Ptr has been over a week ago

I have a different opinion. It’s not named “Dev communication dude” (when they want to tell something). It’s called community manager, so community equals to all people here in the forum and all players.

A disaster in regards of communication. The season theme will be fun and great.

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You’re welcome to your opinion, but it doesn’t change the reality on how the system works or how Bliz defines the CM role.

I was only addressing your assertion that CMs do nothing. Just because they don’t do what you expect doesn’t mean they do nothing.

The lack of communication in this instance is hardly a “disaster”. No one is going to live or die based off when the season announcements come. The same is true if no announcements ever come. Seasons will and start with or without them.

Annoying? Perhaps to some. But a disaster? All that’s going on here is hyperbole.

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But I literally might tho… I can feel my soul dissolving as we speak… teehee (still had really hoped the season was starting before Xmas)

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