Dear Developer Team,
Please just give us a small, tiny, any information about PTR 2.7.4 patch update time. Please. There is 5 days left to test after changes. And i am sure of that there will be too many thing to test.
We understood you, after a dead season (S26) you wanted to give us an excited seasonal theme. We appricate this. But when we saw patch notes we undesrtood there will be many bugs and some exploits. Because these are very big changes for classes. We respect that also but it is hard to do. Also we apreciate for your efforts.
We just need an information about PTR patch time and there will be an extension or not for PTR 2.7.4.
As far as i see from PTR these are major issues to fix:
- Necromancer AOTD build (as i read from forum people likes very much about AOTD animation which i also like alot)
- Necromancer Tragoul DMG adjustment. It is already very powerful.
- Demon hunter sesonal buff fix for vengeance cast. (There is a ZDH BK
- Wizard Storm Armor seasonal buff problem. (On this subject this seasonal buff is amazing but very powerful. It may arrange to do speed GR110-120. 4 wizard speed runs are amazing and It will be very good alternative for speed Necro RAT runs)
There are some other issues to fix also but i guess these are major things.
Please inform us about patch time.
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There are a buttload of issues to fix. But a hint would be very welcome.
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This PTR is set to run 16 days, not the usual 14, because it was released on a Tuesday rather than the usual Thursday. That means, if they patch it today, there’ll still be a full week to test the updated versions of things. The major items you listed, can easily be tested within minutes of the PTR having been patched.
Agree, let us know your plan ASAP, even there is no patch today.
Fix the bug. You can’t wait any longer
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If you are testing in minutes i am sorry but those tests are extremely untrustable that i can say. If tests will take minutes then why we need 1 week? I guess you know everything better than developer team. No need to write replies like a sniper of Blizzard. Everbody knows all we need to test manything with all characters before season start. Otherwise no need PTR.
There will be patch soon but there will be many bugs again. Because Season 27 Theme includes many thins for each character type. It is very hard job for developer team. I was just asking about an information or estimation for patch time.
I enjoy the PTR. For me, it is a great time to play D3. Testing is not my forte but I try. I mainly do it to get an idea of the upcoming season. I guess I am at the stage of gaining maximum satisfaction in PTR and preseason decisions that lead to launch day. This PTR is different. Yes there are huge game changes. The necro bug and the wizard bug are significant. I will say I am very disappointed in the lack of human respect from Blizzard as displayed in the absence of communication about the mid-PTR update. I have been looking for it for 3 days without a peep from Great Castle. Customer Service needs improvement.
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From what I understand, the Wizard issue is due to having two armour abilities, and they each cancel the cooldown of the other one, thereby allowing the Wizard to rapidly spam the armour ability that triggers the angelic power. Testing to see if this is fixed needs you to go to a map with mobs on, and click one armour after another, and see if activating the 2nd one resets the cooldown on the 1st one. It is, quite literally, the work of a couple of minutes at most.
There also is the bug that logging off resets the powers, but it applies to all of them.
There is also every possibility that they will extend the testing period by an additional week or even longer.
Pls make the
*Every two seconds, call down Fist of the Heavens on a random nearby enemy.
To activate the 2 pieces set bonus from Aegies of Valor.
Yeah… some tests will be quicker than others. But there are other problems like Angelic Crucible drop rates, Petrified Scream drop rates, and more that don’t have quick test options. Also it might be days before somebody stumbles into another problem like the Storm Armor bug. That lurked in the Wizard class from day one of the PTR but it was several days before somebody found it. The main feature of this PTR has been very buggy in almost all the classes. Everything from useless to godlike powers with multiple glitches. I really don’t see how we’re going to shake it down with just a week remaining. But perhaps I’m being too pessimistic.
Update on July 20: The PTR 2.7.4 testing period has been extended and will now end on August 8.
Diablo III PTR 2.7.4 |Now Live - Diablo III (
Almost a month long PTR period. Originally would’ve ended on the 28th of July, that’s a serious extension to push it all the way to August 8th.
There is another information in PTR forum:
Diabo PTR 2.7.4 | PTR Extension Notice + Updates Coming - PTR Feedback - Diablo 3 Forums (
So we get a ptr patch in july 25. Edit: “On the week of july 25” means someone next week.
how the hell is that post 21H ago. I checked the forums all day and didn’t see it.
Saw the 21 min ago pin, probably was just private until then.
Still, good to see they acknowledged there’s a lot of stuff to do and they’re extending the ptr.
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This was written 21 hours ago but put online a few minutes ago. They did this in past too.
Hopefully no devs got sick or anything.
They do have their work cut out for them with the ongoing surfacing of cheese GR150s and reported bugs.
The update is appreciated.
Good they are taking the extra time. Most of the angelic powers are broken or just not what players would use.
The new set changes all need tweaks too.
Reminds me a lot of the soul shard ptr.
Well i guess we’re getting those changes, reworks for some powers, and tweaks. That probably takes a lot of time, for the PTR to be pushed out that much. Does that mean they actually care?