PSA, Charm inventory and you

Lets make sure we agree on the basic facts.

  1. The character inventory in original D2 & D2:Lod is 4x10 = 40 small squares.
    True or false

  2. For PvM, most players in their player inventory when experienced, keep typically 3 items (horadric cube and 2 books) irrespective of the rest (or lack thereof) of the character inventory contents.
    True or False

  3. In PvM, the maximum space in the character inventory for charms and other items is 32 small squares when the horadric cube and 2 books are in the character inventory.
    True or False


false, its cube + torch + 1 book
false, see above, also the layout of the small squares matters, its 4x8 for the remaining space but since its pretty much all going to be filled with skillers ( maybe a gheeds) this leaves only 7 SC’s worth of space after u u use the 8th for your anni

unless its mid or low lvl duels then u dont worry about torch and anni and either run lifers or LLD or skillers for mld

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this is not the first charm post. if people have to state ther opinion every time a nw post coms up. ther is no time to anything els

if you are not here to further the conversation, I will advise for to indeed spend your time in a wiser matter

but if you still wish to be here ill be happy to hear what you have to say


i agree with you. i first came here to tell people ther is MANY other charm posts, and ther was no need to post new posts over and over. anyway Good day to all…

500+ posts here about charm inventory. this is the biggest. good pros and cons

see again you’re clueless, this post was mean to define a charm inventory because so many people including yourself seem to completely not understand on a fundamental level what it is and what we are asking for.

and yet u all come in here with the same clueless mentality of “i have my own idea of what i want so i’m going to ignore the actual definition of something that has existed in mods for years in order to come up with some made up idea of what i think should be implemented”

i am DEFINING what a charm inventory is… what is isn’t up for debate.

we are describing something which ALREADY EXISTS.

also you are clearly not even getting the “posting and you” reference


yes. your way is the only way.

and funny you know my way, since i havent postet one here.

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and who are we? so you saying all people who want charm inventory want the same as you?

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YES… because if they don’t then you’re using the term improperly… because its already has a definition… just because you don’t know what it means doesn’t mean its not already defined.

you cant just arbitrarily redefine a term because you don’t like what it means, and then suddenly pretend “oh the definition is up for grabs now”.

Lets go with this. The cube takes up 4 slots and the book 2. Therefore, the max free space for charms is 34. You are suggesting 40. This would be character power creep for PvM.



so wher did i redefine please. show me

i bet he will say. you cant be sure 40>34 cause so and so :slight_smile:

This but I would still oppose it. At least this is reasonable. Swift thinks anything but exactly what he/she wants is the worst thing ever, and how dare you even suggest something different.

you are focusing on the individual spaces and ignore how they are spaced.

you will only fit 1 more skiller in becuase like i said, torch is taking up the space under cube
so in reality all you are fitting is
1 skiller, 1 sc and 1 lc, o
r 1 skiller and 3 SC

i mean i guess in theory you could go 3x lc as well no LD are easilly the lease efficient so realistically isnt done

the power form charms comes basially only from the skillers, and you are really only adding 1 skiller

yes that 1 skiller is a slight power increase, but it negaliable overall.

when considering the massive QOL everyone recives… not just people filed up on charms

not to mention it allows build that would otherwise never be viable becuase the skills just dont have enough scaling or synergies to at least be attempted in hell… this is a massive imprvment to people like me who after 10 years who doing the normal meta builds like to try to find some other builds they can try to get to work in hell.
something which is never done because to get them to work you NEED those skillers, and unlike the "meta builds that use skillers they “DONT clear efficiently”

the main reason u cant lower to 36 or 34 or w/e u want is because mid lvl dueling uses 10x skillers. mid is completly balanced around that fact and its why it started at lvl 45 because thats the req for skillers. and because by the time u get torch and anni its HLD. i dont need to worry about that. so you actaully do run 10x skillers

and like i said before adding a small tiny thing is a much smaller chage than taking AWAY stuff from people

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ALL Bilds workes in hell. you can even doo it naked.

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I would be ok with that idea as I said earlier, although, do you really think it necessary to give 34 slots instead of just 40 in this scenario?

34 might be considered a nerf and 40 might be considered a buff, both cases something is being giving up


I was clear that I was talking PvM of more experienced characters. The issue is the amount of “maximum free space” in the character inventory is less than 40 in PvM for higher level characters. Your suggestion is powercreep for those characters.

You even acknowledge the extra charms that can be carried.

its not only about you have the charms. also that you can keep alot of items also= more boost for pvp and pvm.=not QOL

To Quote Hannah Montana. you want the best of both worlds

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if pvp is the issue, with arenas in talk you might be able to have some hard coded rule into match’s, other then that I just see it as adding to the pvping scene, the balance that is most important to keep is for pvm, pvp is always evolving no matter how many years pass, its not only about builds its about skill

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