Pursists should have minimal influence on D2R

Blizzard gives an interview in the past couple days saying things like balance changes and new items may be introduced after launch if the players want them. That seems to me to be self-explanatory.

As such, I think it is possible that after launch Blizzard may introduce balance changes and new items if the players want them.

A saw in another post that the trapsin bug was fixed. Tells me VV is more ambitious with baseline 1.0 that I’d expected. Also tells me to expect more from them after launch as well…

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absolutely agreed. major content additions or balance changes are badly needed but these guys are so resistant to change, it’s baffling. Ignore the clowns, and we should be putting pressure on the devs to make meaningful changes, not just bug fixes. Charm inventory addition, rune/gem stacking, new runewords, merc rebalancing A1 / A3 / A5, Grief nerf are all necessary imo.


Fine…. It’s 1.5 trillion Els for a Ber. Do you get my point? Just because you can stack runes doesn’t mean the value of the economy explodes and causes inflation.

Even if it did, as long as there aren’t bots, the player spends more to buy and the seller makes more to sell. It just raises the numbers a tad, inflation isnt bad. The world economy has inflated every year since the 1900s, it’s actually preferred and normal. Hyper inflation is bad.


Actually, the main start was in 1913. Care to guess why? :wink:

Can you elaborate on your point so I don’t have to assume?

'Twas the year the Federal Reserve Act became law in the U.S. The dollar is currently worth a small fraction of what it was in 1913. And this is NOT the definition of Fractional Reserve Banking… :frowning:

Great points on this topic. :clap:

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The invention of the bra?

Understood, but what are you trying to say about D2R and rune stacking? Like what is the point you’re making by bringing up the start of inflation in the economy?

Good? Bad?

I want inflation. I want growth of the D2R economy. And I don’t believe rune stacking would impact that.

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I 100% agree with mindful changes:

Arenas, Guild Halls, Ladder rewards (including titles and minor appearance changes).

Not really interested in new content created by someone outside of Blizzard North unless they can some how get ahold of Brevik’s documents and concepts for the second expansion he was working on. If Blizzard still has access to these documents DO IT!

If VV wants to make a new difficulty, I don’t really mind. If they want to make Cows on steroids and make it an “Insane” mode for level 95+, I don’t mind it either.

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My most recent comment about inflation were completely OT.

But, my points earlier about rune and gem stacking (in stash only) were about trying to save mouse clicks moving them around, upgrading them, etc. An earlier poster suggested that allowing this would lead to inflation. I disagreed with that, as stash stacking doesn’t impact the “inputs” to the stash, there would be no more drops of these times, so it necessarily could not lead to inflation.

I was more interested in saving time in the meta-game and screwing around with mules.

But, I’ll add: with no bots/dupes in the economy (stop laughing!), prices will be much higher for much longer than previously. We all need to prepare mentally for this. Will take a longer time for “price discovery” to occur. We’ll see inflation, for sure. But it will be slower than before. Maybe by a lot.

Unless the bots and dupes never go away…

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The big difference is that in a game earnings (aka drop chance) is going to stay the same no matter how big is the inflation. If you dont know the difference between game economy and real world economy just dont try to give examples.

Your premise is completely backwards. People crying for changes should have minimal impact in this REMASTER (for the billionth time). You should also stop saying “most” or “minority”, its an extremely silly thing people are claiming based on these tiny polls that have surveyed not even 5% of the people who will play.

There is no reason Blizzard should shut down development. Just because it’s been stalled does not mean it needs to be permanently stalled. This idea has nothing to do with whether the game is remastered or not. The remaster is simply an incentive to continue D2 development.

I wouldn’t be opposed to some smaller changes, but I would feel scammed if they started implementing major stuff right after launch. IMO they have already delivered on the important changes as this was advertised as being the original game with new graphics and some mod changes

Well, this is where the idea of legacy servers and modern servers come in. I think that’s the best way to go about it. Clearly the more popular servers would be modernized servers, so having a legacy server wouldnt cost much.

If that option always exists then there’s little reason to get in the way of further D2 development. One of the great things about this is that it’s going to be very hard for blizzard to really mess it up for things that have already been established as working on private servers.

where did the advertise that?

When VV was announcing the game as the same game with a new graphics engine running on top, they even claimed they were going to keep all of the bugs to make it as close as possible to the original game. the emphasis was on changing graphics in a 30/70 ratio

These kinds of posts create needless flamewars so I reported it.