Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

Many D3 users will hate it. But yes, it is a D2 remaster. If changes come along it should be along the road and carrrrrefully handled.


Thatā€™s fine. It doesnā€™t change the fact that this mode is already in place in other forms 2) is a huge change that impacts other aspects of the game in terms of the dynamic loot acquisition in hardcore certainly 3) removes loot as an opportunity for SOME form of social interaction(good or bad). This game is better WITH more social interaction, not less. That interaction becomes much more optional with personal loot.

The game is better when the social interaction is better. Having more negative social interactions hurts the game or drives players to play solo more frequently.

My issue is this, letā€™s say 15% of multiplayer games result in a negative experience that can be attributed in part to FFA loot. Do I want to continue playing FFA loot or do I want a different choice?


There is no social interaction forced by personal loot. Any interaction tends to be better than none. Your personal loot stays private unless you decide otherwise. FFA loot is public.

I can tell you that if personal loot becomes a thing most people arenā€™t even going to think about dumping half decent items for ā€˜noobsā€™ - there is no impetus to do so or its not nearly as strong as if that noob asks ā€œcan i have thatā€ because they can see it.


Honestly do not understand what you mean by this

Give away games will be hurt mostly by the shared stash not ploot, the effect from ploot would be the exact same as ffa


No one is forced to do anything in the game irrespective of the loot system.

This is not true. If a player makes another feel like dog pooh, that interaction is worse than no interaction.

This happens all the time in D3 and it has personal loot.


And died so fast that they gave up doing a second expansion. Pokemon go broke records too, where is it now?

These are likely the only options for further development.

Thereā€™s no way in my eyes the developers balance items or skills without leaving them as-is for the player base that want them.

Iā€™ts going to be either separate realm, or very few changes, or they will receive absolutely hellish backlash, like WCR backlash.

I donā€™t support any changes to skills or items outside of bugs

Ie: charge lock
Fury interruptible

These kinds of things should be further expansion issues likewise to added content

The only issue with personal loot is economy balance but then again we donā€™t even know what a balanced economy looks like in D2 since we never had one because of dupes.

The whole social argument is a bit dumb, rarely do people swap loot past normal and remain social.

Btw Iā€™m against personal loot, I have my own ideas for it.

Thereā€™s no real argument about the economy with a personal loot option.

8 players (without you) enter a game - the same amount of loot exits said game.

This has no real effect on the economy.

som of the people want enough loot to drop, so all players in a 8 man party is for sure geting 1 item pr boss killā€¦ that will ruin the economy more then bots

I have not heard this even once in the month Iā€™ve been here and Iā€™ve read every thread. Please point to even 1 post wanting 8x the loot. Even if there is the odd person that thinks that would be good for the game, the vast majority of people who understand personal loot want drops to remain the exact same.

This would not disrupt the economy at all.

Edit : misread, I still havenā€™t seen anyone advocating for a guaranteed item from bosses. havent seen anyone advocating for anything other than a regular boss drop and a distribution roll.


from other post when i told him you not sure to get items from bosses

I donā€™t think a small increase from a change to personal loot - if it even would be an increase - would destroy the game, either. Especially since trading exists, and trading messes with the gearing pace far more than this supposed drop increase would.

and ther is more like this.

If the loot that drops is distributed to the players there, itā€™s going to suck because then people are going to go days maybe longer without seeing anything of substance in group play, pending on the rng it could be months.

Personal loot should give each individual player their own roll on the mob. What youā€™re suggesting is mob loot drops like normal but the system decides where it goes. That isnā€™t going to make anyone happy.

See, this would actually break the economy. I didnā€™t think anyone actually wanted this. This would ruin solo farming completely.

No. No. No. This type of change would actually destroy the D2 economy and eliminate meph runs, pit runs, and many other solo activities.

The only way to implement personal loot without messing with the economy at large is a regular roll on loot and distribution.

Well that is what people are generally asking for with personal loot. Their own roll on the boss itself, not the loot dropped by the boss.


I havenā€™t seen that said at all, not by many certainlyā€¦
If it was said by anyone I missed it


No. I think youā€™re misunderstanding what most people want.
Go check 98% of the posts in all of these personal loot threads.

They all talk about the distribution of existing drop rates.

What youā€™re talking about no one would ever do a solo meph run again.
This is not what most people are talking about when discussing personal loot.

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Iā€™m sorry friend but at least here, you misunderstand.

Go look at the poll again, if they believed what you did why would there be a Yes option but only if they reduced the quality of the loot drops.

People answered the poll under the assumption they get their own personal roll at the loot table.