Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

He uses modded torch and anni in single player, as well as cheated runewords. It’s literally not a legit grail farm like the legit grailers I know.

So single player… So what? Does he claim hes legit during these streams? I doubt it… So not really much to get your undies knotted up.
If he cheated on bnet where it matters, different story.

yep, you replied while I was typing.

He addressed that and would prefer to cut into existing inventory rather than an actual charms inventory. I in no way want a charms inventory or any real change to it but he really didn’t go crazy for the charm inventory.

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Also I’m not bashing the guy, he’s one of the better streamers and pretty good at the game, I just don’t think his opinion matters too much, when bnet is 99percent of what should matter in D2R.

I think he talks about a charm inventory and some other changes a little too nonchalantly, when in reality they’re large balance changes.

Yeah I don’t think I’d describe it as going crazy for the charm inventory, but he at least gives it credence, whereas he scoffs at an idea like personal loot that doesn’t touch balance at all. I find it a little odd, but everyone is allowed to have their opinion.

Never saw that, actually surprises me a lot… he has found every item except for mang songs, why would he have cheated charms and RWs?

Nvm, I can only say, that I highly disagree with a world record speedrunner not being an expert on game mechanics and also in the last video I saw about changes, he was very strictly against charm inventories. So I really don’t know, where you take these statements from

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Heh I scoffed at personal too so I know what he was feeling when he saw it :slight_smile:

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There’s a reason game devs don’t design FFA loot anymore. It invites cheaters.

If they go with FFA loot, it’ll be better for me personally as I main a zerkfinder, so I benefit from FFA, but it’ll still be sad to see so many idiots using pickit again.

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What I mean about not being an expert on game mechanics, is that he doesn’t craft, at least not on stream, almost never talks about ilvl mlvl qlvl mechanics, and often doesn’t know the names of some uniques in stream…I dunno, I’m nitpicking and it really doesn’t matter, he’s good for the community I just think there are 100 questions that actual bnet players would have asked that were more important than were asked by him.

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I get it, but griefers, ninja’s, all that jazz whether they are using pickit or not are part of the Diablo experience in my mind. You figure out the rotten ones pretty quick, or at least I could. It made meeting people with mutual interests and sharing even more special.

In most games I could tell the trouble makers right away, they stay quiet or always go to where the drops will be without helping. Just kick those guys or don’t invite those guys. I feel people don’t actually try to control their game experience and rely on random chance for a good experience.

Again though I just saw the whole experience differently, and while at times aggravating, it made the good moments even better.

D2R wont have widespread pickit, simply because Bnet 2.0 will detect any such programs lol.

Even the current servers detect it.

Actually pickit cheats are nowhere nearly as widespread as people think these days.

Who really picks items fast are bots, because they are configured to do so, and then the rest are just regular players that have adapted and know where to click and when to click before a Monster dies, such as a Boss.

Being faster than D2 bots is easily possible, as long as your ping is decent to the server, and you know where and when to time your click.

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… this post is nonsensical, bots use a form of pickit.

Literally disproves your argument.

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Ninja looters don’t bother me, losing items to someone closer/ telepicking doesn’t bother me… I had zero problem with FFA loot until around 2004 when nearly every game had pickit (yes, they did, I was there and played every day)

It was commonplace, and pickit is a pretty simple client side cheat. It will be back, and it’s harder to detect than people here are saying.

No bots scan the ground for item IDs and depending on how they are configured, that time can be very short, such as milliseconds.

Bots, just like regular players, still have the same ping-delay to the server.

The only advantage of a bot is that the program performs checks very frequently for items on the ground, and then if some are detected that fit the signature for a “item worth picking up” is triggered and the pick is executed, sending a packet to the server.

When a normal player clicks, the same packet is sent to the server, and whoever sends the packet first, and gets acknowledged by the server as the first player, will get the item. That’s why you can spam-click an area 0.5 seconds before the boss dies in the correct place, and you will literally pick up the item before the bot can, assuming both your ping and the bots ping are identical.

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like they detect d3 bots. /eye roll

they are in 90% of the public games right now, do you even play?

no it’s not, the items they pick up don’t even hit the ground or is even be visible. again, do you even play the game?

i have seen quite a few players that use pickit in pub games that even boast of it. if some use pickit, it forces everyone else too and then it’s a snowball where it’s nothing but hacks. like in d2 2000 right now.

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Every cheat and bot gets detected, they just dont insta-ban people because that is very prone to false-positives, which would have massively negative impact on customer service and also bad publicity with people complaining about many false-positive Bans.

Instead, pickit cheaters will get banned in bann-waves, and have to pay another 50 dollars for a new game.

Cheating in D2 is so rampant because of the aged network code in combination with the license costs being nothing, literally. (CD-Key Algorithm has been cracked 2 decades ago and those keys all work on battle net.)

People that whine and moan that others are faster are just slow and bad at the game.

The main reasons why a lot of people think everyone is using pickit:

  • Poor Game Skills

  • Crap Internet with high ping

  • playing over a wireless connection

  • Bots

Combine all these four factors, and yeah, you will never be able to “See” loot lol, because loot indeed is being picked up very fast by fast players and also bots.


-remind me- 1 year, lol.

If no pickit persists in 1 year, I don’t care much if FFA loot stays as the only loot system, but I highly doubt that will be the case.

I think they should make personal loot an option at game creation, for people that want to avoid cheaters.

I see no downside in 2 options.

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The only Pickit program that could evade being nailed by the servers is a program that is kept private and does not circulate among a larger community.

Even bots, that are not publicly available and are used by just one user, are exceptionally unlikely to be caught, simply because its not worth it to go after one single user from a economic point of view.

A pick it program that is widespread and used by many will most definitely be detected based on running programms signatures, and those people will get banned.

Pickit and Botting will always exist in D2, but I believe new Server infrastructure will help reduce the perceived amount of cheating by a lot, and we will all profit from it.

I agree, and I believe a personal loot option to be one of the best tools to lessen the damage. There’s zero downside to having 2 options.
FFA players can keep their nostalgia, personal looters can be assured pickit isn’t ruining their games.


No personal loot is not coming to D2R.

However, MOD support is coming to D2R.

If you’re really, really… lucky, personal loot could come with an expansion down the road, that keeps the game and economy entirely separate, such as D2 and D2R. I highly doubt they would do this however.

D2R will launch as it was presented at Blizzconline, and thats it. D2R will bring all the visual, audio, and server improvements. Small changes with little to no negative impact such as shared stash etc. and some carefully picked bug-fixes, while preserving bugs that have become features of D2.

The team will then move on to help improve D4, with all the D2 knowledge, and maybe they will turn D4 into a decent game.

D2R is merely a Remaster of D2, so D2 fans get to enjoy D2 for another 20+ years on modern operating systems, PBR 3D Tech, remastered Sound, and a handful of quality of life changes such as shared stash and not having to Drag-And-Drop items in order to move them. All this will also enable people that never played D2, to find out what the fuss is all about and join in on the fun, without weird compatibility issues and more up-to-date graphics. That is it.

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