Question for people boycotting diablo immortal

Before moving to my current state I lived a mile from a Cherokee casino across the border in Oklahoma. Used to go there about once a month for the buffet. Good food, reasonable price. Never once in 10 years did I put a single nickel into a one-armed bandit. So, the answer to OP is no - I didn’t do it when a casino was near, much less travel 1/2 way across the country to do so.

how about a little honesty. it’s about half a day of content.

Blizzard is using the Dragonball method to stretch out things after all when Freiza nuked the core of the planet him and Goku were fighting on and said it was going to explode in five minutes that battle took three weeks for the planet to finally blow up

If I stay home and drink alone? Na I’m good.

I do like to play to poker, blackjack, or any other card game with real money, with real people too, that said it’s never online.
I left D:I because of the braindead endless tap (mouse-click) on icons such as “claim reward”.
Usually I don’t care about P2W games (I don’t pay or don’t exceed more than $20/month), it’s just that D:I pushed it beyond reason, not to mention that it’s pretty classless to put a casino in-game specially when the main target are the fans.
Even if I would support the franchise I’m fully aware that $20/month will give enough power to my character to feel like a mosquito surrounded by King-Kong, Godzilla, (…).

Who on Earth want to be a part of a community like that?


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All we want for Immortal is a way to earn what the whales get by spending cash. Heck just removing all caps and giving us the ability to earn eternal orbs by fully copying Genshin Impact’s monetization system would do wonders for Immortal. Then the majority of the problems would go bye bye and it would start to get better user scores on Metacritic. Right now Genshin Impact is ten times better than Immortal as far as monetization goes. It also has earned in the billions of dollars. Along with lasting longer than the average six months for most mobile games.

If Blizz is truly in it for the long haul and want Immortal to last long past D4. Then they will need to make some serious changes to their monetization system along with removing all caps in the game. Giving us the ability to earn eternal orbs, even though at a slower rate than what whales could buy. Along with removing all caps in the game would be a huge step in the right direction.

Of course I highly doubt that it will bring back all of the ones that left Immortal. Some have left it forever and unlike some here on the D3 forums that have threatened to quit so many times a lot of us have lost count. Where those are just posting I quit threads just to get attention. These ones actually quit and never look back.

I know that I have left game companies that did make a game that I loved playing over bad decisions and never regretted it at all.

Even though some of us have been to Las Vegas. We don’t like Las Vegas to be in our games. Keep Las Vegas out in the real world and let us have a game without that kind of BS.

How about the fact the game just sucks at least on PC it does.

No. I go to pizza places instead, can get a lot of pizzas for 500.000$

I’m not boycotting D:I, I’m just not interested.
There can be all that gladly, as long as there are still reasonable RPGs and they are not abused for such things that you currently find more and more.

That’s what bothers me. The destruction and banalization and subordination of actual games to enable new business models about it, but what the sense, the existence of games, especially RPGs, pushes aside to completely removed.

What sense should that make for me as a role-player who wants to play games that should serve this underlying sense and purpose, if I enter into a kind of business and actually only fill accounts, while pulling 3 levers may?

Here the games are more and more simply tried to make sales booths for some uninteresting pixel stuff to fill the accounts. But I don’t play RPGs for that reason. I play the games for the reason to play RPGs and these should develop and be good and not become the stage for a completely different sense… Make money with pixel junk… and you keep improving that.
Here you can see again how harmful the effect of this structure is, which converts everything into a business model.
That can and should and was never the sense of computer games to handle such business models, it is simply done, because the control over it is again in the wrong hands.
Games are supposed to be games and serve a genre and people, they are supposed to do their job, their purpose from which they were born and which we all like why we made it.

Certainly not for this crap that is being pulled now and that includes stores, P2W or even undermining the genre in general for end-game shenanigans, mass appeal, etc. Genres are supposed to serve target groups etc.

Many players do not take refuge in legacy servers for nothing. They are looking for their old values in the ancient games from 20 years ago… It has come to this, because the development is completely wrong and you are forced to pull good things again, which should be long gone and we should have today much better games of this type and could have, if one would not act again and again past the sense and purpose … The clear sign that something is wrong.

