Reaching H3 as $5 player

Sure: If you spent 5$ in DI, you are a F2P.


The upgraded Battle Pass may provide only a rather miniscule power boost but it is still a power boost. Thus it fits the definition of P2W. And definitely no longer F2P.

I didn’t say it was (though in a technical sense it obviously is), but $5 is still not F2P.
Only more so if someone keeps buying that battle pass month after month.

Which is irrelevant. By the same argument you can say that $10,000 is nothing compared to those who have thrown $500,000 at the game.

I didn’t even mention P2W at all in my post.
Just that if you spent money, by definition you are no longer F2P.
I didn’t make the claim that it makes someone a P2W player. If you bought a cosmetic item for example, that doesn’t make you a P2W player. But you are still no longer playing it F2P.
Not sure why people would even try to argue otherwise. Or gets so angry by a simple statement of fact.

This I agree with. If your friend pays your free lunch, it clearly wasn’t a free lunch.

Hence the slippery slope.

How can you say that with a straight face :slight_smile:
You can make an argument, I guess, that you are not a P2W player (as I did above), but it really isn’t up for debate that the player is no longer F2P.
I guess this is where the terms Minnow and Whale serve some purpose (terms which are also not necessarily P2W related).


I never said it was.

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Then you’re approaching the functional end of the game.

Grouping is done by design as a passive form of peer pressure to spend. The new raid boss, for instance, is intentionally in a combat rating just out of reach but with a recurring weekly rare resource that makes people want to do it now rather than wait until they can naturally hit that mark.

How do they make up that gap to not only do the content but not disappoint 7 other people after being one shot for the 10th time. Spend. And every time you spend in this game to reach such a threshold it gets more expensive to hit the next threshold.



To be fair, some of us would be encouraged by that :smiley: Like, the people who intentionally kept wiping everyone at the boss that heals if you dont move.
Of course, one cant really annoy the whales since they are so far ahead that you dont get to play with them :frowning:

But yeah, your example is exactly why the game is designed the way it is.

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I’m sorry to hear that you have no morals or standards.


Yeah, she became available a couple of days ago. Recommended 2000 CR…

I did it with clan at around 1925 CR but she hurts a lot at that level.

But what’s the point if all you can hope for are things akin to whites and blues? You can take off all your gear and do elder rifts just fine. It’s like an illusion of a game and progress, but not actually happening.

Time spent is how they get you.

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Just to be clear, I never say I am F2P as $5 player. My statement is, there is no paywall and this game is free to play for majority of content, even as difficult as Vitaath or H3. If you want to compete with others, then you need to swipe credit card.


Also to be clear, my post was not aimed at you! :slight_smile: As you say, you state how much (or rather, how little) you spent in the very title of the thread.

Just seemed a bit silly to read multiple of the follow-up posts from others talking like $5 = $0. Which it definitely might be from a competitive point of view (and thus not mattering in a P2W context). But from Blizzards point of view, getting those battle pass money sure isn’t irrelevant.


Nice setup.

I’m DH also. It looks like we’re running almost the same legendary gem setup.

I’m only putting in 2h/day in at most. My legendary gems are still a lvl2 and 1x 3.

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There are 10 types of people
Those who understand
And those who do not

i’d like to see a list of transactions if you want me to believe you. i don’t, even $5 is a lie, because i’m 100% sure you cant even spend exactly $5 on this trash game. Nice try though, whale. must be desperate since the population is dead.


10100 characters.

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The battle pass is bought out right for $4.99, no premium shop currency required.

Now apologize and be a good boy.

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If someone was trying to prove they spent as little as possible, they’d say that, and not $5. I spent 6 weeks on interrogation training with the Israelis and participated in a British interrogation course in which we thoroughly tested on the Human Intelligence Collector Operations Field Manual.

Ur negativity and continued trolling are the major reasons why this forum has become a laughably toxic environment where we eagerly wait, with baited brow, for ur continued, overly qualified, well thought out, argumentative contributions.

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Bravata probably used to work for the KGB.

He’ll pick up on any minute insignificant inconsistencies and try to argue around that including posting different job descriptions as proof of “authority”.

Nvm … that’s the definition of a Troll