PTR Time for Thursday?

Looking forward to testing out the new sets!
Was wondering if there’s an estimated time of release for the PTR Thursday?
Thanks! :slight_smile:

No time has been announced. In the past it starts around late afternoon Pacific Time (California, USA).

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More than likely 5 p.m. Pacific time, give or take a few minutes, just like seasons and other PTR before it. But, I can predict it now - on Feb. 6, 1 second after midnight at the International Date Line (180 meridian, where the day officially begins) people will be hollering 'When does it start?" “When does it start?”, etc… Patience, people.


It happens every time. It is like people don’t seem to understand the world is round :earth_americas: :earth_asia: :earth_africa: and we have time zones. :clock4:



So, you’re saying it’s a flat circle? :wink:

As the PTR usually goes up late afternoon pacific that means it’s the early hours of the following day for EU. I may even need to switch from my usual cups of tea to a pot of coffee to stay up and test.

Just like death and taxes, you can always count on the “What time” posts.

There should be something to be said for people who think we “live on a flat disc, floating through space”. Hmmmmm……Ding!