PTR just downloaded

Why can’t I access it? What must I do? What must I say?

Pray, tell.

ptr is always install-able but they haven’t patched it wtih 2.6.8 yet so it won’t work

Because it isn’t February the 6th yet…


ive always found it silly that you have to wait for patch day even if the thing is ready.

Well, I’ve always found it silly that I have to wait for Dec. 25th to open my Christmas presents when my girlfriend went shopping on Black Friday…


There are usually one or more preliminary down loads before the PTR launches. Don’t be fooled.
This is just mis en place before they start cooking.

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I don’t celebrate Mithrasmas.

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Is your sarcasm detector broken?

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There is truth in sarcasm, by definition.

Because it’s not live yet, Einstein…

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The usual reason is that they are testing things. They have to be certain that it will run on the PTR server. This is a good idea to do for a full day. It means things are more likely to run properly.

See my bottom comment.

In programming, it is even more important to be careful. You can hard crash something if it is not ready, hence my comment that them testing for a day is good idea.

Also, giving themselves more time then they need is something is what more groups in game making need to do. Crunch time has sent more than a few game makers to the hospital since 18+ hours a day have been reported and never contested.

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I am aeligos, not Einstein. But he was one of us.

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Because it is not available until tomorrow, 02/06/2020, probably at 5:00 PM PST. Possibly, 2:00 PM PST.

It has been patched to 2.6.8. It doesn’t work because it is not “tomorrow” yet, as Nefertiri stated. (See image below).


It would appear Blizzard is going with the preventative instead of the typical reactive this time around. Good on them

No, the reason why is because it was announced it will be released on February 6.

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Good God. Why is there continued discussion after this comment?

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I assume that would be Feb6 5PM PST

You assume correctly. Somewhere in that time frame, give or take a few minutes or so. Maybe an hour, but don’t panic (like some players will) if it isn’t immediately playable at 5:00:01 p.m. PST

What about at 5:00:02 p.m. PST? Lol

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