PTR Rend; Devs did great & Careful with your feedback

No, dummy, every bounce deals minimal damage. You deal no damage to mobs unless AD procs.

The build cleared 120 with minimal effort. It wasnt DarkPatator clearing 140. It was me doing 115 without Taeguk or ancients.

Are you delusional? Both of those builds are “fast, powerful and rewarding”.


Which quickly racks up pain enhancer stacks and has you stabbing the hell out of up to three enemies at absurd speed and damage.

Shadow Impale is one of the fastest, powerful and fun builds to run. Complexity isn’t inherently fun.


I played it for months, it was fun. But I must admit the satisfaction of annihilating a mob of trash with something like Blessed Shield was missing. Impale was sometimes super frustrating whem things blocked my path to dealing damage to the one target I cared about. Or blues, which are much worse than yellows for Impale.

Truer words were hardly ever spoken. :thinking:

Yha Micro’s minions are back cluttering up the Forums and MicroRNA is writing the book:
“Balancing Diablo III For Dummy’s 2019”


You’re ignorant on the current state of the game. Plenty of things already fit that bill.

  1. Witch Doctor darts has done several GR 140s on live, is fast, needs 2m or less on the RG.

  2. RF DH has done 138 and 139, definitely 140 capable, has vault to move around the map, annihilates elites on high 135+ even with no density.

  3. Vyrs archon Wiz, GR 140 capable even after nerfs, has done 142, 143, 144 on live. Immortal on Archon, extremely high dps regardless of density, permanent Teleport skill with no cooldown while in Archon.

So you were saying?

Barb needs no nerfs. If you want solo builds clearing in the 140 range then bring them all up. No reason to nuke a 200% Rend multiplier that helped the class overall (not just WW builds).


I only have one real heart to give, please take these artificial ones too.
:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: for truth.


You misunderstand. The RendWW build was not only super simplistic, but gear and skill light. As a result, it would raise the bottom of the Barbarian standard so high that the requirement to make LB would be higher than even DH (probably not Wizard). And that sucks.

Lmao. Negator, how have you gotten to adulthood?
“I cleared a gr 105, which means the build can easily clear gr 130 with just a blue weapon”
Shut your beta a** up.
115 is a lot different than 120. I did 115 too, but I couldn’t get 120 down. I wonder why… It’s like it’s HARDER or something. How the heck do people function in this world with zero common sense.

I already proved you wrong earlier today and now you’re just trying to troll more people. Go back under your bridge.


Preach bro. This nerf is absurd. Just can’t have anything nice.


You mean it would raise barbs lowest gr’s up to a balanced level after the devs BALANCED our class?!?!

What an IDIOT…


Honestly, that potato kid did the 144 in 12.5 minutes. I bet he could still do 144 post nerf…


I got 115 with poor gear and no freaking idea how to play it. That was my complaint.

No idea how to play? You hold down WW 95% of the time and press stomp every 8 seconds. Wow, so hard.

115 non-seasonal? What gem did you use if it wasn’t taeguk?


You just made my point for me. It is easy.

I think I used a…BOTP? Or maybe just a not-leveled Taeguk, and just didn’t get the toughness buff. It still does SOMETHING at level 0-14 or whatever.

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THE WHOLE GAME IS EASY. Every build is easy. It’s D3 you numskull. You only get 6 buttons.

So you had all of the right gear, all of the gems, just not full leveled and cleared a 115… sounds like EVERY. OTHER. CLASS. Put a full non ancient chant build together, let me know how far past 120 you get. Put a full Impale build together, that’s 115 easy. I’ve done it. Put a full invoker build together. 115. I’ve done it.

If you tell me that 115 was seasonal, I swear to god…

Edit: Negator, what’s your paragon?


You mean easy like Akkhan Condemn Crusader walking through a GR 100 at Paragon 750ish with low gems, no ancients and no augments?


This season my UE DH did 100 below 750 with 2 or 3 ancients, no augments, and very low level gems. Not easy to do on a barb.

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You are likely a very good player. You are not a good exemplar of what is normal.

I am almost exactly 1,900 Paragon. 116 is personal record in like 10:40 on BS-LoD Crusader.

That’s very capable of 115. That’s where you should have been for 1900 paragon and having all the right gear. 10:40 is fast. If you pushed with sader you would hit 120.

1900 paragon also shows you’ve at least been around the block with D3 and you know how to Push. If you said 800 paragon I could start to understand how you would think it’s easy, but trust me a 115 at 1900 paragon isn’t amazing.

I actually wish we did need either AS or AD rolls. Instead we have to test and see how to gain toughness. It’s almost harder to get all resist on gear and enough vitality for this build.

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