear tho. Elite killing would be definitely effective in solo vs with others.

I agree :ok_hand:t2:
Send this post to Rod Fergusson.

He has received many against PLoot and Toggles. Feel free to add to the pile. :joy::yawning_face:

it’s not only about attacking the boss, it’s about how focused you are. in both modes you could be attacking the boss, mindful of the boss hp, prepared to loot, and you would, on average, get items.
but true leechers are the ones who alt tab when you start the boss fight, or play with one hand in their pants. ploot would give them an advantage, they don’t even have to watch the boss hp that closely or anything, they literally can just chill.

yeah this is interesting. how close do you need to be to be considered for ploot?
cause if you play with others and a dude kills a cow 3 screens away, and something drops, you may not notice it, it might end up not being picked up. OR, someone suggested there’s a timer for it, after which it becomes FFA. Ok, that means the dude sees it drop, then just chills next to it waiting to become FFA. how that is good for the game I have no idea.

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It’s a quick hostile and kill until they leave or have 0 gold left.

it’s a quick they’ve just baited you and as soon as you come back in your TP you are dead.

XP range or less. XP range is mostly for easy implementation, but I’d very much be down for limiting it to a single screen size, so that you have to be able to both see the enemy who drop the item, and the item itself, to be eligible for loot. Reducing the risk of people missing items the could have picked up. And of course making it harder to stay away from the action.

ok but then how does it work when you are outside of 1 screen, let’s say from your example?
say a guy killed a mob 2 screens away from the group, in an 8 player personal loot game. What are his chances to get loot, does the game roll for personal loot, or because he is too far away, his chances are as they would be now with FFA P8?

If it rolls for ploot, then people spreading about effectively means items will not spawn, you’ll not get p8 loot.
If it does not roll for ploot, then the more spread out you are, the better, as everyone will get p8 loot as long as no one is around.
you feel me?

Can we please stop discussing this “dead horse” of a topic? Even regardless of the Pros and Cons - you just don’t change the loot mechanics of a game that is all about loot and call it a “small change”. Rod Fergusson has clearly said it won’t happen, so why can’t we dismiss this topic.

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Cause this topic is great source of fun and entertainment. Needs to live on till 23 and beyond.

Nah, they can’t let it go. Its one of those things where even when they were part of the conversation they were kicking and screaming for their way.

They didn’t get it and continue to kick and scream. Well, everyone is kicking and screaming back. Its a beautiful thing. In the end we will get the D2R we expected and not the D2R some people seem to “Need” Jay Wilson: Resurrected

do u actually hear what ur saying? i hope ur just trolling hard here.

No to ploot. Yes to FFA

Its not going to happen. This game isn’t meant for the ploot crowd.

tbh the people I have discussed about ploot on the forums and who are for it have never kicked and screamed, they were just trying to get their point across.
i disagree with it, but that does not mean we cannot talk about it until the end of time. if it is on no interest to certain people, they can simply ignore the threads.


If he kills the enemy all alone with nobody else nearby, only he is eligible for loot, so guaranteed to win all drops.
Similar to FFA in a sense, since there wouldn’t be anyone else nearby to grab the items if they had been FFA.

There is no roll for ploot in terms of what is dropping (only for who it is allocated to). Items are generated in the exact same way in both systems.

It would again be exactly like in FFA. No-drop chance would depend on player proximity/partied players and all that, but always give the same result between the modes.

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yes, but it would be more advantageous to spread out. because if you spread out, it’s p8 loot, and you are guaranteed to win all drops.
whereas if you are close to somebody, you share your chances with them.
i promise you it would make people try to stay as far away as possible from other players, if they think they kill the mobs faster than the others. because if the other player next to you is either slacking or just not doing your damage, you will feel like you are carrying him, and 50% of the loot is going to him instead of you, which is just not fair.

The exact same as in FFA, and yeah some do just that. Ploot should not try to change that kind of behavior. Trying to keep the two systems close to each other.

But yeah, getting ahead in ploot could be advantageous. There can be some choice between; do I wait a few seconds to grab an item that is about to turn FFA, but risk falling behind and not be eligible for new drops. Seems like a good kind of choice to have to make. Just like FFA have a choice in how close you want to be to monsters.

okey but then what do you actually solve?
cause if people will try to stay as far apart when killing obs, nothing is really changed. and if they are grouped together, the ones doing all the work still get shafted.

but it’s not a few seconds. it’s a split second. and if you got teleport, it’s even less. just zoom zoom.

The true goal behind all those ploot fanatics is not having ploot itself, it is to have an increased drop rate after the massive complains that would begin in that 0-1 item per run scenario you described. They know it would happen and they want that to happen… But “it is not happening”, fortunately.

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Everyone could be doing the work, if you have a good group.
And if not, the ones who do all the work can get shafted in FFA as well. Here they are just going to have an equal chance for drops regardless of the group. Some might prefer that. Others might prefer FFA (with its increased potential/risk to get more or less items than the average)
The two systems described here are indeed quite similar, except for that one difference. On purpose.

I mean, the seconds it takes for an item to turn FFA if the ploot winner decides not to pick it up.
In the meantime others might have killed monsters outside of your range.

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