Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

and let’s not forget a separate Blizzard D2 client with major changes in D2R?

he never said blizzard client. just a separate client. right? or did i forgot somthing?

He was commenting on D2R having a selectable Battlenet client as in WoW classic and modern.

Ahhh so many emotions for this ploot. I wonder why blizz told us that they dont change the core mechanics of the game and why they still dont proved ploot. I dont know maybe the answer is that ploot only lives in some wild dreams.

But there’s no real mention of pvp or crafting here. Aside from him supporting a cube recipe log. As far as nuance, Llama supports playing the game with challenging builds - that seems like quite a nuanced appreciation of D2 to me.

I find MrLlama’s appraisal of D2 to be totally in sync with mine, and Im primarily a casual player just enjoying D2’s world and design. Im definitely not a hardcore MFer. If people are discrediting MrLlama’s insight into what’s so special about Diablo II, I think theyre really revealing their own lack of sensitivity.


Well and considering they used llama for the deep dive. I would say I am a hardcore mfer, or was, I would do tunnels, kurast, specific places I could do quick and had great drop chances. I would never do them with people, they just slow ya down, not really anything to do with drops.

I agree with pretty much everything he pointed out. I dunno I just want what they said they would do. Everyone wanting expansions or skill rebalances or keyboard layout changes, just don’t play Diablo 2, they clearly want it to be a different game if they’re suggesting personal loot, charm inventory, all those “buffs” he pointed out. I just want the same game, better graphics, some ui tweaks and perhaps more items/area information, and hopefully some actual bot enforcement on

Diablo 2 didn’t die for me because of loot, griefers, ninja’s, pkers, all those were aspects of the game. What made me stop playing was duping, maphack, extreme botting… stuff they can hopefully lock down a little tighter this time.


If it’s a game creation option we don’t need two completely separated communities, which is much better.

Well yeah this is the definition of remaster.


Some people dont understand the word “Remaster” ^^


Edit :Quoted the wrong post. Nothing to see here, good day!

Kripparrian on D2R - Enjoy :slight_smile:

Eh what a Remaster is depends on who is doing it. The most simplistic definition of a game remaster is its modernization, whether it be improvements to stability, graphics, audio or gameplay system.

A remaster doesn’t mean you won’t get new content, big gameplay changes, balance tweaks, etc

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Eh it’s Kripp. Though I agree with him on PvP but only if it was before 1.10. Otherwise 1.10+ PvP was pretty meh.

Everything Llama said is correct.

Even the person who MADE the survey is clearly lacking in a lot of basic knowledge about the game.

The fact that such a large amount of players wanted more inventory space is such a joke, please let the developers do what the originally had planned for the remaster.


fixed that for you.

just load it up and see: botters make up 90% of the accounts that are left lol.



Again most of these people advocating for personal loot are definitely not the same people that played Diablo 2 between 2000-2010, their opinions should be taken with a grain of salt.

The developers and the people that actually played Diablo 2 know what makes it a great game, these people who played Diablo 2 for like a month or after D3 have no understanding of how important small core mechanics and changes would impact the game to the point of severely changing it. Even though these people might be in the majority, their opinions can still make the game much worse for everyone including themselves without even realizing it.

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Yeeeahh…gunna need a source on that plz. Pretty much everyone I’ve seen wanting that option played during that time.


Everyone I’m seeing on D2JSP (the largest community of players that have actively played Diablo 2) think personal loot is a complete joke.

Don’t tell me your source is reddit, because if you looked at that survey you can tell most of those people have not played the game seriously.

Personal loot will harm the game, /8 players will harm the game

Crock of bull

In others news most people advocating for ffa loot run bots systems and don’t actually play the game anymore.

See I can blow stuff outside my teeth too


I mean at least one of the original developers is in favor of some kind of personal loot.

As for myself and a few others who played religiously before 1.10, we don’t care at the end of the day. It won’t affect our experience much as long as they don’t do something stupid like soulbinding.

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