[QoL] Forum needs a MUTE function

Why are you saying this, you think it’s not possible to be done with Adblock? It’s actually pretty easy and most forum posters would be able to replicate the code successfully. My forum look for example is nothing like yours since I am an expert Adblock user and Mozilla modder.

However, sharing such information may be against the forum rules (if some days pass without a mod saying anything we should consider it is not against the rules I guess).

[quote=“MissCheetah-1661, post:12, topic:2311, full:true”]
As for moderators vs trolls - the Mods are a team who cover every single Blizzard game, not specifically one title. [/quote]

now if only we had people who are paid to interact with the community, they could be called things like community managers or community team. and no im not saying nev should spend her day moderating the forums but it would be nice to see her once in a while do something other than say she’s working on yet more blog posts.

Actually I only do that with my tagline. Have to admit though, it could have been worse, right? lol

Game on.

IIRC Nev was recently promoted to where she is the CM for all things Diablo. Now that will not only be for these forums, but also for Immortal and D4 (when it sees the light of day).

That’s rich coming from you, considering you’re both a troll & a clickbaiter.

You’ve pined for my attention more than twice since your ban expired, as well as bumping my own threads. You’re failtrolling and picking a fight at the same time.

But that’s ok, everyone knows your type nowadays. You’re not fooling anyone.

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If anyone’s searching for attention it’s you with your incessant use of tiresome animated GIFs. Please take your own advice…

yeah she’s had a title change to community manager officially now, but no matter the title do you honestly think she will post any more, been two weeks since the last blue post now. least we forget the complete joke of a thread she posted after blizzcon some ten months ago.

i was just pointing out they claim to have community staff but yet they seem unable to do even the most basic of community things like post a couple of times a day on the forums to a few basic questions.

Guess they’re afraid that players start a flame war on them no matter what they say and blame them for everything that is wrong with D3 RoS or start asking endless questions on when some QoA features will be added to the game, when we get D4 announcement and 100 more questions they’re not eager to answer leaving us with the famous soon™ response instead…

you landed first on my list, just saying…
-now why did you take so much effort to bash me?
-and why is your activity hidden, so noone can see your true nature?

Taglines seems to be against the forum rules and fall in the “spam & troll” category. I tell you this, because I just read the rules again to see whether sharing Adblock filters is not against these.

Eh, not really. Not unless they are excessive and obnoxious. Like, if I ended every post with cookies and coffee I would not get in trouble.



True, but people might sneak in like ninjas and try to steal the cookies. Not that I would, you understand. It’s just a general warning about the dangers of cookie stealing ninjas.

Oh, and by the way, when I selected your post and chose to quote it, it changed the emojis from a cookie and a coffee to being two coffees. It seems that even the forums themselves want to steal your cookies, MissC!

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I have read the line here:
“Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish”.

If the link includes the up-do-date version of the forum rules this means you don’t have to spam us in each post with cookies and a coffee, because this may start look as trolling us (when we are hungry for example).

Don’t get me wrong (it’s good a downvote button don’t exist anymore btw), I am not against forum taglines if the forum allows to setup such, that’s what I’ve read at the link.

I gotta say my favorites are the crunchy chocolate chip with macadamia nuts! Prefer hot chocolate with these but a good coffee is great too! Ha!


You are trying to over think this. The mods determine what is “excessive”. Most of the time they don’t go after folks for tag lines. As long as each post is actually a genuine post with valid commentary, and not an excuse to spam said tag line. Oh, and of course the tag line can’t violate the forum rules or be otherwise divisive.

Edit - think about it in a business sense. Everyone is required to have a signature that at least includes their name. Often title and contact information too. Some even add a quote or tag line. This is attached to every single communication they send. Nobody sees it as spam. So, we have precedence for this in the real world and people are used to it. Now, if I started sending people emails with JUST my signature they would get annoyed really really fast.

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I have to agree with this. And I have been using said tag for years… So… Now its an issue because I linked a youtube music video from Pixels since it carries my tag’s namesake? Hell I just thought it was cool. lol But I don’t stick it on every post if that makes any difference… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Game on.

I dunno. Taglines pretty much seem against the forum rules from that quote since they fall in the “phrase” category, which is excessively repeated. Your coffee tagline would fall in the gibberish one. And if the forum was mine caffeine would also fall in the performance enhancing drugs category and a reference to it would’ve been considered against the rules.

Also, your definition of tagline is vague. What if some forumer who regularly copy/pastes his posts in different threads decides to make one of these his tagline? Do I have to scroll through this wall of text every time?

Email marketing aka spam by today’s standards was the most profitable one in the past. Taglines in emails are a lite version of spam. Some containing contact information may be useful, but most are not (most are even not taglines of the user that is writing the message, rather of the email service he is using).

But what is the definition of spam actually?
[noun] 1. Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc. 2. Unwanted or intrusive advertising on the Internet.

[verb] Send the same message indiscriminately to (a large number of Internet users).

As we see by the above definition taglines are pretty much pure spam when they are not directly related to the forum content in question.

What I mean is that no one would care about a rap video put as a tagline from a user at a gaming forum. This is absolutely irrelevant to any kind of discussion it is in.

If the user is in love with his tagline, why not change his battle tag to it? If the user wants to discuss rap videos with others, why not make a thread for this?

Put as a tagline, this is pretty much irrelevant information, which in some cases may be advertising.

If you think people should get into trouble for referencing tea / coffee on the forums because they’ve got caffeine in them, I’m very glad you’re not in charge. Heck, I presume I’d also get into trouble for regularly saying this in the in-game General Chat…

Good morning! I’ve got a nice hot mug of tea and I’m offering level 1-70 boosts (softcore, seasonal) whilst I drink it. Anyone need help levelling?


You might want to go take a look at some of the blue posts, especially the tech support forum posts. They often have “signatures” at the end of their posts. Now, while they do serve a purpose in most cases, they’re still signatures/taglines. Blizzard isn’t going to go after someone for using them. Even I used them for quite some time and even rotated amongst three or four that I had (the Blizzard forum eXtender browser addon created for the old old (like several years old) forum actually randomized my signature between the ones I had created).

The only issue I can see with DTMAce’s tagline is that it’s a link to a youtube video and nothing more (no description, etc). That would be the one technicality that violates the CoC, but more than that, can catch unsuspecting users off guard and if they’re on a low data cap connection like many are in the US, it can eat through the data cap quickly. But most taglines that aren’t just literally a link and nothing else won’t even get a sideways look from Blizzard’s moderation team. Thankfully anyone can hover over the tagline’s link and see what the URL is if they’re savvy enough to do so.

FWIW, as long as the tagline’s link is just a link and not actually embedding the result of that link into the post, it’s usually not an issue. Had DTMAce used an embedding method as the tagline, he’d have been warned to remove it already.

Enjoy these then and don’t say I didn’t warned you one day.

Then they have to update their forum rules, because right now taglines are against these as I referenced the exact rule these violate in my previous posts. And even more taglines COMPLETELY unrelated to gaming, RPGs, Blizzard games or Diablo.

Do you see an issue with the following, it’s not even a link:

Should I start putting this at the end of my posts, just because I find it cool and the mod team is not following their own rules?