Put a Gibbering Gemstone in next week's CR cache

Wouldn’t that be a great solution?


please add a first place blue ribbon in the cache as well and the great “broken i.win” button


Just make the GG a 100% drop from Chiltara, then it will be in line with the other staff pieces.

A great solution requires a problem first.


No, since the Cache is available in non-season as well. Not that there is a real reason, but NS is supposed to be hard, simply because it is NS.

i got it at my first atempt so i don t really see the fuss about it


I want an insta-win button. Just press it, everything dies, I get a bazillion paragon with non-stop rain of primals and a screen “Congraturation! This story is happy end! A winner is you”.

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Well aren’t you living a charmed life. Its tiring to keep searching and getting squat. That goes for primals as well.

No it’s not. Only one material is guaranteed to be there 100% of the time, and it’s the Bell. Every thing else is RNG.

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I didn’t say any of the other materials were there 100% of the time. If they made GG 100% drop from Chiltara, it would be drop around 40% of the time on game creation which would be in line with the magic mushroom, leorics soup bone, and the liquid rainbow. The plans would still be rarer, but not nearly as rare as the GG is now.

Chiltara is not in the COF 100% of the time on adventure mode, nor is the COF a guaranteed spawn on creation. Making GG drop 100% of the time won’t make it a 100% drop on game creation, but it will bring it in line with the other 3 pieces that have random spawns.

That’s why you can use the story mode to farm it.

and even on story mode, GG is still only a 2.5% chance to drop on game creation which is definitely not in line with the other 3 random pieces.

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No. Put that in next Seasonal Journey step. Before getting a Set mwhahahaha (evil laugh)

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Why is there a solution required for something thats not a problem?

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It would be interesting to have the number/percentage of posters who complained about the drop of the gem, and who got it a few hours/tries later :upside_down_face:

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Every time I see a post of somebody whining about the gibbering gemstone this is the song that pops in my head

I spent just over 11 hours farming for that silly thing. Giving one away in a challenge rift cache would be highly insulting to the time everyone spent farming to get it.

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This one time I have to agree with you somewhat. But the thing they knew this going into the season the Gemstone would be a hard item to get.

How many topic’s have we had over the years on this Gemstone. Plus how many have we had on this since the start of the season. They don’t really care it is part of the Altar Hunt.

If they did care on keeping people happy. They would have fix it before the season started. To them it is part of the hunt. To Bad To Sad Deal with it!!!

I’ll be really surprise if they do anything. Plus the only thing they did fix is that now that cave comes more then it did in the past. So they think doing that helps. OK RIGHT!!!

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Nothing to fix.


I think it’s my favorite season.
For what ?
Because everything is not acquired quickly. And you have to play.
I had all the elements for the staff before drop a Ramaladni’s Gift

Am I going to complain? No


I’ve done a solo GR135 today, at just over 1K paragon, half of my gear isn’t ancient, of the ancients they don’t all have augments on, and I still need to find 5 more primals to finish off the Altar. About 50 hours played, 11 of which was the hunter for Gibbering.