PTR 2.7 - GoD6 2-Pierce of Crap

Yup, I only play for leaderboard. Sorry, not interested in build diversity or fun builds or whatever diversity yadda. Too long since the game released, too many greater rifts, I only care about doing better than others in my paragon range and if possible 1000-2000 above :stuck_out_tongue:

150 has long to be reached by the upper tier players, and then slowly by the mid tier ones. It’s the endgame of the endgame, and not some “unreachable target” bollocks, we aren’t playing some Rogue variant from the 80s anymore.

Why can’t it be both? Diversity and push power?

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That was my post on about. Bring the Impale build to the lvl of GoD and so on.

The irony is that GoD6 HA and S6 Impale are neck-and-neck right now – too bad they are both weak sauce.


Yup, no point in having them both at some crappy GR120-130withsuperhighparawhatever level. Plus DH would finally need a stronger Impale anyhow as possible 4P meta bosskiller build to at least have a chance to be used and accepted there by some people.

Like said, they have to bring other builds to the lvl of GoD, not the other way around like on the PTR right now.

Here’s my GR132 clear on S6 Impale:

I burned 50 keys towards GR133, the best time I got was 15:16. A buff of 6 GRs would be reasonable. S2 set bonus to 15,000%.

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Fits with the Euro nonseason leaderboard, think 131 or 132 was the best I saw for the Impale build there. So not much improvement through the new follower yadda at all there Im afraid, maybe 1-2 GR.
Yeah, 15000% or even 20000%. A lot more damage either way. And a tad bit more toughness maybe too to make it easier to keep it alive in a 4P setup.

The point is, dp, we want GoD fixed. Then they can worry about bumping up the others to it’s level.

Basically, give us back GoD, then they can go about fixing Impale, UE, N6/M4, N6, and M6. I want to compete with other classes sooner rather than later. You sound like you would rather have GoD broken and wait 4 or 5 seasons for everything to buffed and I’m sorry. I don’t want to wait that long to compete with other classes.


Yup, exactly that. Not interested in waiting on them another 3 years to come around with a concept only to break it again after not even a year. The game is too old for such experiments by now.

Rollback GoD to full power, then fix Impale S6 as soon as possible, and start adjusting/boosting the other builds and sets. Of course if they manage to do it faster or all at once, the better.
Right now as far as I can see the whole PTR just weakens the DH - yay, great patch. Not.


I think we all got thrown for a loop…it wasn’t too long ago (too lazy to find posts) that they were talking about releasing the new sets for all classes (done) and THEN the next big thing was supposedly a balancing patch where we assumed that they would work to bring underperforming sets (impale/UE/monks/MoTE/etc) up in playability instead of just “fun” - so guys like DP could be competitive to a point with a build that’s not FoTM.

Instead 2.7 is a massive rework to the followers which is a boon to the solo player (and a welcome one at that)…but for some reason includes crushing 2 of the new and newly buffed specs (GoD and Mundu WD)…

GoD is no where near OP. It has so many issues (lousy single target, waller, etc) that it REQUIRES a gimmicky affix at the right time to be successful (forget seasons btw - when the 4man s22 LB is 100% 150 clears the theme is OP).

Heck EVEN in S22 - NA only 3 150 clears for DH…compared to say 4 Wiz, 3 Crus and oh, 141 Necros

If I’m reading data right on, there have been 4 NS clears of 150 by a GoD DH in NA. All of them over 9k paragon. All of them with 150 gems and 120+ augs…and betcha they all had at least 1 MD that they pulled everything into.


Nope, ideally, I want Blizzard to pull the finger out and balance classes/builds NOW. There’s zero reason why they can’t do that.

so, basically, every other DH build can be broken and wait…whilst you enjoy god…nice.

I pushed some GRs in 2 man with friend last few days to get some nice records before nerf kicks in. I did not play for like 3-4 month before that. And duuuuuuuuude Sand Dwellers and Dune Dervishes destroyed so many good attempts. I Forgot how annoying they are. You need big moster pulls with many elites and if one of them is reflecting damage you can leave game.

At start we where playing with 2xFOT and Barb used Nemesis bracers… after 4-5 runs he dropped Nemesis bracers because they spawn Dune Dervishes too often. That is when we made some nice progress with pushing.


No, I would like the same thing you want to happen to happen. Only I know that it isn’t going to happen any time soon.

But if GoD is fixed, then we all have a choice. We can play a set that competes with other classes or we can play one that doesn’t.

When GoD came on the scene, I was playing UE. I love UE, but I wanted to compete with other classes. So…you know what I did…I learned to play GoD. I made the choice.

Now, don’t punish me because you wouldn’t make the same choice.


so my way or the highway…nice…

Not my way.

Let’s see how’d you put it?

Oh yeah, Blame Blizzard, not me.


It’s not his way, its the way of the majority of people who posted here. By far.


Not only should the Shadow set be buffed, but the 6 piece should be changed so it works with skills other than just Impale. Any skill that works with the 2 piece should work with the 6 piece: Impale, Chakram (buff the sword and quiver while they’re at it), Fan of Knives, Spike Trap, Bolas, Grenade.

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But you’re demanding that god be re-buffed back to its original OP self…and any other DH build can wait to be buffed (if it’s ever buffed that is)…leaving us with 1 viable DH build to push with…

the majority of the people posting here only care about having an OP build…they don’t give a crap about build diversity etc…

Yes, it could, but then we have more power creep coming into the game…

I remember folks on here up in arms about the original version of primals being “power creep” and creating a ruckus…those very same people are encouraging Blizzard, nay, requesting it, that builds be continuously buffed to make the game “more fun”…

Ironically, including you mate. You’re only here for Impale.


comprehension skills are obviously very poor here it seems. Yes, I main impale s6. I want to see BALANCE. You do understand and comprehend that term, right? I want ALL DH builds performing at the same level. ALL OF THEM. Is that clear enough for you?

You guys just want god buffed back to its pre 2.7.0 days and screw any other DH build…as long as you have your OP god build, nothing else matters.