My start button does not have a ptr option, How do we fix this?
Ptr ends today maybe its closed now.
It’s still there. Above the Play tab it says Diablo III (game version tab) - next to that is a down button. Click that and PTR option is listed there. Change to it, download the patch.
edit: It was up when I wrote this, over now.
From the PTR Blog
Our two-week PTR testing period for the 2.7.3 update begins March 10
It’s now the 24th March, i.e. two weeks after the PTR began.
If it’s not down already, it’ll be taken down within a few hours.
Confirmation received…
Everyone I’ve spoken with at Blizzard says it should be there, and they haven’t a clue why it isn’t, I know exactly where it should be; same as with WOW, I am in the PTR there, this makes no sense…evidently to anyone :frowning, I know it’s long over with now, but when I posted my housemate was playing on his PTR in the adjacent room., just a Post-post script