the oficial name is Diablo 2 Resurected, the devs always have said that it will remain around 70% like the orginal and 30% improved/changed

It’s certainly a fine line. I would submit that if the game can be played just as it’s played on Bnet 1.0, it’s a remaster. Additional options that do not affect that gameplay can be included.

right so leave the loot system in the 70% and put andariel’s broken glitchy attack moves in the 30% kthx

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Did legendary items rain from the sky at D3 release or later on in D3? Or did items rain from the sky later on in D3:Ros?

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Then you can absolutely keep playing that way. This is just an elective option in creating a game.

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all of the above, yes.

You’re not getting ploot.

You can’t run it alongside ffa without ruining the game.

If you can’t reason it out, that’s on you.

I mean, that can happen in FFA, I remember having many leechers in the games that didnt attack the elits at all but were the first looting :rofl:


Then you clearly do not know the history of D3. In D3’s early days, the legendary drop rate was abysmal. Over time, especially in D3:RoS the drop rates got much higher.


Can you give me an example of how ploot, as it’s being described, would ruin the game? Why not just simply avoid using the option for when you play? How would it affect you then?

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I’ve done it countless times, hence…

I’m over explanations.

That’s not an argument. You claim to have the magic reason no one has been able to post yet. And can’t post it because you’ve “done it countless times”. Silliness.

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What have we been writing about in the past hour?

He can not and has not provided a compelling argument in my mind.

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This is ploot thread for crybabies #1203. My desire to think for others is exhausted.

You’re not getting ploot.

If he’s citing how he thinks it will divide the community, that’s already been addressed. How would it divide the community more than the ability to make Baal run games divides the community? Not everyone likes doing Baal runs, thus the community is divided. Not everyone likes doing ploot runs, thus the community is divided. It doesn’t hold any water. What other reason is being given?

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you have addressed it, sure, but the problem is not dismissed by talking about it. how a person feels doesn’t change the outcome of something.

It is what it is, D2R is a remaster of D2 ploot is not part of D2 and would greatly change it to the core, if you have problem’s with click scripts that should be the focus, not changing the atmosphere of the game and making it easier on the loot’s.

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Clearly you’ve never seen a Twitter mob. Nothing could be further from the truth in 2021.


That’s correct. And there is no substantive explanation given yet on why this would divide the community more than making Baal only runs does. Please explain the difference.