Ranged attack vs Dune Dervish = Instant death? Solution?

Last night I ran into a whole bunch of them again. But this time I decided to Try to kill them. This is how my thought process went:

“Since I still don’t know the reason how they killed met last time, I should probably disengage. It took me a while to get my set and a lot of time to level up the gems Ahhhhhh screw this here it goes!”

As soon as they stopped spinning, I charged in with whirlwind.

“Two can play this game!” I said.

They all died. I killed those Dune Dervishs in about 2 seconds.

I think it was a good night.

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As an old (unfortunately) arcade gamer from way back, like the old arcade games, the dervishes and the Keywarden have a spinning pattern. Shoot them when they stop spinning because they do stop in a pattern. Off-screen deaths fortunately are not too regular but if you cannot see or hear it, you cannot kill it.

That does not help. I have 90% physical resist and 89% all elements (further reduced by 60% from esoteric gem) on my necro. My toughness in combat is 3.8B (solo, way higher with barb & monk supports). I will proc my cheat death from 1 single Bone spear reflected (not on CoE, no triple krisbin, just base dmg, not even a crit).

The thing is the damage you deal, is way higher, non crit, than what your toughness is. If you get that reflected back at you, outside of immunity (pylon or support) it will proc your cheat death or outright 1 shot you. Melee don’t have to deal with this problem as dmg reflect mobs are patethic in dmg returned compared to full dmg from reflect projectile.

I can facetank - as dps - Grom (w/e fatty name is) in 4-5 pools and never be in danger in GR120, or stay in 4 arcane beams, or eat Stonesinger (w/e name) boos charge / coldsnap charge / Lich King Charge attack and not drop under 25% hp (which I heal back up instantly thanks to my curse giving me 2% hp per enemy hit x 3 [2 sims) = 6% hp per attack).

Not even Raziel with his bugged holly projectile nova can proc me, but 1 single dervish or sand dweller that puts reflect up in middle of density (so impossible to see) will 1 shot me.

The only time when you can reliable dodge your own reflected projectiles is if there’s a champion with the slow time bubble (as gl playing speed GR’s or push GR with a mage with slow time bubble lol).

It’s that simple, dmg you (your pets or in S22 shadow clone) deal is way higher than your toughness, unless you play a z-dps class, in which case you don’t really care as you’re there not to dps mobs but to control them and provide buffs.

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“There’s currently a bug where every class can spawn DH shadow clones and those clones WILL use ranged attacks against anything and everything”

Thanks for your post as I was wondering why my seasonal POJ tr monk was getting those dreaded Justice was slain!
Since tempest rush is not a projectile and in non seasons I never got a reflect projectile death. So ic now it is a seasonal thing. One of the buffs in season must be a projectile.

Is it possible that the Cyclone rune for Sweeping Wind acts as a projectile?

One of the Demon Hunter Shadow Clones uses Impale.
All three of the Necromancer Shadow Clones use Bone Spear.

The fact that non-DH heroes can spawn a DH Shadow Clone means that if this happens whilst you’re near a Dervish pack, the clone will likely kill you. This is especially relevant on hardcore. This was brought up, in a number of threads, in both the PTR Bug Report and PTR Feedback forums. No acknowledgement of this was given, and the mid-PTR patch didn’t address it. We can only hope they fixed it for live. Even so, playing in groups with a DH or a Necro on hardcore is going to be a massive gamble.

But also required, since they will be the meta S22 classes, be it supports or DPS. Rat Runs on HC should still be pretty safe as everything will be frozen as well.

And you can just opt to not run nemesis in groups on HC to not spawn those reflect mobs, and if you do get a normal one can just skip for safety reasons - IMHO.

Folks, I used Nemesis on some Pylons and , boy oh boy, those Dervish spawned. My Barb whirlwinded hard like a washing machine and took all of them down in less than a second. But it gave me quite a scare.

But I love Nemesis on Pylons. They sped things up so much. So this is what I have been doing. I whirlwind toward the pylon, and with the whirlwind is still going on, I clicked on the Pylons, and those bosses spawn right into my death spiral. Sometimes the only reason I knew I killed Dervish was the metal clunking sound they made upon death.

So far so good. But I still intend on aborting when I see them in the wild.

As I said, they are not scary for builds that don’t use projectiles as main source of damage.

But for other builds who do use projectiles, it’s death sentence unless you can instantly 100-0% the pack on spawn (very doable in lower GRs).

Every class will have builds with projectiles next season because of the shadow clones.

Also, some classes do not have any competitive builds without projectiles. For example, DH builds are very lopsided at the moment in that only Hungering Arrow builds are viable due to Devouring Arrow with the Ninth Cirri Satchel.

not really sure if cyclone strike is a projectile. Never once died to that skill in non seasons. I am satisfied with the seasonal projectile death explanations from this thread. In non seasons the massive damage I dealt with Wave of Light and Lashing Tail Kick could kill me even in a t16. But in hard core if I were to use LTK or WOL, using fire damage, I would definitely wear the Azkaranth fire immunity amulet. On a humorous note, both those skills employed the the use of the monk mimic clone, so sometimes in group play folks would get this shocker … ‘XYZ was slain by mimic!’ I had to explain to them it was caused by me.

Not Cyclone Strike, the Cyclone (Lightning) rune for Sweeping Wind that is similar to WW Dust Devils.
PoJ grants all runes to SW regardless of which rune is chosen as the visual effect.


  1. skip and run away.
  2. wait for it to stop spinning.

But bots cant make those decisions … on human can

Neither can Shadow Clones.

Our support monk was “killed by turrets” several times couple seasons ago.
And he was really pissed about that: “I have 1B toughness, WTF?!” =))

And that was likely just the Sentry auto-attack, not the Cluster Arrow (since it can’t get reflected)!

“A house divided against itself, cannot stand.”

I believe this community cannot endure permanently half softcore community and half hardcore community.

I do not expect the softcore community to be dissolved — I do not expect the harcore community to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided.

It will become all one thing or all the other.

Either the opponents of hardcore will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the diablo community’s mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become the dominant meta, old as well as new — Seasonal as well as Non.

I doubt that Hardcore players make up half of the Community.
It is an acquired taste like sipping whiskey or eating hot peppers.
Some try it and love it, some try it, have a bad experience and say “No thanks”, and many are not even tempted to try.
I’m pretty sure that most of the people who speak of META, Leaderboards, or pushing GRs are not playing Hardcore.

I enjoy both modes! :smiley:

As do I. A steady diet of whiskey and habaneros will get to you after a while :slight_smile:
On the flip side: A steady diet of oatmeal gets boring, even with cinnamon and raisins.

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