Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

Yeah, so…just hyperbole and nonsense.

Plenty of players want a personal loot option, plenty don’t. It’s pretty split amongst all forums and sites from what I’ve seen, jsp included.

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You realize you don’t have to join a game with bots right? You can literally create a game and a majority of the time it will be REAL players joining.

The guy who made the survey doesn’t know anything about Diablo 2, he actually asked for a larger inventory in one of the questions ( so you can have 20x item skiller charms), how people can take this survey seriously is baffling

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I’m not sure how the questions were chosen or who chose them, like asking for more resets when there are unlimited right now.

No a majority of players in every post in JSP are against all changes. You would know if you were actually active on there. Sure there are a few that want personal loot, etc, but most DO NOT want those types of changes.

I would also be willing to be that if you ONLY surveyed people that actually played Diablo 2 before Diablo 3 came out, the results would be ridiculously different. I have no way of proving that, but looking at JSP is a good indication that most D2 players (ones that didn’t play for 5 minutes or after D3 came out) are happy with the remaster being as true as possible to the original.

They literally have threads cringing at people on bnet and reddit forums asking for changes to the game.

You don’t get my post at all.

I was making fun of your completely self objective stance that you’d have to take what generally anyone who disagrees to what you think with a grain of salt because they “probably” didn’t play long ago.

And I did that by making up a completely false statement that I would have no idea one way or another if it was true and applied it to ffa supporters

To point out how silly it is to say something like you did

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P8 command is an absolute joke, would kill the online gameplay 100%

You cant take that survey seriously. it is obviously done in an slanted way. If you do all what wins in each question, you would get a massive garbage of a game, even worse than pd2, wich is already hard to achieve xD.

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But he never said he would re update Diablo 2 and add personal loot to the game, I can understand a new game being created with personal loot, but again Diablo 2 was designed bottom up with shared loot. The amount of player satisfaction would go down immensely if the current loot drops were split between 8 players evenly. To end a game of killing baal with 0 personal drops is such a joke. At least seeing 3-4 items drop without getting anything means there was a chance to grab drops.

Don’t even get me started on how there is a meta for getting items in D2 as well. Maybe I want to gear my PVM character with more FRW gear so I can get to drops faster, maybe I want to run melee so I’m up close and ready to grab drops before others. These are all core ways the game works and how many of us enjoy the game. There’s literally no reason to change it.

The bot argument is so played out and dumb, nobody needs to join bot baal games, you can literally make your own game or join friends / others who don’t bot and get your own drops fair and square with other players.

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If you read the suggestions at the end there is a clear indication there that many of those people who voted and who are asking for suggestions did not play Diablo 2, or they played the game VERY little.

All you have to do is watch the end of LlamaSC’s video, if it’s not apparent to you that the people responding to that survey shouldn’t be taken seriously, then I probably can’t take anything you say seriously either.

Then don’t take me seriously because I don’t take anything llama says seriously.

The guy would lose money if personal loot was implemented…do you think he’d give that any night or day?


D2Jsp is against Ploot? The same community that trades or has traded FG or RMT, along with has used/still uses botting on battlenet? Gasp Say it ain’t so, Joe.


You waste your time, some people is here just for trolling.

Personal loot would change nothing for botters, unless you made items bind on pickup, so not a convincing argument if you say it’s just because they are botters.

I am on there. Literally right now. There are posters with all different suggestions, same as here. Yes, there are quite a few angry ones that don’t want shared stash and gold pickup, but the D2 community is a pretty even split from everything I’m reading. Lots of people on jsp right now saying they agree with lots of stuff on the survey.

The community is split. When pickit reigns supreme again, we will see a massive push for personal loot, if they don’t add it beforehand.


It would make botting less profitable. It will not stop it.


You do realize a majority of people just sell items for FG so they don’t have to sit in a game all day saying ‘SOJ for Mal Rune’ or something like that right ?

I don’t like JSP but botting is not a thing on there and hasn’t been for 15+ years, and not everybody does RMT on there

Legit or not, jsp is the only alive community where you can find people that still play real unmodded D2. You can find all kind of players there, some that make real profit botting, some that bot to level chars, some for some items and some that play legit.

It limits the ability to use pickit programs when botting. Might not eliminate bots, but it would slow em down in the RMT trade for full player games. It was sarcasm all in all though, since I really wouldn’t trust that community to have “fair play” in mind. Maybe they have changed though, but the D2JSP I remember dabbled in rmt.


Kinda, botters can use dumber bots, that just need to be within reach now, and no need for a smart pickup, it in theory could make botting worse.

That’s not true at all, most players don’t care about auto gold pickup or shared stash, sure theyre still changes but no where near as controversial to D2 players as personal loot (D3 feature). Pickit doesn’t reign supreme and with new security measures it might even be possible to ban users that use these types of mods/hacks.

This makes no sense. The bots would see much less loot, rather than being able to get 100% of the good loot before it hits the ground.