PTR : Do you test stuff before releasing?

PTR is supposed to be used to test for bugs, mechanical problems and other things to that nature. It’s not supposed to be used as a balance pass, yet that’s what it’s being treated like by blizzard.

This is a major problem when they allow a very small window to test. 1 week PTR tests were terrible. 2 week tests are good.
2 week tests that are actually 2 1 week tests where the first week doesn’t count because of bugs/balancing are terrible.


I hope devs go back to drawboard at try something new (or listen to the players), and yes, im ready to wait 2 month more to get what we want…


They got all the information after one day. Rest of week 1 is useless.
And I doubt there will be any useful changes for week 2, because the problems are mostly terrible design, not so much actual bugs.

So we will either get the current crap for S21, or something hastily redesigned and totally untested.


DH set was released in its current, crippled state, so the devs can see how it performs in the wild, and if they missed something that could make the set OP which would require an emergency patch. Easier to just let the community be their QA department for the new set, then (hopefully) tweak the set based on that feedback.

Wouldn’t be too surprised if after going through the overwhelming negative feedback on Monday (or reports generated by CMs over the weekend) that we’ll see tweaks to the set s early as Tuesday.

we will also see what will be released in the end. probably 20% more here and -20% there. and all important and helpful comments end up in the garbage.


PTR is part of development.
Dev team receives feedback therein.

:thinking: :laughing: :rofl:

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feedback from the ptr forum belongs on toilet paper. maybe he / she will read it then. you already know when …

So useless sets to add nothing to the game. Hmm another skip season perhaps.


PTR should be a wide audience survey as a final check points for the looks and feels and potentially missed glitches, not throwing all the QA stuffs to the users.

If Blizzard considers PTR as a part of their QA activity, they should have to pay us as a standard quality assurance tester.

And with recent experience in PTR, I can’t stop thinking that they are actually not running their own QA team - even in the world of web design and development, where relatively smaller amount of workloads are required, QA is a MUST, not something to be thrown to the users.

In short, do your job first, blizzard. You guys keep updating your classical games not for us, the customers, but to avoid losing brand awareness of them because of your slow development progress.


Many people felt disappointed when blizz overbuffed something and then nerfed it when it for the patch. Remember crusader when it was first buffed to be rgk and pig sticker was the BIS weapon in PTR?

Maybe blizz is trying to do the opposite now. Debuff the set and then buff it when its released?

They make sets mainly, I dunno if they test them, but what I think is that they test them during the PTR with us. I doubt there is internal testing that happened before PTR.

They make new sets and mostly players tests them.

I think D3 been admited to Intensive care unit mode ( maintenence mode ) while ago, and we should not expect much coming forward.

Play and Have fun and enjoy the remaining time left in D3 life.

I would love to see the 6 piece set give your primary skills access to all their individual runes while active, can you imagine how much fun that would be? So much utility and diverse playstyles!