Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

We don’t know that.
Blizzard intentionally asked about it in their survey, with the words “at launch”

Why would they do that if it weren’t a distinct possibility?

For the record I agree it probably won’t be at launch, but it remains a plausible addition, given the near 50/50 split among players that want it as an option.

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First and foremost, Blizzard is probably interested in satisfying its own fans because they are probably the first choice. Those who buy the game first and those who will continue to love it. What’s the point of a hypothesis as to whether people could join the game by change XY if diablo players turn away by this change.
The public games are an asset because they bring the community together better than any other version of game creation. This gives the creator the opportunity to freely design and integrate your needs into the respective game with pinpoint accuracy.
To think every player is anti-social is absolutely ridiculous.
It’s not about what you GIVE to the game by changing it, but what you TAKE AWAY from the game by changing it

TL:DR Minor ENHANCEMENTS welcome. Overhaul is not what a remaster is, please don’t change the game just make it fresh and new stuff is fun but the game is popular by vintage 1999 gameplay and chaos runs/baal runs plus 20 years of awesome discovery of item drops and rune words. Give us Resurrect content and DON’T REMAKE THE GAME!!! REMASTER THE GAME!!!

I’ve been a 20 year-lifer of D2: LoD but not hardcore, and if you play D2 you probably know what I mean. I am a loyal fan. I love the Tristram lore and Sanctuary and everything about D2. From Rogue Encampment to Lut Gholen (classic D2 fav) all the way to the all time fav Harrogath (spelling?) and the world stone keep. This game had levels that some players never even knew about and probably still don’t. These “enhancements” (my opinion) are going to make the D2:R world more viable for rookies that can easily be duped haha but can bring a fresh flavor to the game. D IV is a long way off seems like, and I can easily due without unloading 40 runes into the main stash. Below I am going to reply to all the changes quickly.

Stackable Runes:
Stackable, easy QoL but how about stackable by 5, stackable by 3, what about a tome of Zod which holds 20! I am yes on an enhancement here not an overhaul (10 seems accessive)

Charm Inventory/Increased Inventory:
Charm Inventory seems like an overhaul and maybe not a good one. Think about end game with Anni torch +sKills, +psn charm. Seperating that out pretty much just doubles the inventory, why would you increase the base inventory and then double it too? ENHANCE not overhaul!!

Skill Balancing:
Again, same theme enhance not overhaul. A tweak to make some of the skills more cool or fun is welcome but why are trying to make the easiest skills equal the hardest skills. Thats a huge change. Make lower skills more balanced with mana if anything. minor was the key word in the survey.

Merc Tweak:
Remove Strength requirment on gear HAHA. jk but minor enhancements would be fun if they werent game changing.

Rune Word Restrictions:
No on Non-Ladder. Scarcity matters. I would be welcome to a few remaster release runewords or unique items. I would actually love that if they were just really cool!

Hotkeys changes:
Enhance not destroy or overhaul!

Cube Bible:
A recipe bible in game would be pretty amazing

Loot Filter:
this is a classic part of the game. grabbing loot was the most satisfying and most frustrating thing especially with the later ladder runs and bots. Changing this would be a big deal. Undecided

Diablo 2 Stats:

ALT Loot showing Toggle:
Sounds like Walk/Run toggle. Would have to make it just right to make it fit

additional tooltips:
Extended tooltips would be nice, but could probably be an easily added option on the menu instead of a permanent change.

The original runewords were amazing and the recipes and everything was equally fun. I think a new release runeword (limited) or unique items would be welcome by my Barbarians (Ragnar_Lothbrok, ya probably heard about me ((definitely you havent)).

Cow King:
Dont care Moooo Moo Moo

F*** that dude

Additional commentary:
I think new content like runeword, receipes, monsters, secret dungeons and tougher bosses and more lore is what the people want. They dont want a new game. The art and look of the game from what I have seen so far looks amazing. Timing and balances of curses, spells, casting time, and dmg output (plus mana and life) was pretty amazingly balanced so changing that seems too dramatic for a game that was literally perfect for its time and the Resurrect is a bigger badder eviller version of the same D2 LOD we love. Enhance the evil DONT REMAKE THE GAME REMASTER THE GAME!

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A few things could be going on with the D2R survey, to see how Diablo 2 player’s feel about D2R changes or possible changes, but also gear some of the questions to get ideas for Diablo 4. I won’t rehash personal debates.