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You’re the definition of the typical moron that falls for this predatory rubbish. At least LV and gambling has a chance of returning the same currency. Enjoy your pixels bruh.

This is much worse than rl gambling as it presents itself as something else and does not follow the rules and regulations of rl gambling and it’s not properly taxed as gambling.

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It would be dishonest to say that

We know they don’t care. It’s the players we are trying to reach and open their eyes to scummy videogaming.

Plenty of the, “I’m enjoying the game as F2P” are shortsighted and selfish. They are contributing to bad gaming. Games will see this and think it’s ok to make subpar games with plenty of gacha and P2W. This is not healthy for videogaming and this is not healthy for humans.

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I completely disagree with this premise.

Giving them what they want most (engagement) but not what they need most (revenue) is a very clear message. Most F2P just consume content and bounce to the next game, only coming back to consume the next batch of content. That’s why getting people to continue playing is the holy grail of F2P models.

So, play the game, but don’t pay. The question for the company very clearly becomes “how do we get them to pay”. In Immortal, they’re getting whales, they’re getting the biggest spenders and they’re getting the F2P players. What they aren’t getting is the low to medium spenders primarily because the upgrade costs are too exorbitant.

Diablo 3’s model is amongst the least healthy models you can have. It’s not P2W in the sense most use, yet for the working class it may as well be because they don’t have the time to play it at the highest levels. What it does reward/incentivize is endless grinding. It’s not healthy to play a game 16-20 hours a day, every day. Constantly are players on these forums calling themselves ‘casual’ for doing things that required 40 hours a week. That’s where the baseline is at. That’s not at all healthy.

In some ways, the F2P games are healthier due to the caps they put on activities to try to break up gaming sessions into smaller chunks. At the end of the day, it’s probably not changing things because many of those players will simply play multiple F2P games at a time.

Yes, you’re defending the fact that it’s ok to make gacha games. Defending that it is ok to distribute games to young children and train them to gamble with their money without even knowing it. Defending that making a great experience where people will be willing to throw money at it is not as important as tricking people to make money.

It’s really sad to see people defend the Bean Counters instead of the consumer. Yes, they are a business that make money by making games. D:I is the wrong way to make money, morally. Making a great game will still make them money, and they have not learned this lesson for over 15 years.

D3 is a fun game combat-wise but shallow. I did not delude myself into grinding the game for BiS. I painstakingly found pieces to make a fun build, while the rest were hunting the “new” level of legendary. The sad part is grinding the same content for hours on end is Diablo’s bread and butter. It’s like a sandbox with heavy stones.

D:I has no caps. The other games that do have caps are slightly better but still bad.

What’s funny with your argument is that you would prefer to have a ton of young people gambling and perhaps even develop an addiction than them spending more time having fun with a game.

The problem with that strategy is that the players not paying are still indirectly paying. Having other players in the game is what makes the whales pay. The F2P become food for the whales.
F2P still becomes part of the problem.

Endless paragon in D3 definitely was a terrible idea.
Sounds like D:I essentially has that too however.

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Thank to Blizzard that they are blocking the access in Belarus and Russia. Now we can spend our money on something useful. Ave Blizzard! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

if they had simply released it as Diablo 2.5 for PC/Phones with a one time purchase and the ingame shop only having cosmetic items the game wouldve NOT been as negatively recieved since the whales would still pay to have glowy gear etc and it would also appealed to the PC player crowd

You know what the real problem here is? This was made for mobile devices. Not for the PC. But wait all you people were crying we want for PC. But now that they gave a mobile game all you cry babies are slamming.

But you will play a mindless contest game every day of the week what to be the Leader board Kings!!! D3 was a good game till they came out with the ROS add-on. They a gave you season that are basically doing the same thing for the past 26 season. Doing the same thing over a 1000 times!!! But you don’t have a problem with that???

So you calling it DI scummy video gaming vs D3 a Mindless Contest Game to be the Leader-board KINGS!!!