fair enough but he also made his account 19 minutes ago for this forum

Yeah everyday newcomers come to the forums. Normal things in a pre launch phase i think

I dont get it , game been spoiled by bots & scripts since years now . This option in addition to being an accessibility option can reduce the phenomenon a little. Why do you think this is a bad things for the economy if droprate still the same ? Dont you think bot & scripts are bad for the actual economy ?

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I wasn’t aware this forum even existed until I read this thread, and I was checking the forum to see if the beta was playable yet in the first place.

and yet, if you check my profile, I have purchased OG diablo 2 and the expansion, and have many old accounts from diablo 2 back in the day.

this is because in the early 00’s and in 98 you had to create a login in order to play multiplayer, and then they later decided to also link those accounts once the site grew.

there was a time in the early 00’s even, just less than 18 years ago in fact, where blizzard only used their website for forums and news.

if there isn’t a change to class specific items or drop rate, then there wouldn’t be an incentive to letting people who hang at the back of the party have the same chance as everyone else to get the loot.

if it’s not about that, then pLoot is just an excuse for missing the item you needed to get in a multiplayer setting, plain and simple.

the item pricing is going to be different in d2r than it is on d2 anyway, it has 20 less years of item hoarding and supposedly fewer bots, now would be the opportune time to change the loot system options because the economy of this game is not established, as well with more people having access to items it should make trading more robust and lower prices as you have more options of people to buy from and fewer people will be able to stockpile wealth as easily to increase prices.

I’m not comparing the old to the new, I’m comparing the current trading system to a hypothetical one.

The click scripts need to be dealt with, along side with anything that is related to bottings and hacking, but adding personal loot lowers the value of the items you mannage to get, and lowers the feeling of accomplishment that is long lost in games made by Blizzrd, this feeling of accomplishment should be part of D2R that is how we done it in the “old” days (even in WoW), and since this IS a remastered it is a major part of this game and its atmosphere.


the lowering of the value of personal loot is what i mean by affecting the economy of trades. suddenly a high level Stone of Jordan is meaningless.

Well if that’s the way you feel about it, you need only not use the option. It has no affect on the game for anyone else. If FFA standard is your preference, it will still be widely available all over the place. I can certainly understand why someone would not want to use a ploot system.

or letting people with technological limitations based on where they live, people with different abilities such as MS, MD, hearing and eyesight impairment, play the game in multiplayer without forfeiting all loot. It would also prevent hackers from abusing the system to take all the loot.


I dont see how , in a FFA game a SoJ drop 1 guy take it , in Ploot game a SoJ drop , 1 guy win it , that the same


if you have something hindering your playability outside of the game’s limitations, it is not unfortunately up to the creator to change their game to tailor to your needs, but the other way around.

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Yeah it’s not making any sense at all.

a soj would be worth what a soj is worth no matter how it drops it’s got the same stats can be equipped by any player and is still like 2nd or 3rd best caster ring.

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ease of access changes an item’s worth. if mining down the earth close enough to smell platinum but not actually striking the vein meant you could still grab it, it wouldn’t be worth more than gold.

You are correct that godly items will not be as centralized in the hands of script users. But I welcome that. Not sure why you’d support the opposite.

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lol they arent centralized to scripts, you use SoJ to craft extra gem slots, in Hell-Mode they drop like candy already. allowing people to grab them from far away means you let mules take advantage of a broken loot system.

that inundates the trade market with SoJ and then the need for them drops, thus affecting trade value.

value in an economy is reflected by how many people want it, not how useful it is.

but the scenario isn’t mining down to something you can’t see in the current game you mine down with a team you find 100grams of platinum and your partner knocks you out and takes all the platinum, or (person loot) you have body guards that protect you you both have 50grams of the platinum. how the gold in someone else’s cave only relates to how much platinum is dug up in this case so 100grams either way.

But the only change, regarding what you are talking about, would be less godly items in the hands of script users, and more of them in regular players hands. You are suggesting that this will hurt the economy.

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But it does affect my game, this splits the community and lower’s the rarity of all the items, ruins the feeling of accomplishment, overall ruins the best part of D2 (my thought).