Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

You are wrong, they would just bot in private runs, nothing else. They would get the same items, but less exp, that is the reason why they make public runs.

Incorrect. If they ran private runs, the drop rate for HRs is around 1/3

Tons of people have forum gold by trading items they’ve collected on D2.

And then they will use that forum gold for new characters , pvp gear, etc.

Sure it’s unfair but thats how the majority of D2JSP work and how it has worked for a VERY long time.

Again buying FG sucks and I’m not a fan of that being a thing since it gives people an unfair advantage, but that’s just something that isn’t avoidable at this point in time.

Say you join a game, 4 of them are dumb bots, can’t really tell, they just move a bit, some spell casting, and leech loot. They don’t need complex pickits, just saunter over to the drops. Easier leeching with a no worry about loot drop bot. Just leeches within reach of the action.

I know bots well, it is not hard to program a follow bot, much easier than a more complicated bot to actually attack and run towards things.

If pickit never makes a resurgence, I could care less about personal loot.

I will be extremely surprised, as pickit programs are clientside. They’re very hard to police. This is why modern games don’t have shared loot.


Each of those bots cost 40 dollars now, rather than 3-6 bucks.
Each of those bots would be getting a fraction of the loot that they would get in a public run with pickit and shared loot.

This is simple math, guys.


I enjoy mrllama’s streams from time to time, but he was 9 years old when this game came out and likely never played the game prior to patch 1.10. He has a vested interest as a speedrunner and content creator of guides for the fewest amount of bug fixes and changes to balancing and gameplay. Most of his opinions make sense for how he plays the game (single player grailing and speedrunning) but he is not unbiased nor do I feel that his opinion is more valuable than anyone else. One thing he touched on that I did agree with was he felt the survey was biased in favor of buffs as opposed to nerfs. Any discussion around balancing should include possible nerfs, especially to gear that was added late in the game’s patch history. Items like Enigma and Grief being overpowered have been the topic of discussion on his stream in the past.


Not really as simple as your making it to be, or your ability to grasp why it’s not so simple is just not there.

Well you can always just play with different people if you see someone using pickit. It’s not like a baal game end game takes more than 5-10 minutes.

There will be PLENTY of people playing fair, there are cheaters in every game and they will always be around. If you don’t want to take the risk of not getting drops you can always play with friends or solo.

Building trust with players is a fun part of the game for a lot of us, sometimes people are bad and they will cheat, bm, etc and that’s part of what made D2 the game we love.

I believe the only way to slow down bots is with Captcha on create / join game. It would prevent bots from running in the command line and increase confidence that there are anti-cheating measures in place.

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And this is why game designers don’t use this system anymore.


Im a casual player but Llama’s evaluation rings entirely true to me. I agree with him completely and would much rather casually play the D2 he promotes in his video. So no, his sentiment is definitely not restricted to 1337 d00d5.

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The guy is just angry because he follows bot runs and the bots take all the items. He just wants to do the same with personal loot, so he can still follow them and now get a share of it. Other than that, the pickit argument makes no sense, as you can just unparty someone who uses pickit and hostile him, that would even add some fun. That is what will happen with leechers in my runs xD


Ok but this game was made 20+ years ago, if it was made recently bottom up with how much loot dropped per boss I can understand personal loot being a thing, since there will probably be larger loot pools per boss kill.

As it is now, there are times where almost NOTHING will drop from the boss kill and to just have the game randomly give that item to some random player is poor game design and much worse than dealing with one random person once in a while that might have pickit.

Also if I was running the game and I saw someone with pickit, easy solution is to not allow him back into my party, and you know what typically that’s what would happen in Diablo 2.

Exactly what I’m thinking about these people complaining.

I’ve played this game for so many years and very rarely have encountered any of these issues being described.

It’s so obvious if a game is being run by a bot, just don’t join those games then.


people complaining about bots and pickit. and D2R is not even out yet… who knows what will happen.

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They just dont play the game, sad but true. They want to change a game they dont play nor understand.

I wasn’t implying that his opinions stem from his being good at the game, which he is, I was implying that his position as a speedrunner and content creator of guides means that he has a conflict of interest and bias toward less changing because it would invalidate previous run times and information in the guides he has produced.


You were the one that didn’t even know drops change when another player enters the game.

Who doesn’t play now?

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How is it good game design for melee classes to have an advantage in picking up boss drops over ranged characters?