Ptr has been over a week ago

Is there even anyone working on Season 30? It would be nice to have it soon so it doesn’t overlap with D4 new season.


Yes, they’re still working on it. We’ll probably get an announcement here soon of the start date for S30, along with the patch notes with revisions, if any.

Patience, it’s coming soon™.

Just a wild guess, we’ll get an announcement this week, and S30 will start Friday, Jan 5th… (Pending that fits in with the higher priority Diablo 4 schedule.)

There might be a two week wait and we’ll have a slew of news coming on 1/2/24… To your point, the scaled back D3 teams are probably enjoying a well-earned break. I have reached out, but 98% of the overall staff are on break, with only skeleton crews to watch over and maintain the servers in case something does happen.

The quickest way is if there are no amendments to the patch notes.
They could have been amending the changes during the PTR.

We’ll see sooner or later.

No they all quit just to upset you.

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Not sure if the OP noticed but Christmas is this coming weekend. The devs may be on holidays by now.


It’s the holidays, Mr Scrooge. Whatever’s left of D3 devs get their time off too!

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Then it’s stupid of them to put out the PTR now.

They could of turned it on in Jan and no one would have batted an eye but they went and put out the worst patch notes in the history of this game, totally confusing and with 0 mentions of the soulshards being in and then after a week, total silence. Could have at least ended s29 this sunday or the next.

Nope, we’re not getting anything until probably the second week of Jan, disgraceful communication Imo.


Maybe we get another PTR, with Ethereals instead of Shards in January and revised revisions. You never know… maybe they wanted figures on the Altar and Shards now and then need time to fix things so that non season can also benefit from the Altar. We shall see soon enough. Or not.


Who is live in the USA pls tell about Christmas/New year holidays when will weekdays starting for any approximate understanding what and when to wait.

When you don’t have the key, the only question to ask is what to do with the time allotted to me :smiley:

It comes down to if Bliz wants S29’s end and/or S30’s start to fall during a holiday week:

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This is what is confusing a lot of players. The schedule says this week should be Season end. The realization that it is the holiday break… A machine wouldn’t care. Communication is key and we haven’t seen anything, yet.

Keep in mind that the “schedule” is based of the averages of past seasons. Holidays could (or could not) interfere with the historical timelines.

As for a machine caring, as I pointed out in my quote, the start of a season very much needs humans involved. Sometimes the end needs humans as well, like last season (iirc) did.

As for communication, yep, welcome to Blizzard. Get used to that.

What schedule is this?

If going by seasons past, we’d be barely halfway into this season. For this short of a time period, you’d have to go back to Season 20.

Historical trends. Not an actual schedule.

(I was referring to DiabloVern’s use of the word.)

To be fair they could have just extended the PTR if there was no time to finalize before the Holiday break.

That was probably the first PTR where I felt I got jack all tested compared to previous ones where I was done in a day or two. Probably because the two largest time sinks (Altar and Shards) combined into one with no freebie assistance like previous.


In summary, the lack of communication from Blizzard is terrible. I’m thinking, what the role community manager is doing beside nothing. I have started to get a good feeling after D4 went bad in reviews and they actively started doing a communication to the community.
The D3 season 30 situation is an absolut disaster. The curent season is boring like hell and the 3 month cycle would have been very appreciated. What is lying ahead is the worst combination I can imagine. D3 starting maybe in january 12 or 19, D4 is starting on january 23. The playerbase in my clan and friendlist is tending more to give D3 the way, some do D4. So we have a split and D4 looses players.
Or a Blizz wants to avoid this canablization between D4 and D3 and is kicking of the D3 season 3 somewhere in end of februar / march, also bad.
In any case people are bored and looking for new games to play now.

Yep. In my case I am waiting for the Steam Winter Sale to start later. Might be the time to finally try Grim Dawn.

There’s a common misconception that CMs are simply forum posters, but that is not the case.

Add that to the fact that when they do make forum posts, it’s just to relay what the developers want publicly announced. So if the devs have nothing to say, there’s nothing for the CMs to post. Hence it’s not the CMs who doing are nothing, yet they are the ones the community blames.

A disaster? The only thing that’s really bugging players is the apparent lack of the Altar in NS. Otherwise S30 is looking to be one of the strongest on record.

We’re on 3 months and 1 week (with a holiday week up next). So even if Bliz is waiting for the holiday week to pass, that will be 3.5, maybe 4 months. Certainly not so terrible as far as 3 month seasons go, especially seeing recent seasons have been ~6 months.

People are allowed to play both games. D3 and D4 seasons are going to keep cycling for a while and they may overlap sometimes. It’s the same with D3 and D2R; it’s nothing new.