Not sure if this was discussed and if a solution was proposed by PLOOTers
If you want every single player to get their own anni or torch, you just want the game to die 8x faster.
Curious to see if anyone has real okayish solution
Not sure if this was discussed and if a solution was proposed by PLOOTers
If you want every single player to get their own anni or torch, you just want the game to die 8x faster.
Curious to see if anyone has real okayish solution
Torch and anni same as always 1 drop per defeat
Nobody does these things usually in public.
So exact same as always
Both items should remain as they are currently in D2.
They drop, anyone can grab.
Uber Diablo can spawn in public games
Nobody advocates for ploot where it increases the drops by 8x. Practically nobody does Uber trist in a public game and Uber Diablo already drops only one anni. (That would have to stay the way it is unless people are fine with it auto allocating to one person in the area).
Leave them as they are.
These are “special event” drops I’m sure basically everyone is fine with having the system remain the exact same for these items.
Or as McLadin said, the ubers could be FFA.
In the end it wont matter too much anyway.
tbh, if happens on public games and all 8 folks are on the same spot. If the “ploot” is on, should be handled as random as usually would be on that feature.
Every single one of them should have the same odds to get the loot.
Could be a downer for some, but it’s the caveat of playing that mode anyways. Like would be a caveat of being a ranged class on a FFA situation also.
When you slide the on/off switch on game creation/selection you would be aware of that, simply as that. Folks should avoid complicating mechannics too much.
The game itself already deals with the number of players near the monster to increase or decrease the monster rarity drop %. So anything related to drop should treated as same as usual.
Tbh, I’m not found of timming idea, but I would like to know that someone got something. At least could give me a chance to bid and try trade with the person who got the loot. Because I know the loot got dropped and could have the chance of trade with the player who was lucky enough to get it.
Should your chance should be always 1/X if you’re one of the players near the monster, the system already knows how many players are in there, identify those players wouldn’t be a problem either, where X it’s the number of players in the game near the monster. While the timming thing can work in other games, it just overcomplicate things. Make it simpler and cleaner, like MF already is.
Now extend this thinking to all items and boom you realize that ploot is hot garbage that wont be visited upon D2.
Kinda like regular magic finding?
I really don’t get the need to mf in pubs. I can run a baal game for days on end with a geared hdin and never cry for loot. Just like I can leech when I need to level alts.
Any time I need gear, I f-off to my own game and find it, alone or with friends.
What the problem is?
I think the timeout is needed because otherwise there might be items that drop for player 1 who doesnt need them and leaves them on the ground but player 2 would like to have some of them. The timeout would allow to player 2 to simply pick up unwanted items from player 1.
Without this feature you would essentially take some items out of the economy thus effectively decreasing drop rates.
Now extend that statement to your post history and you would actually have a factual statement!
I’d prefer Uber drops also to be split by Ploot (in ploot games). There is no reason why a player who can “grab” the item shouldnt just get the ploot chance in a ploot game on anni/torch/standard.
It’s fair assumption, even truthful, that would decrease the number of the items. Which the game always had the same issue before, when someone ran through maps to reach like baal throne or certain monster. Some loot are dropped on the ground even if we don’t notice it, on cow level would be even more impactful because folks could find stuff way more easier than just run around the same pack of corpses several times because of a ton of loot on the ground.
Think this way, if the player doesn’t want and neither care about trade the item, it’s a loss for both parties, still the system would work without any “overcomplicated” behavior. Public games weren’t never intended to be about items, was about of exp. Just because can be annoying doesn’t mean that shouldn’t exist.
Who wants to get a chance to pick all items would be FFA, while who want’s folks killing stuff would go on Ploot. Ploot would give you odds if you’re near the monster, but you could know if someone picked something and bid for it.
Think this way: Chat filter with rarity items in game, you select the filters you want and you should see what others got, if you want a piece you ask or bid or trade for it. D3 already have a system similar to that, on clan basis informing when somebody got a legendary item.
If the player didn’t bothered to pick, they shouldn’t be bothered to send it to you. It’s a loss for both but would save time because both would focus on exp instead checking the ground for several stuff they players would see 1/X of the stuff everytime.
For me, ploot wasn’t for “easier” way to get loot, was for optimization on exp side. If you get a loot, great, if someone else gets it. You try to trade with them, if the person who got the item didn’t picked or saw, it’s a loss for both parties. At least the chance of the item being invisible in the middle of several items would be way less like on cow levels.
Ploot is about exp, FFA is about loot. The proof of it, would be nobody would use Ploot on private games or solo, because would be less optimal on drops(folks only pick what they want) and wouldn’t make any difference if they “divide” to conquer.
Because on private you are supposed to be playing with friends or a team or clanmates. Loot shouldn’t be a issue or a matter to care about who picks what, everyone would know and inform what they would need, the first who finds it would give it to the needer.
Having both modes with strengths and weakness just shows that folks could play the way they please. Complicating stuff too much can be really annoying and turn stuff really “inviable” to even develop/design.
That same overcomplicated timed design was what made someone create a post like the current one, with some people already disagree between themselves.
Folks play FFA for a reason, folks should play Ploot for another reason. Trying to have both worlds is complicate stuff because you can’t be happy with neither of the systems just generates more problems than solutions.
The impact of public games on economy is minimal at best, if a rare thing happens to drop in a public game and nobody gets it, it’s a loss for everyone that accepted that mode by the price of faster leveling.
Ploot often advocates against pick it and folks just waiting the right time to pick the loot, while in reality having a timing would be the same as FFA just “slower” with some kind of “loot leader”. Ploot itself should be instanced loot for each player individually, in this case by being sorted on RNG.
Because having the time of folks waiting to kill the monster and see folks waiting their time for pick the loot aren’t that different concepts at all, which would make me rethink of really consider return to play public games after more than a decade or if I just should keep playing SSF and private game with friends.
Ploot should reduce the number the items on the market as caveat to have more exp per hour than alternative. That’s why several folks can’t agree with anything because nobody wants compromise, neither folks against Ploot neither pro Ploot. The middle ground wouldn’t be neither Ploot or FFA would be something like “timed loot rotation” where each player would have their own time to actually pick the loot.
I do believe that the majority of players will be beating ubers solo. So they will get those charms by themselves.