Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

Adding new content will inevitably change how the game is played.
Just compare D2 Classic and D2 LoD or patch 1.09 and 1.10 :woman_shrugging:

I rather feel like QoL changes should be included in D2:R and the creation of new content should be left to the modding community.


His 25000 hours are very one dimensional though. He was pretty late to the party when it comes to D2. He has said in his stream that he didn’t extensively play older patches, wasn’t around much if at all for pre-LoD.

He was focused on becoming a pro SC2 player before this, and then turned to wanting to be a SC2 caster, then much more recently got into D2.

His understanding of the game is pretty much just speedrunning and magicfinding, which I do enjoy watching, but for some of us that heavily played on bnet, he’s not really a go-to source on PvP, Crafting, or anything else related to the nuances of the game, especially online multiplayer and the economy.


If you know this 2 things inside out then you almost know everything from PVM. And thats kind of player he is. PVP was always part of d2 but it never was the biggest part of it.

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No. There is plenty more to D2 PvM than just Mfing.

Min maxing, rerolling, crafting, optimizing. Speedrunning is very niche and few people care. MFing is a means to an end economically for PvPers.

Llama himself has said there are tons of things he doesn’t do/never did online in D2.

Low level dueling was a huge, and I mean massive, part of the community back in the day. There was a period between 1.09-1.10 with hex charms that low level GM dueling kept this game as alive as it was.

These are things that llama knows very little about, and as such we should be learning from a vast swath of the community.

Llama also voiced that the idea classic won’t be getting a large shared stash as “cool” in his video, even though the vast majority of the classic community want the shared large stash.

He’s a very niche market.


No, though no doubt its a haven for a lot of botters. Basically if you’re playing legit now its hard to avoid d2jsp one way or another, everyone uses it for trading. There are duel leagues, strategy guides, etc on it. Its probably the main community that still plays this game as it is in any way(Not modded) that isn’t just a singleplayer experience.

I’m sure people will try to make private servers, but Blizzard may make it more difficult to do with D2:R than it is with old D2.

Blizzard may take legal action against people making and profiting off of D2:R private servers. I don’t think they’ve commented on this, but they do it with other games. Officially having mod support doesn’t mean you would let people profit off of your IP. I can’t imagine they would just sit back and let it happen if there were any popular mods with private servers making decent money (even if it’s via item sales).

edit: The demand for online mods though is an opportunity for Blizzard to make money themselves if you implemented a system similar to PoE private leagues, but let people create them with mods.

Yeah but the thing is, lots of people have that amount of time in-game but not everyone like that agrees with everything he says.

Lots of us have been playing for 20 years and understand just as much if not, more than he does. Pvp, older patches, classic as examples


And that’s perfectly fine. I dont think others should profit off D2R either. How does that have anything to do with private servers and mods? AFAIK the PD2 or PoD people dont profit off of their mods.

This is a good example. Its not a good sign that Mrllamasc is somehow considered an expert when that expertise if it can be called that is really narrow. Its more that he has a following and some knowledge about the game.

Its too close to a situation where you’re asking an expert in WoW 20 twinking about the whole game in general. They don’t know how it all works together because they have niche experience. Speedrunning has never been popular in D2 and PVM has always been insanely easy. Its pretty generous to say that someone is an expert in those things when they’re not hard.

If someone asked me what would be a difficult PVM experience? Play dark souls.


I don’t consider MrLlama an expert, I consider him a passioned fan who didn’t stop playing for all this time replaying the game over and over challenging himself to keep engaged with the game.
In that sense, he represents a lot of people who love the game for what it is including me.

Diablo 3 fans must stay in diablo 3 or play diablo 2 for what it is.

Interesting take, since we are discussing D2R where the game has not yet been finalized and still subject to change prior to and post release.


Then don’t play d2r cause it’s already not what it was :man_shrugging:

Also the d3 reference is getting old as no one has supported what d3 is for d2 but that’s seems to be a top rhetoric for you guys


Sorry, your personal loot fantasy changes a lot in the game and not just in of itself. They would be REALLY tampering with it if they ever gave in to what you wanted.

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How would having the choice of personal loot or FFA loot at character creation, change your experience if you always select/play FFA games?

If you like clicking on gold, no one is forcing you to turn on auto-gold pickup. If the loot system was set at character creations, you would never see a personal loot player in any of your FFA character’s game just like hardcore and softcore are currently divided.


Yes - dividing up a playerbase further cannot possibly pose problems. You already have the option to literally play with personal loot. Singleplayer and private games if you care to.

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The original diablo 2 wasnt very sucessful, it didnt even garner enough support to warrant a second expansion. I can see why the hardcore fans want to keep it true to the original, but it is not the best decision for the success of the game or expanding the series draw. The core of diablo 2 was so infested with hacks bots and exploits that should not exist in the remaster, that alone is going to make this a different game than the original.


This is kinda it, there are already a bunch of changes incoming, I think it’s perfectly reasonable for people to voice their opinion, and blizzard to see which ones are popular.

So far, though divisive, many of these proposed changes in this survey are very popular.

I think the only question is whether to release the game with very few, some, or many of the changes, and which ones need to be divided by realm.

I feel that from Blizzard’s perspective, profitability, having 2 or more realms is a good idea. But I also think that for some of these changes, an extra realm in unnecessary, and could easily be togglable.

If they implement very few changes, and don’t offer content further than has been announced, I think it will hurt profitability going forward.


Wait what? Are you serious? Diablo 2 and its expansion broke sales records at the time.


Yeah I don’t support separate realms or either having to go the mod route

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The current D2 player base is somewhat modest in total numbers and is currently split between 4 PC servers X 4 game modes (HC/SC and Seasons/non-seasons) X 2 games (D2 and D2:Lod) [yielding 32 splits] and a multitude of popular mods [lots and lots of additional divisions].

If this split D2 playerbase can survive, your concerns would seem to be misplaced relative to D2R, unless you think sales will be poor in comparison to the number of current D2 players.