you guys are missing the key point to economics, value is not dictated by usefullness, but how many people want the thing you have.

making something easy to access means it is less valuable intrinsically.

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it can’t possibly lower the rarity of items if more items don’t drop it just increases how many people have the items.

that makes it less valuable, because less people need/want it.

and lowers the overall rarity of the item.

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This is like saying no one should be allowed to make Meph Run games because not everyone likes to do those, and it would split the community. It doesn’t make sense. As far as lowering the rarity of items; it just means there would be less godly items in the hands of script users. This is something to encourage, not inhibit. If your feeling of accomplishment is affected by a ploot system, then don’t use it; you are unaffected by it as I’ve explained. I mean unless you’re really hell bent on having rich scripters.

you are missing the point to economy there is no economy for d2r atm it’s not a live game.

no it isn’t you are comparing apples to oranges.

people do different runs to increase / decrease the drop rates on specific item/reward values.

increasing access to specific reward values floods the market.

It can’t flood the market because it’s the same amount of items in the market regardless of ploot system use.

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then why are you arguing over hot air? just to blow smoke out of your chimney?

Im on your side but I think what they mean is the same amount of sojs will drop either way just everyone gets a chance at that soj. Instead of just the fastest clicker.

no the item is the same rarity, if their is 100 sojs in a season of d2r it doesn’t matter if it’s ffa or personal loot their will only be 100sojs in that season how can it be more rare if it is the same exact amount


loot was never seasonal in d2, loot is just loot.

seasonal loot isn’t in the QoL improvements, either.

I wrote this before, scripting users are the same as hackers in my eyes it gives the player an unfair advantage and should be dealt with, instead of dealing with these players discovering them and banning them, these days companies prefer to make a personal loot feature and look the other way and hackers are flourishing on most multiplayer games.


in fact, the only seasonal thing was ladder characters.

I consider item rarity community wide since you can trade with others, hence the overall rarity goes down.

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I agree that it would be best to just get rid of them. But Blizzard will not be doing that. It’s the reality of the situation. This is a viable solution, however. It will not involve the kind of investment Blizzard is unwilling to make in getting rid of them all. This passively eradicates the use of scripting, while not fundamentally changing the game at all. It’s a very elegant solution, imo.

that is generally what is meant by the economy trade in a MP.

why not, they did in the past.

WoW Classic was probably the most botted and hacked game in their entire history. They’re showing no signs of care about improving this if it requires an investment. This is something that can work to fix the issue, and be a minimal investment for them, all while leaving the game fundamentally the same.

in the past they would check item values to see if you were trading a hacked item and then ban you in d2, whats stopping them from doing the same thing.