PTR is delayed until further notice


We will still have enough time to test. Give or take a few days.
Also, I feel like S21 might be a bit shorter for me than usual. The season theme doesn’t look that appealing tbh…

I’m not surprised as I’ve come accustom to Blizzard never being on time and always delivering news at the last minute. I’m also pretty sure they knew they weren’t ready for the go live date, when they announced it.

Jay Wilson ruined this game, there is no fixing it.

Most people and businesses in the USA might, but most people and businesses everywhere else in the world do not…

According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and last day of the week.

Although this is the international standard, several countries, including the United States and Canada, consider Sunday as the start of the week.

The ISO week-numbering year starts at the first day (Monday) of week 01 and ends at the Sunday before the new ISO year (hence without overlap or gap).

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Umm…     And just where is Blizzard located?  


Blizzard’s head office being in the USA doesn’t alter the fact that the people and businesses of the USA and Canada are not most of the world.


So? You generalized “most people and businesses”. Outside US the week starts on Monday, not Sunday. Just because US is an oddball (in numerous ways) doesn’t mean their way is the mainstream way.


How bored is everyone to be debating about what day the week starts in various countries?

This hardly seems like an issue to argue about. :woman_shrugging:


We are bored because the PTR is delayed :wink:


Go for a walk. :walking_man: :walking_man: :walking_man: :walking_man: :walking_man:

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I was hoping to be playing on the PTR whilst eating and drinking the magic snacks you conjured for me in another thread. As they’re magic, they’ll keep until next week, I guess.

With reduced work hours, or no job at all, I would think a lot of people are getting bored right now. I guess, be lucky that people are only debating the start of a week or work week vs. any other topics they could be discussing.

I was looking forward to the PTR. IWD: EE fatigue is starting to settle in. Well, that and a nice dose of cabin fever. That includes a 2 mile walk everyday too.

Read a book :open_book:. Take the dog for a walk :dog:. Bake some bread :bread:


Everyone bought yeast already.

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This is taking longer than I expected.

Nothing new I have to read. I don’t want to purchase online anymore.

government quarantine forbids me to do this

I don’t have an oven.

I suppose thing take awhile to fix with a blind man and a seeing eye dog

Have you tried playing diablo 3 ? Cause you seem to have very poorly built characters, I am sure you could have some fun trying to improve them ? You’ll see, it kinda like playing on the ptr but you keep the drops forever !

And have a cookie cutter build? No thanks.
I play by my own rules to have fun… that’s what playing is all about… having fun.

I have played thousand of hours on this game on my own pace and will continue to do so without anyone telling me what I need to do.