Rathma Minion Master redux

Interesting idea to include Golem in the damage computation, so players will fill a slot in the skill bar, so skill bar will not feel empty. I added this idea into

That’s new.

  • Pro : In 1 clic you can freeze ennemies (Ice Golem) and deal them 2000% damage (Bone Golem), plus additional damage if corpses are present (Decay Golem)
  • Con : This is not boosted by the Set. How sad.
  • Con : Blood Golem and Flesh Golem destroy your Golem, so you lose 1000% on Army of the Dead

All-Five-runes Golem has pro and cons.
Some runes mix can be a good idea

Will be exploited in LOD Mages, which is already top-notch.