Please put PERSONAL LOOT has been around since 1993

bruh OP did, I dunno where you are making this delineation.

I’m telling you what’s being specifically suggested by proponents. OP was not specific, and if he wants a D3 system, he’s the only one.

so ur hijacking a thread? make your own?

Stop derailing. This is on topic.

it hasn’t though, but yes battlenet has existed since 1996 but d1 was not commonly played online.
not really sure why you directed that comment at me though.

You know television has been around since 1930, but my grandfather bought his first in 1968 to see Armstrong on the moon. So people without an internet connection before D2 is not a big deal haha

so is saying that we dont want a D3 or D4 system, even though you keep trying to overshadow a hypothetical topic.

my bad I didn’t realise you were using a personal “we” I was using a universal “we” so I was confused haha.
I get you.

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but d3 or d4 systems have nothing to do with the topic at hand. personal loot in d2 has nothing to do with those games.

Np like i said before , english is not my primary language , sorry ^^’ Sometimes I fail just to express myself well

Just make it so that each game you join will have the option of being a “personal loot” or a “shared loot” game. Let the players decide. So, if you select that you are only interested in “shared loot” games, or yourself as a shared loot player than you will only be able to see and only shared loot games in battle net will be visible to you and visa versa. No one can invite you to personal loot games, you cannot join them or see them and vice versa.

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he was a kid he was using the my parents pay for stuff “we”

you doubted someone had been here 10+ years. are you high or willfully ignorant?

the d3 forums the place he said he has been silent on for 10 years haven’t been around for 10 years they have been around for 7 and the d2r forums have been around for less than 1.

I think you might have a hard time understanding english, personal “we” is the “my parents pay for stuff” “we” useage, “we go to the store to buy groceries in America” is the “universal” “we” useage.

But I have, I was playing Blizzard’s products ever since Warcraft 2 came out, was very active on the forums during my time playing WoW by the time D3 came out, I was no longer active on the forums, however I still logged in to see what is up with the community up untill I lost interest (I liked the RMAH, probably one of the few, and was dissapointed it was removed, then they added all the restrictions on the drops).

Well I would end a 10 year silence to chime in and stop a D3 loot system being installed on D2R, myself. I get it. But that’s not what’s being asked for. Nor is anything being replaced. One can try to out click scripts to their hearts desire even with the available option to have timed player assigned loot drops. You just simply don’t check the box for ploot games.

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see you say that but some accounts migrated here from older forums from older blizzard games.

but why waste resource on an option which still effects the item pricing in the trades in all options of play?

the only way to fix that would be to have a separate trade network for people who select pLoot

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