Posts being auto removed from this forum?

Probably just a mistake then,.

I heard that these forums were inhabited by censor authoritarians but man… just chill

because theres tons of posts with that exact premise. Another one isn’t needed. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are deleting them as spam. Comment on one of the hundred already existing threads.

Apparently, there was something. Blizzard’s forum code of conduct includes:

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

That is a fair point.

Still, his take was quite different from most others in his defense of FFA :slight_smile:
But I guess Blizzard just remove it, and read later (maybe)

I have no idea. I never saw the post… just speculating…

Since it reappeared you can still see it :stuck_out_tongue: If you for some reason wanted to.