Yeh they only stopped banning cause they game was 20 years old and they left it on life support expecting it to die.


You cannot make the case that D2 is not full of botting and hacking. It is. This works to fix that in a manner that blizzard would not have to do much. That is to say, that they’d be willing to do.

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Blizzard is not dealing with this becuase they have no reason to, they are giving us stuff like personal loot diminishing the effects of those hackers and there is now no need to deal with them, they destroy a major part of the game, but if the community is silent who cares?

but, they did. there was a time when the most you could expect if you made a hacked item and traded it was a week tops and then your account would be locked from online play. they stopped because “ded game” and “let it die,” but after so many users went back from d3, whose to say they wont do it again?

I would just say that Blizzard has had decades to do something about this, and it’s always been a big community issue. Expecting them to change there mind now is foolhardy. It seems to me the only solution they will accept is one that does not require a large investment. This fits that bill.

moderating item values does as well.

Why should we ever accept this? even if they are not going to change their minds, why should we not give them a hard time for that? that is the thing, we are stronger as one community instead of a split one.

Nothing, and they should not stop there.

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I don’t disagree. Why not both?

easy solution: if you want personal loot, play single player/password protected games.

multiplayer is for questing, exp, and pvping.

the main MF runs don’t even make sense to do multiplayer lol

imagine a multiplayer pindle run. that run is over in 1 second lol

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As I mentioned earlier, the personal loot system is there way of solving the problem and it splits us, you are saying that the main issue is click scripts and hackers, if that is dealt with there is no need for a personal loot system.

another easy solution: have anti-cheat software scan for hacking tools on area load. done.

Why should the diablo community have to settle for that? What if someone wants to do public games for item hunting? Why should that not be possible because you cannot beat a script Pickit? It should be fixed. If one wants to do public group games to item hunt, they should be able to. This allows for that. And if someone doesn’t want to use such a system, they do not have to. It affects them in absolutely no way at all.

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because diablo 1 and 2 were always this way, and change is scary.

having FF also splits the community, many players only play single player that way.

how is that? the drops are gona be the same quantity,

why? You still can play FFA

you can still play FFA :wink:

In my opinion, yes this is correct. If there were no scripting issues, I would not find a need for this ploot system. However, others might. And I see no reason to not allow for the option since it doesn’t affect me. I don’t accept the idea that it splits the community any more than the ability to make Baal run only games splits the community.

they can do that…. with trusted players / friends

in diablo 2 there is literally no point to group mfing… all the main mf routes make literally 0 sense for group play

this isn’t diablo 3 where every monster has drops and items rain from the sky lol

imagine doing a pindle run which is over in 1 second with other players. what’s the point?

what’s the point in all rushing to andy to kill her in 1 second???

mfing in diablo 2 is very quick. it doesn’t take minutes like in d3.

What is the point calling this a remastered if your implementing a new system and turning this into a new game, a different one?


the why and how are answered quite simply: the mule sitting in the entrance to the level and waiting for you to clear the way each time you progress? you know, the guy who does nothing and watches youtube and eats pizza while you break your butt trying to get to the next act?

he’s gonna have the same chance to get the high tier loot as you now.

it’s free real estate.

Sorry but I prefer shared loot. Makes it more exciting :stuck_out_tongue: