Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

I thought that Survey along with the results obtained were an absolute catastrophy. I could not believe how Idiotic and game-breaking some of the ideas were and I really hope none of it will be taken into consideration deep down the line. Personally, I want the Nostalgia surge and I want this experience to be a rediscovery of the same game I used to cherish when I was younger before it turned into bot paradise.


Didn’t D3 sell like 3.5 million sold in first 24 hours and 12 million copies in a year? I’d say that’s largely based on the franchise, no?

12 million sales of the original, they hit 30 million units sold when ROS came out, and thats 2015 numbers, who knows where its at 6 years later.

I love your optimism, 100% guarentee the game will be full of bots within 6 months, probably sooner given its using the EXACT SAME BASE GAME.

Watched the vid, read the survey and i’m 100% sure it wasnt made by Diablo 2 playerbase.
Rofl 99% of this is not QoL it’s just make game easier or bring D3 features into D2.


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from wikipedia


Before its release, Diablo III broke several presale records and became the most pre-ordered PC game to date on Amazon.[122] Activision Blizzard reported that Diablo III had broken the one-day PC sales records, accumulating over 3.5 million sales in the first 24 hours after release and over 6.3 million sales in its first week, including the 1.2 million people who obtained Diablo III through the World of Warcraft annual pass.[123] On its first day, the game amassed 4.7 million players worldwide, an estimate which includes those who obtained the game via the World of Warcraft annual pass.[123] In its 2012 second quarter report, Diablo III was reported to have pushed Activision Blizzard’s expectations and as of July 2012, more than 10 million people had played the game.[124] Diablo III remains the fastest selling PC game to date, and also one of the best-selling PC video games. As of the end of 2012, it had sold more than 12 million copies,[125] and as of March 2013, Blizzard stated that Diablo III had around 1 million daily players, with 3 million unique players each month.[126] By May 2013, Diablo III had been played by 14.5 million unique players.[127] and had sold over 30 million copies worldwide by August 2015.[128]
In the first week, Blizzard sold 5.5 million copies. In additional 1.2 million were included as part of WoW subscriptions.

That would not surprise me at all unfortunately.

If that’s the case, Il play in private games with some good friends and have a blast !

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does people really care that a 20-25 old game got outsold by the follow up game?

Sales mean nothing about quality etc. If they did, Justin Beiber and McDonald’s would be quality when they’re actually garbage.

Just need to look at GTAV - 140 million copies shipped - let that one sink in.

it must be better because they sold the most. it cant be anything els .kappa :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

cant read can you? the entire point of sales not mattering is funny, because diablo 3 only got brought into the mix because someone decided that diablo 2 sales were a defense of its success…

i can read. iam not the one who uses lies as fact

just stating things to look god. but really. you look bad.

oh yer. go read all the other topics. ther is alot of people who says d3 is better cause it sold more. but agian you just say somthing, you dont have any clue about.

Facts…12 million units sold before RoS that would be may 2012-March 2014, (2 Years) by July of 2015 that rose to over 30 million, (1 Year) all on the back of what RoS brought, nothing to do with Diablo 2. The fact that the vast majority of sales for the damn game came after an expansion tells you that the game sold on its own merits not anything diablo 2 did for it. You can credit its initial sales to D2 sure, but the original launch sucked, it had to earn players after that. They were not going to simply give the game another shot because of Diablo 2, i really dont give 2 craps if you think my facts are “lies”

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And i never said diablo 3 is better because of sales, you just cant read “again” I was making the point that sales mean nothing, this entire convo came from someone using D2 breaking sales records as a refute of it being a failed game. But you just jump in the middle of the convo making zero effort to read the previous messages.

i never said this wasent fact??

i never said you did??

i said this is a lie. read it all befor you make things up.

how is that a lie? You cant even assume that until the game has been out for 6 months, I have very good reasons for thinking that will be the case, like the remaster being on the same foundation as the original game that programmers already know like the back of their hand, or the fact that EVERY Blizzard game not named overwatch is plagued by bots, and the only reason Overwatch is not is because there is no real motivation to bot on that game. So if you want to call me a liar, come back to this comment 6 months after launch when its possible to make that claim.

If you actually think the coding hasn’t been improved, something they specifically said they improved, I dunno man. They have mentioned they will make certain information harder to access, and improve ability for players to see information they can add to mods. The idea that the logic behind the reskin is the same as D2, doesn’t in any way mean the code hasn’t been changed, it just means all math regarding game play follows the same math set out by the previous game.

They could rewrite whole sections of code, but as long as the math being spit out in the end is the same it doesn’t matter.

Bottin is an issue, personal doesn’t change any aspect of botting, so people then point to pickit… don’t play with people with obvious pickits… I dunno your just assuming a whole lot and then bashing people for assuming as well.


How would you possibly know who has pickit before you enter a game?
This game is likely to have tens of thousands of users on in slow times, and over 90 percent of 8p games are public.

This is just wishful thinking.

Take your FFA loot,
We want a different option.

The developers know FFA is a problematic system, as do all other game developers.

The only reason we’re even having this discussion is because this game is 20 years old, many of us have come to terms with some of its very serious flaws.

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Not going to get into how to play D2, but pickit was only ever an issue when I was being rushed through Baal for XP, in any other circumstance I could either tell they were just leechers and kicked them from the party or just made my own party runs and controlled who entered my party.

The idea you need someone else to police your games for you, or start controlling aspects of the game you could easily avoid, I dunno. I just say get rid of the bots access to information, have stronger protections (old was basically useless), and let’s get going.

EDIT: I’ll throw this out though, I would love to see who gets drops though in some kind of drop list like D3, harder to do but could limit to uniques/sets/runes and such.


Yeah I think I know how to play D2.
This has nothing to do with why I want a personal loot option.

I will probably not benefit personally from personal loot. I will almost certainly get less loot under a personal loot system than I get under FFA.

I want D2 to have a healthy economy, even if it does not benefit me personally.

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