Posts being auto removed from this forum?

I just spent quite a bit of time writing up a topic about a frequently requested change which was quickly removed.

This seems unfair to the community unless there are some updates on decisions being made about these requested changes to the game by the developers.

If the forum rules have been updated and posts regarding specific requested changes will be auto removed this should be added to the rules sticky.

I was convinced you had deleted it (it disappeared more or less while I was responding) :S There was absolutely nothing in your post that should be able to cause a removal.


That is some weird stuff. Sounds super shady, was your post something that could have been contributed to a thread that was already made?

Must have accidentally deleted your post while destroying more lawsuit evidences


Were you aggressive in tone?
Were you downplaying others?
Were you using profanity?
Did you use “Blizzard” “CMs” “Blues” or a CM’s name or URLs in the title of the post?
Was your post concise so that it wasn’t seen as spam?
Did you include external links to websites that aren’t particularly well known?

There could be numerous reasons here that threads get removed.

There have been posts that get deleted. From my experience its when you bash WoW or D3 players. For some reason they don’t like that.

It would be fair by CM to give the author a private message with the reason, but well, they can do whatever they want…

The forum moderators delete thread/posts when the thread/post violates the forum code of conduct (CoC). I have no knowledge of your post/thread that was deleted. Moreover, discussing specific forum moderation is also against the forum CoC.

You can review the forum code of conduct here.

Forum Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support (


In a perfect world but if that were the case, CMs would be writing up reasons for dismissal of posts many times a day.

We sign an agreement to use these forums and to abide by the Code of Conduct. They expect us to follow it. They shouldn’t have to hold everyone’s hand through the use of the forums.


Thats not really the issue i guess, since the most violation reasons are limited to maybe 10 - 20, its easy to use templates. So its basically 1 additional click

They are finally moderating threads that have multiple users flagging them. It is one reason why you see a lot of posts being hidden today. Many have submitted feedback specifically about Forum Moderation to stop the stupid polls, arguments, and urinating matches. On either side of the fence.

I wish they would just squash it and outright state the intentions. They should just list what core mechanics will never change. That should resolve some if this issue.

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Hypothetical situation since CMs don’t send PMs to users in violation. That’s beside the matter anyway. I wouldn’t want my associates focusing on reprimanding users for a small violation, which is the majority of the violations mind you, rather than focusing on their primary task of policing and/or providing help and conversing with the public when necessary.

On this, we can agree. It does not matter if you support change or not, it would be best to let potential D2R customers know to make an informed purchase decision.

People should be mature and learn to behave, that’s the problem, I am willing to add an identification to my account just so I know when someone crosses the line he stays out for good

While i kinda agree partly, in my opinion that will not help the violating user, since in lots of cases (like this one apparently) the user is not aware of what he ha done wrong and chances are high he might commit that violation again just for not knowing what it was

As someone who has been in a few fights about FFA vs. Personal Loot in the last days, his post was one of the nicest I have seen on the topic :stuck_out_tongue: No reasons to get it deleted.

Out of curiosity, do you have text of it saved?

I think at this point, the obvious answer is that the game will look pretty close to 1.14d at launch, with no major changes other than the announced quality of life with a few more small details and better optimization than what was seen in the test cycles. Post launch, it seems they will be updating the game based on what the players want. 1.13 did this very same thing back in the day, where it was the “player’s choice” patch.

This is consistent with most of what they have stated during Blizzcon, post media interviews, and the constant random email surveys.

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This is the issue quite frequently unfortunately, but Blizzard does indeed have in place in plain writing what constitutes a violation of Code of Conduct.

Furthermore, a general rule of most forums, is that if it comes into question whether or not it is permissible, it probably isn’t safe to post. So for the people who do try to abide but don’t know if they should post it, well, they need to think about that first.

My post was restored after writing this. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. There was nothing in violation of the code of conduct and was removed as “spam” but has since been put back up.