Ranged attack vs Dune Dervish = Instant death? Solution?

Hello, I am fairly new to dealing with Dune Dervish. Is it true that if you have a incredibly powerful ranged attack and it happens to hit a Dune Dervish while it is spinning, you will kill yourself instantly? I ask this because I have noticed that all three of my hardcore Barbarians with Seismic Slam always die from it. Sometimes the Seismic Slam travels pretty far and I don’t even see a Dune Dervish on screen. I would be slamming left and right like everything was normal, then all of a sudden, the screen turns black and white telling I have died, and I see a Dune Dervish wade in spinning from the edge of the screen. Is there a way to deal with this?

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Avoid/skip them. They are nasty and have killed my Demon Hunter numerous times.


But sometimes I don’t see them because they are off screen? The only time I know I hit them is when I died. Is there a way to tell if they are part of the mob without seeing them? Do they only appear on certain maps? What if it is a Rift run? Aren’t monsters of the Rift chosen randomly?

And also, really… skipping them? Did Blizzard seriously placed monsters in the game that has no counter? I mean, I can one shot Diablo, but I die when Dune Dervish is on the map? This sounds a bit crazy. There must be a way to counter them. I can’t believe Blizzard would do this.

They spawn in act 2 maps, so be careful when you’re running bounties in act 2 or happen to run a rift with act 2 maps.

If you have no choice but to kill them, circle around them from a distance only stopping to shoot at them in short bursts, that way any reflects won’t hit you. It’s when you’re standing still blazing cannons at them is when you’ll get hit. Or use an attack that can’t be reflected.


What about the Rift? I’m pretty sure I died while doing a Rift run.

You’ll just have to get familiar with the act 2 maps in order to recognize when the rift you’re in is based on act 2 maps.

Okay so if I see an Act 2 map, I should immediately abort? Good to know. Thank you for the tip.

And thanks Blizzard, I hope we don’t see this kind of BS in Diablo 4.

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Good luck.

Personally I don’t mind them. Having the possibility of instant death makes the game more interesting.

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Yeah but I just lost all my gears and now I have to start over at level 1 and farm for like a week to get the gears back. It just feels wrong when you can one-shot Diablo but get instant killed if your attack hits a minion that’s not even on the screen. Blizzard isn’t playing fair.

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If you want my best advice: Play softcore for a little while to get more familiar with the game. The knowledge pays off when playing HC. Even then, you’ll still eventually die.

Softcore is hardcore “practice”. :slight_smile:

Use your passive skill which avoid death, it should help you deal with unexpected encounters.

I don’t mind dying in hardcore. I have died plenty of times for the past three years. I just don’t like it when the death becomes unpredictable. It’s like, now I have to play this game by avoiding any map that looks remotely like a desert or an oasis. That doesn’t feel very organic.

Dont forget the Sand Dwellers, just as nasty to reflect

I did. but my Seismic Slam hit the dervish twice.

But this skill has several sec duration so hitting twice shouldnt be a problem.

3 seconds only. I assumed that the slam must have hit another spinning Dervish after 3 seconds because I saw the passive getting activated.

The truth is, I had no idea that there is no solution to the Dervish. Had I known, I would’ve have waited for Diablo 4.

The solutions are:
1: Avoidance
2: Don’t use projectiles against them.
3: If possible, moving in fast and killing them before they can spin up.

They aren’t spinning when they are first aggroed.


Hi all. If Dune Dervish only reflects projectiles, wouldn’t the problem be solved If I have no projectile attack anywhere in my build? For example, does that mean I can counter this problem if I only use Whirlwind?

Its not really ranged attacks, its projectile attacks/spells that are reflected back at us instantly killing us. I believe there are 2 type of mobs that can reflect projectiles back to us.

I usually just skip and avoid them, I dont know if there’s a better solution.

Yes whirlwind/whirlrend is not considered a projectile attack/skill, so that should be fine.

Awesome. I will build a new Barb with Whirlwind focus and shove a big one up to those Dervish’s holes. Stupid PoS.

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