Post your ethereals

Hi all,

With the PTR now live, I created this thread so that players can post pictures/links of their PTR ethereals. It might be nice to see what all 21 look like. Also, it might be nice to reference the class when posting the picture.

2 handed class powers can be on 1 handed ethereals.

Edit: Oblivion has posted screenshots of the 3 wizard items (Post #2) and Rage has the stats on the 3 barb items (post #4).

Edit 2: Solo in post #12 has screenshots of all 3 representative ethereals for all 7 classes (=21 total)

Here’s the Wizard’s Ethereal Weapons that I’ve found thus far.

  • 1st Ethereal Weapon is Wizardspike:
    • Random Legendary Power this case: The Furnace (Legendary 2-Handed Mace)
    • Random Class Passive this case: Arcano Dynamo

  • 2nd Ethereal Weapon is The Oculus:
    • Random Legendary Power this case: Cosmic Strand (Legendary Wizard Orb/Source)
    • Random Class Passive this case: Evocation

  • 3rd Ethereal Weapon is Mang Song’s Lesson:
    • Random Legendary Power this case: Aether Walker (Legendary Wand)
    • Random Class Passive this case: Dominance

Looking at the Wizardspike, this is possible. In fact, the ethereals can even roll with non-class specific legendary powers, so long as the legendary power in question is something that is available to your class from the start (or at least based what I’ve seen thus far).


I’ll edit and upload the ones I got, but for now would like to share some information from my findings:

  • Does drop below level 70, and rolls the stats as of the level that your character has found it
  • All 3 weapons always rolls with the same type of affixes sans the random legendary power and passive for your class
  • The legendary power that rolls for your class’ weapon doesn’t have to be a class specific legendary power
  • Legendary powers are not weapon-type specific e.g. a two-handed legendary power can roll on a one-handed Ethereal weapon and vice versa
  • Not all Legendary rolls with the Ignore Durability Loss

My first find, this is what the icon and beam colour looks like:

Windforce (Bow) from PTR merchant:

Buriza-do Kyanon (Crossbow) from PTR merchant:

Doomslinger (1-Handed Crossbow) from PTR merchant:

Strange enough, Doomslinger doesn’t roll with Ignore Durability Loss:


This is from Rage in the barbarian forum.


really seems like those ethereals have fixed stats.

in case of wizardspike always, ATS, +100% skilldmg, CDR, AP Regen, Max AP

Still don’t get the +97% dmg from that Oculus since it got similar dmg values as the Wizardspike has. but hell what do I know ^^

All ethereals in the vid.


Fun bit about the Ethereals

Salvaging them gives a large amount of different crafting mats and sometimes even GR keys. So they are not tied to giving you one type of Salvage yield.


I’m confused by the transmog part here. Aren’t things like Wizardspike and Windforce already items in game? Are these alternate looks?

So… because we don’t know the exact stats on the DH weapons (missing info,for me at least) i can pretty much say, BOW= MS UE, no RCR, but a HUGE dmg increase. Dawn in cube, as always…

they will never learn, no love put into that.

they better keep,. readjust and add items, otherwise, i don’t see a bright future for such seasons.

Have to admit, the ethereals are interesting at the moment. Got my first one during the first rift as a drop. Went from barely killing to one-shotting everything at Expert.

(solo play)

Then after finding two blood shard gobs in that rift and the RG at the end, picked up several more from the vendor, though those were all level 70… LOL

Still. Interesting. I see the follower can’t equip them though. Too bad. Edit: Verified this. Simply says “Wrong type of item for this slot.”

But they have the kind of stats that I wish we had for the past 9 years on items. They have the feel of the Vanilla items, but with power. Rather than the forced 4/2 most items have become after the fall of the AH.



So essentially instead of just wielding Furnace we’ll equip Grandfather with the Furnace power and the only actual Ethereal bonuses are “Always has…” stats. Kind of underwhelming.

It would be much more interesting if these weapons rolled with powers from other classes, ie Blade of the tribes would roll with “Auto cast a Sentry every 5 seconds, dealing XY% of your damage”

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(auto-adj OCR screencaps from Bluddshed vid that Poconut posted)


Do you get weapon packs or bag of fortune?

How did you get that from PTR merch ?
is it random ?

Djank Me’em has a cache called PTR Fortune Cache or something, that one drops the Ethereals. Also note that this has to be done on a Seasonal character, as it does not drop for a Non-Seasonal character even on the PTR.


Hah I didn’t even consider doing that. Idk why on PTR you have to do seasonal anyway. Eh well.


Given how easy it is to find them along the way while doing a few rifts, I think they are subjected to the Community Buff of Legendary drop increase.

If that is the case, boy will finding an Ethereal weapon that actually works with your build is going to be just as bad as finding a Primal.

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  • Increased movement speed on elite pack kill is interesting.
  • Applying fear on curse is interesting.
  • I wonder if the “+100% damage” and the “consecutive hits… up to 100% damage” are multiplicative ? In that case it does x2 x2 = x4 which is higher than the x3 of Trag’Oul’s Corroded Fang.
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Combined with this beauty for my wiz:

For some reason it won’t let me link them. Just obliterating stuff.

Pumped it to T3, killed an elite in 5 ticks of Disintegrate.

They are D2-version transmogs.