Plz more careful announcing start dates

and here is one of my major concerns with online forums………. op has a different opinion and view on things. must be trolling better report him and try to get him silenced so I don’t have to deal with people who don’t agree with me.

anyhow on topic, it is unfortunate that they weren’t able to deliver on time but would much rather them be behind on a ptr start date than the actual season launch. glad they caught the bugs now whatever they happened to be.


There are real opinions and concerns, then there is “concern trolling”. Some people will pick a topic and express over the top false outrage or issues with it. It is done to get people to jump in and “prove them wrong”, or take a dig at a company/game. Usually it is rather transparent, like this thread. The best way to deal with concern trolls though, is to ignore them. When they get no replies and the thread drifts off the forum, it discourages attention getting behavior.


People with good jobs tend to have paid time off. My job is hardly above average in salary but I have 3 weeks vacation in a year. Even so using a vacation day for any specific plan sucks if your plans get cancelled last minute :stuck_out_tongue:


wait so you are just assuming that the op isn’t actually mad about the start date being wrong? I could link you to all sorts of places where it is all people are talking about and they are all angry… i’m not mad about it myself but I know a whole pile of people out there are very mad about it.

don’t think its fair to just assume someone is trolling because you don’t think their issue is important enough to be valid.

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Post History matters. No, I don’t personally think the individual story is true nor that the OP is personally upset.

I do think some people are disappointed that a test server did not come up on the projected date during a pandemic when everyone is working at home. However, I think most people understand that test servers are just that, test servers, and they are not subject to the same standards as a Live release of a finished game.

Nothing from the PTR transfers back to Live and people have two weeks to test out whatever builds they want. There is no time pressure.


People are mad because of a PTR start date for an 8 years old game that is on life support. The PTR will run for 2 weeks the season for 3 months +/-, most people will be done with the season in 2 weeks. Bring on D4, or at least create a D4 forum. This forum is getting ridicules.


I tried to PTR yesterday.
Oh well…

You are preaching to the choir. I spent the last 10 years moderating a site with over 4 million members and over 350,000 active users at most times. So I understand things like this far more then you could ever imagine.

Threads like these really are nothing more then someone stating their opinion. Some dont agree and some do. I know someone in the same boat as the OP. He took a couple of days off to do the PTR. Is he upset? Sure but he knows it happens has he has been late on a dead line a time or two. Not everyone understands that.

My whole point is really is the same one the PHONIXFIRE has said.

Kid makes a post and out come the normal trolls and haters. (we all know who you are) Which makes major gamers not want to come to these forums.

I have tried to get more players to come here and in my quest I have found that these forums are deemed just slightly worse then reddit and this is why.

Now instead of people jumping on him telling him how much he is wrong. Why not look at it for them point of view. ( I know such a rare thing these days) or if you dont agree. Then skip the thread and move on.

Who is more to blame. The pointless thread or the troll-mongers that keep replying telling him how wrong he is.

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oh ok that’s fair I didn’t look at any post history at all so maybe it was just a fishing troll post.

if so it resembled a lot of peoples actual opinions so it seems believable enough to me. doesn’t matter in the long run, hopefully they get the ptr up and running so we can all have some fun!

I mean Im sure the intention was to start it that day- but it is the PTR (subject to change)

but to the majority of replies- dont tell people they shouldn’t take a game seriously because its a game- there’s nothing wrong about being passionate about your hobbies or trying to be the best you can at any activity you enjoy.

The thing is people ARE disappointed. That is true and real. What is not likely real is the story that sounds exaggerated and using it to take a dig at Blizz (something the OP regularly does - and has a right to have an opinion on).

These kinds of threads are how we end up going back to NO date given at all for a PTR. It just shows up when it shows up IF it shows up at all. I was pleased they gave a planned date, told us they were working on it, and then told us it would not go live after all due to issues. I prefer the actual communications, not going back to no news at all.

Do we really want to go backwards on communications?


why is this guy rearranging his life around a game?


Reported for trolling.

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Ya cause they did that intentionally dude shut up with this stupid stuff get off the forums

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You said: [quote=“Nefertiri-1907, post:16, topic:17000”]
If someone wants to take time off work for frivolous activities

Setting: In my country we have 26 days to use as paid holidays (we even get bonus payment by taking holidays longer than 2 weeks straight). I still have 5 days unclaimed from previous year (which I have to use before September 30th) and 26 from current year.

That’s it for setting, now the main topic:
What’s wrong with wasting days off? I have a few weeks to spend to rest from work and by all means I’m going to use some of this time for frivolous things like gaming, reading books, watching movies and visiting other countries (currently saving money for 2 week holidays in Japan). Still I have a garden and a lot of work around the house, so still gonna use some of that time for garden/house works though.

Didn’t read the whole post, did you?

Take time to do what you want. Don’t be blaming Blizzard and grousing because it didn’t work out to suit your plans.

Sounds like people forgot what the T in PTR stands for. Bugs and show stoppers happen all the time, putting broken stuff out is worse then an delay.

Most likely OP but saying it’s his friend.

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^^ This human has a personal grudge against me and others.

She doesn’t know what she’s talking about on some issues.

What this post about is real.

Many people love this game and play it for hours each day.

And in this post and others I’ve seen, some trolls make fun and deride the fact that people take time off for PTR and Season start.

People that go to Blizzcon and talk to devs and other Blizzard employees get a false sense of what is going on there.

And taking a tour of Blizzard HQ would be interesting, but again gives you no sense of what is really going on there.


Just going to throw this out here…

Why didn’t your friend make a post, rather than you doing so on their behalf? This is why it sounds less believable, because “asking for a friend” generally means there’s not an actual friend, it’s the person that’s asking but they’re too embarrassed to admit it’s them.