Private loot entails AFK farming

Who is we? Only a Blizzard insider definitively knows what Blizzard’s plans are in relation to optional personal loot.

Are you claiming to be a Blizzard employee? If so, I would encourage you that you do not want to break your confidentiality agreement as I suspect that you are not authorized to release this information.

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Always want to refute things that are undeniable.
The discussion is pointless even in 10 years.

Hahaha or just wait literally a few days and buy everything from the bots for pennies.

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Not in FFA loot… What loot system are you talking about?

depends , that’s a dangerous way to take in my opinion.
it’s ok for boss , but an example : if we were in a cow level , only the characters with huge AOE would actually loot anything considering cows get one-shotted most of the time by lightning sorceress , cold sorceress , wind druide , lightning javazon etc…
poor zealer for example they would simply ragequit even if they had all the motivation in the world to kill things and not leech they wouldn’t even get a single potion
but for bosses , sure it’s good :slight_smile:

much argument , much wow. i wonder if you are trolling or not.

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I’ll tell you something now - to finish off.

There are two types of Diablo players and a few in between but these are few.

The first type started with Diablo 1 until Diablo 2 came along and they still play Diablo 2 to this day. They are the cornerstone of this community. They are what made it possible to do a remaster in the first place.

Back then, just like everyone else, the players waited years for diablo 3.
We were happy when it was outside, played it maybe half a year until it got boring and they noticed it was bad, it wasn’t fun, it was cut, many features that are in diablo 2 are missing and freedom is missing in the game.
People will be back to diablo 2, these people are probably playing it right now.
These people have been saying in the forums for years that there is only one wish for them - the wish for a graphics update or a remaster (not a remake) of Diablo 2.

The people who are now happy to die that the remaster out there.
And it is precisely these people who now have to deal with people who want to change the game’s basic mechanics.

Yes … And then there are the people who were never really part of the diablo 2 community, maybe have played it once (maybe) or who are just bored with diablo 3 and think it’s great to be able to experience diablo 2 now … … But because they are used to this casual newb gameplay and are spoiled by it, they want to cast off the people who have been part of the community for ages and will remain so when the people who just play it for fun are gone for a long time.

Do you like the story?
Unfortunately it is true
your jonathan frakes


funny story , because i’am the first type then , i still have my diablo 1 and hellfire big box on my shelf right next to me and even diablo 2 and some diablo 2 figures (diablo and radament) : check one of my topics if you want the picture of that.

i played thousands of hours of diablo 2 even nowadays so yea i would be first type.
it’s not really nice to assume people to be what you want them to be simply because they have a different opinion than you , it’s a bit childish actually.


I knew you like the story. Sweet dreams you :blush::v:

What you mean to say is you stole your mom’s credit card bought 1000 dollars worth of d2 stuff from the bots, and now you think your special.

still so much counter argument i see even with proof pic against your false childish statement xD

sweet dream nonetheless

Just to start - if i don’t group with the person and they tag a monster under personal loot they still get loot. I can’t really prevent them - but if i don’t group with them it becomes relatively harder since they can’t use my tps/don’t necessarily know where i am.

We’re hostiled. You tag the mob under personal loot. I kill you. Kill mob. You still get loot.
Under current system - you don’t.

We’re not in party - i don’t let you use my tps, don’t let you run around leeching from me.

Its hilarious that one of the arguments that people are relying on to justify personal loot is that there are leechers anyway so why not make it so they for sure get loot and normalize it.

You aren’t going to get into many runs leeching like everyone assumes you do in D2 under the current loot system.

The people who want personal loot are incredibly possessive over something that, under the current rules, isn’t theirs.

I’m so happy they didn’t implement it. There are other reasons that VV has in play for me to consider refunding, but personal loot would almost certainly make me refund. I’ve lost plenty of drops on the beta and i’m okay with it. Its part of the game and its better for it.


Does this calculation to who is eligible from damage and assigning timers to each mob as well as checking proximity (to each individual mob) for eligibility have no ramifications like lag? We have rubberbanding and you want more systems calculating behind the scenes on servers that would probably cause the game to have even worse performance. ARPGs usually have far denser mob clusters than mmos. Calculating that data server side for thousands or hundreds of thousands of games for mobs dying at a faster rate in comparison to mmos which would require more data parsing, when chat isn’t even working, doesn’t sound likely.

I don’t know why u are trying to talk about it anyways, it’s meaningless, you honestly think they have enough time to rewrite the entire loot system in one mount haha. It’s like you think that if you whine hard enough they won’t or will change it.

I just find it amusing though the idea of personal loots hurts you guys feelings so much I feel personally attacked haha.

Facts. You hit the nail on the head buddy.


ya this is basically it

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Hypothetically speaking if it were already in a D2R version under the Options “Game Creation” tab, then it would be okay to introduce.


In a personal loot system, even if it’s D3 style loot, if they don’t know where you are, are they just going to search the entire games map for loot that may or may not exist?

You’re assuming they get loot at any range and with a permanent allocation or entirely personal D3 style loot.

In a loot allocation system like Path of Exiles, especially if it’s short duration allocation, none of that is an issue at all. If they’re not even around and don’t know where you are, nothing is being allocated to them anyway.

With a loot allocation system that’s not really the case. Might be true if they went full D3 style loot, but a lot fewer people are asking for that or expect it. Many just want some kind of temporary loot allocation.

It’s hilarious that people think loot allocation somehow automatically benefits leeches more than any other person.

A loot allocation system would actually reduce a lot of the common leeching that can currently be done.

People that want to do things like carry and have first dibs on loot would still be able to do that by simply not turning loot allocation on at game creation.

The biggest issue in every thread on this topic is a lot of people are making assumptions about what other people are asking for and arguing against their fantasy version of what they want to hate rather than what is actually being proposed.


There’s literally no reason to not assume a d3 implementation - that’s where it came from, and basically ALL of the people arguing for it are people who prefer d3. It could be changed - but we both know its very likely it won’t just due to the ‘popularity’ behind it. No need for nuance.

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It is also untrue.

People can already leech in FFA and they do it frequently. PLoot is for playing a relaxing game, not for maximizing loot. You are just having a problem with people having a good time.

Also untrue.

Yeah. That is exactly the right way to follow up on “ALL of the people arguing”.


I agree on that also, did you guys realise items dont vanish anymore? Maybe i lost my feeling of time, but i dropped an item that was still there after a half hour, usually items disappear after 10 min or so.

I like the fact that items dont disappear anymore, and this is another big reason to not have private loot^^