In my opinion blizzard needs to step up their game, they have the finances to hire actual mods in their games, to keep track of things, and see movements bots make that another bot can’t see. They just choose to throw that money elsewhere… another topic not to get into :slight_smile:

Weird interpretation. If that’s what you think I said I think you missed all the points.

Encouraging people to join random games they don’t actually want to participate in (they don’t join the party, they go somewhere else) to take advantage of a larger number of players being in the game likely was never intended. It’s pushing antisocial behavior as a result of poor game design. Simply letting people have a /players 8 equivalent at game creation would mean those types of players would no longer be interfering with other player’s public games. They’d just go do a solo game, which is apparently what they really wanted but felt compelled to join a random public game instead so they could get more drops.

People playing part-time loot ninja because FFA loot was all game developers could do in the early 2000s was also never intended. The actual people who made the game have already said as much. Having people pay less attention to the actual game so they can try to click faster than the other guy was never a positive aspect of D2. It’s not an integral aspect of the games design.

Trying to balance the game did NOT work on any mod. PD2 completely destroyed the game in the late game.
If “balancing” is used to make the other builds useless and other other builds to get an improvement … then that is not balancing but redistribution. It’s just pointless and doesn’t work. When we talk about balancing here, it only works by reducing damage and increasing damage. Not by destroying the builds. The goal must not be to destroy known builds like new Diablo 2 mods

How often do you see people in a group not doing what the game says they are doing? Not only is it extremely rare, most of the time it doesn’t interfere with the game. But more importantly, what are you going to do against this type of player? It does not reveal itself to me (even if they are rare)

Personal loot doesn’t bother me as long as trading and everything that is important for this interaction and character building is maintained.

I have never played a mod, just the official up until about November 2019 was the last time i signed in. Its possible to make minor tweaks that are slightly unnoticeable for the betterment of the game play but I agree with you that they must not be be to take away from what is already known.

Violent coincidence that you not only explain almost all changes to the mods but even use the same words for the changes. :exploding_head::exploding_head:
But let me tell you - you can’t balance Diablo 2 in a meaningful way except by raising and lowering the damage of certain spells. Changes to the spells all failed despite other QoL changes

I only just found out about D2:R tonight and prepurchased. I watched the video in the OP. My thinking for “balancing” skills was like reducing mana for weaker skills haha, definitely an overhaul of balancing would seem counter productive to the original design which was best skills at highest levels with a tree being the roots and all of the branches. I cant imagine Double Swing being better than Frenzy haha

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As I said. Balancing makes sense if it doesn’t destroy old builds like Hammerdin or Sorc builds. Balancing ultimately only means that everyone has the same chances more or less and not that one build has to be played more than the other just because the other has been played for 20 years. - Hammerdin in PD2 and PoD was replaced - all play “Holydin” now :man_facepalming: nice balancing :sweat_smile:That makes no sense and has nothing to do with balancing. I didn’t mean to say more - it doesn’t seem to work.
When the hammerdin has an advantage over the druid. Can’t you break the hammerdin but strengthen the druid or adjust the hammerdin so that it still makes sense but does less damage, for example, 4k :man_shrugging:

yeah i just know that when you get into changing dmg outputs things can get out of hand quickly. Probably not in the best interest of remaster. Can they release it already!?!?!?!

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Go for alpha now. :slight_smile:

I have opt’d in tonight is there anything else I have to do? Is it live already?

Nope just in the waiting for news part of endgame now, when it starts going there should be an email that goes out saying if your in the alpha, and then I believe under in development it will show Alpha Single or something to that affect.

hopefully we will be one of the lucky ones. But hot damn this release news has made my night just reading about it for the first time.


Oh baby I have told my buddies for like 10 years they will remake it, there is no way they won’t… and bam… it’s actually coming… madness.


In the end though I hope D2 blends into D4 better and D3/Immortal end up being more of their rift experience it is now. D4 should take how D2 plays and put it into the world their making … sure tons of balancing and personal option if these people really want a toggle… but let it be like D2… itemwise, runewords, charms, trading, grouping, better areas for certain things, the whole shebang.

Make it so some demon in D4 brings Cain’s Soul back but puppets it to mess with you, you eventually reclaim his soul, and he stays with you in town to ID your stuff like in the past, and you undo that butterfly travesty.

Whoa, what a misrepresentation, Geez Louise. He is against a charm inventory, but if there must be one, he suggests a half inv size one. Which very few, if any, charm invers want. He doesnt want a charm inventory. Lol.

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Yeeah! Same for me a few weeks ago. So excited!